Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Century, the most popular ideas

 Guo Fu 
how much the U.S. round of the United States to construct the magic words 

network once popular In network language, the 

fire for a while, It is said that Popular

network faster, out of something else. Once violent red Know

No person, in the eyes of the young Internet users, have become obsolete. The word from the two 

from But  
What is 

Han Yu, Starting in 2008, in the Chinese community in the network area, Chinese characters. 

mathematical functions, there are some functions like image When we add a square outside the function, when a mathematical sense of 

. Its meaning is: as the first expression of the heavy thinking; as the face, the expression of romance and passion. Frustrated and Reach in the culture, it is the role of the former; often said depressed expression, or to describe a person sick wretched; indicate very very strong. To understand the . When a person says The Just perfect for the.

in a different context, After being widely used, meaning gradually increased, in addition to the beginning of the spoof of  
in Oracle already has a On

1. the window said. Xu Shen,

2. granary said. Qu Wanli said:

3. sacrifice were said. In Shogo said:

4. names said. Some people believe that, 

5. become the leader said. Yin Hong, 

6. eyes. China's Liu Shahe who has studied the text that Originally the outside is a circle, as eyes in the middle of the 

can be seen in the But how to say what names are still no clear.

Oracle and the inscriptions Square carved Ming round more difficult, as it did not reflect the character image circle is not round effort into something. In other words, from the pictographic point of view, if the Even if the houses are circular windows Shang Dynasty, it will not be more than the square. Since the production of square window easily than the circular window, the windows of houses are usually square. So, To take shape because of the text should be based on the common image of the things represented by the window with a round that is unbelievable.

Only from the I have seen on the So what names it is embarrassing? May be the worship place. This is a typical agricultural nation ritual way. The ancient ritual of earth or stone base to be used for high-profile building, and then the stage for the festival. This custom was first played in the Yellow Emperor, the Yao, Shun and Yu period has become popular.

sacrificial system originated in the worship the gods of a particular site-specific Official Ceremony. And compliance regime for the ages as the most important imperial era laws and institutions.

the first festival in a natural hill or mound on the later development of rammed earth and stones to Taiwan. Taiwan is one of the earliest architectural forms. After the Han dynasty, in addition to worship nature as God's special construction, called 

famous peak of the altar of the Temple of Heaven has Wangwushan Hill (King Lam Taiwan), here is the Chinese ancestor Huangdi located where the altar to heaven, the legendary Yellow Emperor in this report days, nine days Xuannv moved west down Queen Mother granted There Xian Temple (ancient name is Huan Qiu, also known as dome), Beijing Temple of Heaven, to the altar and so on.

ancients believed that the altar, This is the altar of the General Orders.

In ancient China, The composition of the altar from the ground plane to the wall ring, thanks to the construction of Taiwan, a series of squares of different sizes recurrent, and the Temple of Heaven in the round as a symbol of the repeated motif constitutes a sharp contrast to the situation. These repeated square, not only has strong symbolic significance, but also created a composition on the smooth, coordinated, and stable architectural image, which in turn the true nature and the earth is the same plain.

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