Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The true story of Steve Francis

The true story of Francis Francis has been in previous efforts to enter the NBA in order to accomplish something earth-shaking undertaking. Now go all Steve is placing more and more, in order to restore quite a long time away from the Rockets former glory.
Steve. Francis is slowing down the pace, I do not know for what. In particular, he was alone in the Rockets locker room out of the time even more so. He always wore slowly Rockets red home uniform, then the players went straight straight through channel, direct track. even when out of the export channel players, but also not like that down and take the initiative and enthusiasm of the fans at least say hello, it's rare to come around child signature, but to accelerate toward the stadium.
contrast, from the stadium after the game the way back to the locker room, Steve is like a new person-like. He met with hello everyone, no matter how the race was frustrating, it is hard to see from his face, a trace. even with a small collection of clothes caddy joked: I'm tired for end yo! , the form will not be the slightest change. Steve can put all kinds of photographers are all hard to imagine the position, but you will not get that from his mouth what his prediction for the future, in the words of his full withdrawal. Francis is also a slum child who grew up poor, crime capital of Maryland, Take Ma mm, ironically, where only half an hour from Washington by car. to recognize the place, outdoor stadium in his hometown on the simple, nothing to give him too much attention, and his mother Brenda and his two brothers Terry and Jeff has shown extraordinary concern.
My family is great, three of them staring at me all day, every moment I'm not in their l r under surveillance, they are induced to allow me to two places, one is the golf course and the other is at home. ; Francis moved to say.
Francis the first look like. He was wearing jeans and a school issued uniform shoes, because the family can not afford for him is considered a luxury sports shoe. is such a child comes out of the spiritual, what attracted the club's basketball coach Tony. Longley, Tony invited the children may not look to his team training. soon Francis began his extra 6 hours per day of formal basketball training. Longley said: not much different from a child, the only thing is you never see his eyes from the intense competitiveness in the desire, regardless of where he would have to be the best. Unfortunately, he does not have a good physique for basketball. Blair high school to enter only 1 meter tall 60. At that time his height to prevent him from becoming the only factors that play the game, once the opponents come in a tall defender, the coach will have to change his fate, so Steve husband has never left the team, even if the coach let him play, he is also the most hardworking team players to train, that season, Francis played only a representative of the team. and not as a point guard, but as a Shi Leng Jian-third of the external conflict pitcher. The following year he was sidelined because of an ankle injury for almost the entire season.
For Francis, it was not the worst. tragedy struck him in the young Steve His mother, Brenda, to cancer that year left him at age 39. isolation, that he almost lost the courage to live. good luck.
people together
that next fall, a kind friend for Francis, University of Connecticut to apply to the preparatory classes the opportunity, but even if the school provides a large amount of money grants, Francis still can not afford the high In 1995 the tuition fees in November, Steve had to leave the basketball elite Cornell, once again returns to his hometown Take Ma town. 18-year-old Francis has played only one season of poor high school league, but he still dreamed of one day to enter the NBA.
the next few months will start school while he continued his long-abandoned school, the reason for this is to the same as other students to complete high school curriculum after the direct access to the university. On the other hand, this stage he crazy performances on the pitch almost conquered all those who have seen him play. At this point, can no longer continue to limit the height Francis played, he is fast and no one can guard him, he was incredibly fast break even that he had attacked his opponent's injured leg to prevent him evil thoughts. may be paid pro Heaven, God's blessing began in Francis's body revealed. his height in just a few months to grow more than 20 cm, while the vertical height of more vacated a staggering 1 meter 10, emerged from the meeting, a basketball genius. Steve proudly: I'm obviously not on the court than others short. . and he was lucky to get his high school diploma, so that nothing can stop this genius to university alliance. have 克萨斯圣哈辛 care Young University basketball coach Francis glance phase of this can be made only , offered him a full scholarship to the first time that Francis set foot on land in Texas. Here's a year, he led his team to win a national championship, and later returned to his home in Maryland, into the of a free community college tuition Alai Ghani play, where from his home in the Take Ma only 3 hours drive.
Francis said: severe homesickness. University of Maryland to receive a full scholarship, but also to enable him to enter this has long been his favorite basketball schools in the talent to show.
is always shining gold
far away in Texas, when Francis to Have you ever thought directly into the professional NBA league. But he found that if you are not born in Duke, North Carolina, Maryland and Georgetown that the door, your way of development in the NBA will not be flat, and very the bench may be hanging around with the injured list, and ultimately his own career as Love runs out of gold. This of course can not be Francis's vision for his career, and he was determined to board the NCAA elite arena, so his career began in a relatively much higher starting point. This is why the work of Francis the same as Americans for the University for a three reasons.
Francis truly talented minds of Americans, or labor disputes that trouble NBA a season, no NBA games until January to see the Americans to look toward a full NCAA, it is just a stage for Francis, but he is well-deserved lead.
Francis said excitedly: , the United States people are watching NCAA. which also include those NBA players, managers, owners and scouts. field is 2.8 steals ranks first among all Division entire Atlantic Coast. soon the season ended, but Francis was time to enter the NBA, he announced plans to participate in the 1999 draft.
self-control, self-control
was still recognized belly of the NBA Vancouver Grizzlies selected Steve Francis, as the second place show he was very uncomfortable, he thought he hit something hard in the NCAA not to join such an achievement all the people were considered to be There is no future for the underdog. even though the Grizzlies organization has a new star rising: Mike. Bibby, which would also put Francis into the shooting guard position, a position he was most reluctant to accept. It caused so much dissatisfaction with the Grizzlies will play out his deal, the Grizzlies fans still obsessed with the fickle then widowed intended Francis, Francis, in their eyes is synonymous with selfishness, Every time I hear the negative Francis They will be ecstatic news, but also excited about winning than the Grizzlies. And then this scene is still so natural enemies of the Memphis Grizzlies and the General Francis hostile to each other.
Francis do not want to have no future in a seemingly team, playing themselves and do not want to play a position, his departure is only a matter of time. Although today the Grizzlies has been transformed into the western teams, but Francis still think the original decision was correct. This is Rockets in the game with the Grizzlies lost big difference, the Grizzlies put all the booing fans who generously dedicated to Francis are the reasons, maybe this is Francis knot in this life are inextricably linked.
. Francis Dawson to lead to Texas again. That is really a big deal, involving a total of 3 teams, 11 players, and two future first-round draft pick and the aim is to have just joined the NBA for a small tall, the transaction itself is very risky. Francis Dawson from college in Texas when he became loyal fans, has maintained his concern for Francis friction with the Grizzlies just gave Dawson one day given opportunity.
The first professional season, Francis has made considerable progress, with an average 18 points per game, 6.6 assists and 1.5 steals. outstanding performance made him with the draft pick Elton? Brand shared Rookie of the year Award.
after his first three NBA seasons has been elected to the main West All-Star point guard. But just when Francis when the future is bright, the Rockets have continued to suffer from missing the playoffs for 4 years of combat, which flat stardom can not give him cast a shadow, this is the history of the Rockets team built the first 1 could not make the playoffs for 4 years.
Francis has successfully achieved his childhood dream ?? to become a professional player, but fortunately he only took 4 years to become a household name in this league star. but even he admitted that, if successful he could not put the Rockets into the playoffs and then advance toward a championship, then he would not ever become the real protagonist in this league.
Rockets coach Jeff? Francis Van Gundy agreed point of view: playoff win, he is the real has its own victory. If he can not lead his team to the playoffs, then he will never become the iconic characters of the league. Road
2002 年 Rockets successfully signed the and the external fire and Francis Mobley sharp break, the Rockets once again knocking the door of the playoffs, unfortunately they eventually come to grief a difference.
2003-2004 season they come back, This time, they could not find any reason to excuse for the defeat, especially Francis. Now Francis occasionally alone Rockets Toyota Center to honor showroom, not for anything else, just to see 1993-1994 1994-1995 season, the Rockets last season and made two consecutive overall championship.
Francis to win the championship is very clear how challenging, just as that body wrapped around 1 meter 60 and still doing little doom Like the dream of one day into the NBA. certainly no exception.
he is not slam dunk contest with Jimmy Carter that vindictive and frivolous youth, he was the Rockets 5-game losing streak the Rockets after 5 years of successful man Shouchang taste of the playoffs. Maybe this is only his successful first step.
Rockets general manager Carroll. Francis Dawson to lead to Texas again. That is really a big deal, involving a total of 3 teams, 11 players, and two future first-round draft picks, and the purpose of that have just joined the NBA for a little man, the transaction itself is very risky. Francis Dawson from college in Texas when he became loyal fans, has maintained his concern for Francis with the Grizzlies Dawson friction just gave a godsend.
Texas Star
your first professional season, Francis has made considerable progress, with an average 18 points per game, 6.6 assists and 1.5 steals. outstanding performance made him with the draft pick Elton? Blanchard Germany shared the rookie of the year award.
after his first three NBA seasons has been elected to the main West All-Star point guard. But just when Francis when the future is bright, the Rockets have continued to suffer for 4 years blow out of the playoffs, which can not but give him a flat stardom cast a shadow, this is the construction of the Rockets team history 1 can not make the playoffs for 4 years.
Francis has successfully achieved his childhood dream?? become a professional player, but fortunately he only took 4 years to become a household name in this league star. but even he admitted that, if he is not able to Rockets into the postseason success, and then advance toward a championship, then he would not ever become the real protagonist in this league.
Rockets coach Jeff? Francis Van Gundy agreed point of view: ; until his team made the playoffs in the victory, he is the real has its own victory. If he can not lead his team to the playoffs, then he will never become the iconic characters of the league . center (which proved too). coupled with the firepower of the external Mobley and Francis sharp break, the Rockets once again knocking the door of the playoffs, unfortunately they eventually come to grief a difference.
2003-2004 season, they come back, this time they could not find any reason to excuse for the defeat, especially Francis. Now Francis occasionally alone Rockets Toyota Center to honor showroom, not for anything else just to see the 1993-1994 season and 1994-1995 season, the Rockets championship two consecutive years.
Francis to win the championship very well how challenging, just as that 1 meter 60 and wrapped around the body Doom is still doing little dream of one day into the NBA as well. respect. just incredible. things, even the championship and there is absolutely no exception.
dunk contest that he is not vindictive on the frivolous youth with Carter, he is helping Houston Rockets 5-game losing streak after 5 years the taste of the playoffs Shouchang the successful man. Maybe this is just the first step of his success.
full potential. first-round draft picks and the aim is to have just joined the NBA for a little man, the transaction itself is very risky. Francis Dawson from college in Texas when he became loyal fans, has maintained for his concerned about, Francis friction with the Grizzlies just gave Dawson a godsend.
We're excited. draft pick Elton? Brand shared Rookie of the year award.
after his first three NBA seasons has been elected to the main West All-Star point guard. but just a bright future of Francis, the Rockets team has continued to suffer from missing the playoffs for 4 years of combat, which can not but give him a flat stardom cast a shadow, this is the history of the Rockets team built the first 1 to enter the quarter for 4 years can not be after the race.
Francis has successfully achieved his childhood dream?? become a professional player, but fortunately he only took 4 years to become a household name in this league star. but even he admitted that, if successful he could not put the Rockets into the playoffs, and then advance toward a championship, then he would not ever become the real protagonist in this league.
Rockets coach Jeff? Francis Van Gundy has agreed to the view: become iconic figure in the league. again become so powerful inside the center (which proved too). coupled with the firepower of the external Mobley and Francis sharp break, the Rockets once again knocking the door of the playoffs, unfortunately they a the difference between the end come to grief.
2003-2004 season they come back, this time they could not find any reason to excuse for the defeat, especially Francis. Now Francis occasionally alone came to the Toyota Center in Houston Honors showroom, not for anything else, just to see the 1993-1994 season and 1994-1995 season, the Rockets championship two consecutive years.
Francis to win the championship is very clear how challenging, just as 1 meter 60 and that the body was still wrapped around little bad luck into the NBA dream of one day doing the same. and I won the respect of everyone. just incredible. These you can not erase the things from him, even the championship and there is absolutely no exception.
he is not the slam dunk contest with Jimmy Carter that vindictive and frivolous youth, he was in Houston the Rockets after five-game losing streak 5 years, the taste of the successful man Shouchang playoffs. Maybe this is just the first step of his success.

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