Monday, October 25, 2010

Clothing with the color match is the first element

 Home decoration as well. When considering the dress love of family, the first must have an overall color scheme, in order to determine the decoration and furniture and home accessories color choices. If you can

harmonious use of color, you can more freedom to dress up your loving family. 
black with white to create a strong visual effect, but in recent years into one of the popular gray, black and white to ease the visual sense of conflict, thus creating another different flavor.

three colors out of space, filled with the Cool modern and futuristic. Color in this context, it will produce by the simple reason, order and professionalism.

popular in recent years, 
in blue and orange lines based color matching system, showing the modern and traditional, ancient and now the intersection, the collision both surreal and retro-style visual experience.

Department of blue and orange lines and is in stark contrast to the original color, but in some changes on both sides of the color, so that two colors can give the space a new life. 
most people in the home, the less ready to try to be too bold colors, believe it is safer to use white. If you prefer white, afraid of the home confused as hospitals, as the color white + blue, like the Greek island, all the houses are white, ceilings, floors, white brush on the street all the lime, showing pale tonality. But the sky is light blue

, the sea is blue, the cool white and flawless performance out of this white, people feel very free, as are part of nature, it is open-minded , home seems like the sky and sea space, like the open nature itself.

To create such a Mediterranean style, to his family and things, such as furniture, home accessories, curtains and so limited to a color in the. So have a sense of unity. Those who aspire to blue sky, white and blue is the best home life with your choice.

younger people living in space, the use of light yellow or light green with purple and blue is a good color scheme.

goose yellow is a refreshing, fresh color, represents the joy of new life, the most suitable for a small baby at home home colors. If the green is the color makes you feel calm inside, and yellow light can be in the pleasure, let the space steady down. Therefore, this matching method is very suitable for young couples to use way.

1, black, white, gold, silver, gray and other colors can be and all;

2, had discordant colors become black or white bordered harmonize;

3, the room should be divided into primary and secondary colors, or cold or warm, do not mean to treat, it is easier to appeal to the eye;

4, painted the room light can make the room appear broader;

5, choose light or cool the room, will feel the air is fresh and smooth;

6, dado color should be coordinated with the wall color, wall color brightness than low; baseboard at the bottom of the wall, the color should be chosen low purity and low lightness of the dark;

7, the ground color should normally be lower than the wall color brightness, purity and it is not high,Discount UGG boots, so that a stable visual effects;

8, window frames, door frames and other decoration accessories and wall color in general should not form too strong color contrast, color should be bright.

red dot the black space, can weaken the sense of the black chill.

color matching skills

warm and cool colors

warm colors including yellow, orange and red, cool colors including purple, blue, blue, green. Research shows that temperature is the same room, the choice of different colors, different people's well-being feeling. Hot weather, people tend to choose blue, green, gray and so cool. In the northern winter, the sun's rays weaken, the use of yellow color to maximize the effect of creating lively, with red, orange combine to make the room look warmer.

Tip: If you want the ceiling appear higher than actual, it can be painted white, and the walls painted a strong color contrast, the effect will be very significant. Instead, warm the ceiling in the visual look relatively low. The color of the best home for the milky white, ivory, white, color and people of the three most suitable for the optic nerve, because the sun just a white line, represents light, the human heart. Also need to reconcile the bright eyes and white series of the best home furnishing,UGG boots, white series also represents hope.

friends like the white floor, white floor is recommended, there are many families prefer to use a white floor, want to have a quiet home atmosphere. Recommend the use of white lines and other relatively light color, easy to give a peaceful feeling, it will not cause re-floor wall color Yen

color light of the

yellow with green walls, the floor should

some families prefer to use slightly yellow floor, walls on the use of

black color the floor should be adjusted with pink ivory

appeal the floor of deep colors and expression is very strong, distinctive personality traits, such as the floor itself, with a red hue to give a strong sense of color, and if the walls and then paint with the color of thick brush, would not seem to harmonize. But the choice of ivory with a pink tone, and the black color will form a unified sense of the floor.

cashmere deep brown color with the floor should

head of the household willing to put some of the white walls and floor with a deep tan, which makes the floor seemed very dark. If you choose the same wall as the Department of cashmere brown color, the color of the walls and floors are more easily accessible, space will become large. Style simple, fresh and elegant.

ground colors

ground color to set off the furniture, colors, and surface decoration is long-term renovation, under normal circumstances, would not be frequently changed, so to choose a number of factors should be considered. Among them, the neutral color of the color has always been mainstream, but if an appropriate combination of dark, light can achieve the desired effect. Under normal circumstances, should note the following:

room lighting conditions

room lighting conditions to the floor color choices. The room lighting a good range of choice and greater depth can be. The lower floors, inadequate lighting the room will have to pay attention to selecting a higher brightness, color, suitable ground material, as far as possible avoid the use of darker material. size Housing

color affects people's visual effects for the expansion of warm colors, cool colors for the contraction of color. Therefore, the small size of the room on the ground to select the dark shades of cool colors, or simple and clean the floor, gives rise to the feeling of expanded space. If I choose a strong sense of the warm floor will make space appear more narrow, an increase of repression. In addition, the choice of colors, textures, or ruled to be of small effect tend to avoid large and chaotic patterns.

selection and decoration style of the floor

flooring choice, not only to consider some of the practical situation of the room, the decoration style is to be one of the important factors to consider. Different style of decoration, if the floor is not the right choice, not only the effect can not play a finishing touch, but also make your whole style of the original unity is destroyed. Following is a brief introduction to three common styles of decoration to take the floor with.


texture of natural materials reflect, pay attention to the simplicity of nature, back to nature feel, reflects the vicissitudes of nature and the texture of old, is currently the more popular naturalistic approach, such as the use made of old wood Country furniture, more closely tied to soil and natural atmosphere. In the choice of flooring, solid wood may be considered a strong sense of a single fight, accompanied by large flowers, trees and other decorative knot on the floor, the main color of the wood color. Such as maple, pine and other wood effect, showing an elegant style of decoration.

minimalist fashion

feature is simple and neat, practical and generous. Because the Modern minimalist style emphasizes function first, form follows function. So in the design of the ceiling, walls and other space themes, there is not much practical value of modeling can save the province. Clean lines of furniture styles as much as possible to a straight line based. Color choices may be considered floors, ruled the small neat patterns or stylish simplicity of the design of artificial colors are clear traces of

as a means of decoration, wall color can change the room because of the appearance and style and attention. Color does not take room space, from space structural limitations, the use of convenient and flexible, best embodies the personal style of occupants.

color feature

psychological effects of color and every color has a special psychological effect, the temperature can affect the human perception, spatial perception or mood.

sense of warm and cold colors of nature originated in some of the things people think. For example, from red, orange, yellow and other warm colors will make people think of fire, the sun, which has a warm feeling; from the white, blue and blue-green and so cool to think of snow and ice, oceans and tree-lined, and feel cool.

sense of color and space

based color saturation,Bailey UGG boots, brightness difference, but also result in a different sense of space, can produce forward and backward, convex, concave effect. Out the warm high with outstanding, forward feeling cool with the low brightness recessed away from the feeling. The color sense of space in the home furnishings role is obvious. Small room in space, can produce back with a sense of color, the walls seem far away, giving the room an open feeling.

colors and human emotions

lightness and purity of color also affect people's emotions. Gives a bright and lively sense of warm, dark color gives a sense of melancholy. White and other solid color combination will make people feel lively, and the black is the color of melancholy. This psychological effect can be effectively utilized. For example, natural

less than the living room light, the use of bright colors, so that room is wrapped in a beautiful atmosphere, will make people happy. Wall color with the color of the wall constitutes the tone color of the room, followed, such as furniture, lighting, accessories, color distribution, etc., are subject to its constraints. Wall color should first consider the determination of the orientation room. The south and east to the room, adequate lighting, the wall should adopt the elegant light blue, light green, cool colors; north enough room or light room, the walls should be warm-based, such as milk, yellow, light orange, light coffee and other colors, not used deep colors. Choose wall colors and furniture colors, outdoor and environment. Wall from the background fill color for the furniture care role, the wall color is too rich grave, then would not achieve the background effect, it is appropriate to light colors, dark colors not used. If the outdoor area is green, the green light scattered into the room, with purple, yellow, light pink walls will be decorated with warm colors such as to create a like-like atmosphere of the sunny outdoors; if the outside is a large red brick or other reflective , wall to light yellow, light brown and other colors for decoration, you can give a smooth feel.

classic color scheme

a red color sense of warmth, staunch and outgoing personality is a strong irritant to the people of color. Easily lead to people's attention to the red, but also easy to make people excited, excited, nervous, impulsive, or an easy visual fatigue caused by people of color.

1, adding a small amount of red yellow, heat will make it strong, tends to agitation and unrest.

2, adding a small amount of red, blue, will make it less heat, tends to gentle and soft.

3, adding a small amount of red, black, will change its character, calm, tend to thick, simple.

4, adding a small amount in the red, white, will change its character, gentle, tend to subtle, shy, delicate.

Second, the yellow character cold, arrogant, sensitive, with the expansion and the visual impression is not tranquil. Yellow is the variety of colors, the most delicate of a color. Just pure yellow mixed with small amounts of other color, its hue and color characters are feeling there is a greater degree of change.

1, adding a small amount of yellow, blue, will make it into a fresh green. Proud of its character will disappear, become a peaceful, moist feel.

2, adding a small amount of yellow, red, orange is a clear sense of its character will be from the cold, proud, a sense of proportion into a warm, warm.

3, adding a small amount of yellow, black, the color sense and the greatest change in color, become a complex with a clear olive green color impression. The color change is also mature, easy-going.

4, adding a small amount of yellow, white, soft and change its color sense, his character in the cold, proud to be diluted, become subtle and easily accessible.

Third, the blue color being cynical, simple and introverted personality, is a cynical mind can help people quiet color. Blue simple, introverted character, that character often active, with strong expansion force of color, providing a far-reaching, wide Po, quiet space, to become active background color of the friendly and humble friend. Blue or even after a play down to maintain a strong personality like the color. If the blue were added a small amount of red, yellow, black, orange, white and other colors, the blue will not constitute a more obvious character of influence.

1, if the ingredients in orange, more yellow, the character tends to sweet, bright, fragrant.

2, in orange, mixed with a small amount of white, orange, perception can become anxious, powerless.

four, green is a yellow and blue color components. In the green, you sense the expansion of the yellow and blue sense of the contraction phase of moderation, the warmth of yellow and blue to offset the cold feeling. This allows the character of the green most peaceful, stable. Is a soft, quiet, Huang full, beautiful color.

1, the composition of yellow in the green is large, the character to become lively, friendly, has a childish nature.

2, adding a small amount of green, black, and its character to become serious, experienced, mature.

3, adding a small amount of green, white, and its character will tend to clean, fresh, fresh.

five, in a purple color pigment brightness is the lowest. Purple gives a dull, low brightness, mysterious feeling.

1, in the purple in the red component is large, the perception of a sense of oppression, sense of threat.

2, adding a small amount in the purple black, the feeling tends to dull, sad, horror.

3, add in the purple white, dull purple character can disappear and become graceful, delicate and feminine charm.

six bright white color sense, character, simple, pure, happy. White has the holy inviolability. If you add white to any other color, will affect its purity, its subtle character change.

1, a small amount of white mixed with red, to become faint pink, fresh and full of temptation.

2,UGG bailey button, a small amount of white mixed with yellow, then become a milky yellow, giving the impression of a Hong tired.

3, a small amount of white mixed with blue, giving the feeling of cold, clean.

4, in white mixed with a small amount of orange, there is a dry atmosphere.

5, a small amount of white mixed with green, giving a tender, soft feel.

6, a small amount of white mixed with purple, can induce people thinking faint aroma.

six, interior color and health

In recent years, national scientists and psychologists of color depth and meticulous research, and come to a

results show that: colorful household items and furniture, will be a healthy

Here come some experts concluded so-called

Red: stimulating and exciting the nervous system, increasing adrenaline secretion and increased blood circulation. However, excessive exposure to red, will produce the emotion of anxiety and mental and physical pressure, so that was easily fatigued, exhausted. Therefore, in the bedroom or den should avoid using too much red.

Orange: energy production, induced appetite, helps calcium absorption, which will help restore and maintain health. This color applies to entertainment room, kitchen, etc., to the bedroom, study it would be inappropriate.

Yellow: to stimulate the nervous and digestive systems, strengthen logical thinking, but the golden decorations are easily lead to instability and arbitrary action. Therefore, places and activities in the bedroom, it is best to avoid using the golden furniture.

Green: good for digestion, promote body balance, and can play a calming effect on hyperactivity or could benefit physically and mentally depressed. Natural green of syncope, fatigue, and to overcome negative emotions have a certain role. Blue: to reduce the pulse of the body to adjust the balance in the bedroom with

blue, eliminate tension, helps to relieve headaches, fever, syncope, insomnia. Blue elegant and quiet environment makes people feel.

Purple: The motor nerve, lymph system and suppress the role of the heart system, we can maintain the balance of potassium, there are quiet and love and concern for other people's feelings.

indigo: adjustable and muscle, reduce or stop bleeding, can affect vision, hearing and smell, the body can reduce the light sensitive effect on pain. The color is not suitable for decoration, but if used for fabrics, can make people a sense of security.

】 house is decorated in colors with classic techniques (a)! (click: 373)

Wuhan, Kunming 2009-08-15 12:44:59 TATA published in a small Sohu Focus Home - Decoration General Forum - Wuhan, Central Purchasing Forum

fitting because each person's skin color, hair color, eye color are different, so for each person are also different, with the right color icing on the cake, the wrong is self-defeating. Will be used on the dress color is important, in the interior decoration will be used on the As a fashionista, and learn to use if you know the color that best suits your group can not only charm of their own unique taste and the most perfect and most natural to show up, but also because the master color with better and more labor-saving relationship dress loving family. It laid out how to comfort and charm of it? Four Seasons Color

Because the color of each set of color group coincides with the color characteristics of the four seasons of nature is consistent, therefore, take this four-color group named cool color).

A, Spring Type: bright

color characteristics: light ivory, warm beige, delicate and have a sense of transparency.

Eye Feature: as shiny as glass balls, for the light brown eyes, topaz color, whites feel there is a lake blue.

hair color characteristics: bright as silk, brown, soft brown, chestnut, hair should be soft.

color matching principle: people should choose the type of spring is not too dark color. Yellow color of the warm color group of very fit, but it must be noted that the best choice for pale, bright, clean colors, such as: pale yellow, light green, white, light warm gray, camel, beige, etc. .

home experience: the delightful pastoral style, light colors give the home country to bring a new look of the The bright space is an important factor to fresh air, smarter logs or slightly yellow with gray blue-green in color compared to the taste feel

Tips: on spring-type people, black is the color of the least fit, too deep, the color of overweight people with spring-type white skin, flowing yellow hair discord tone , the color will appear in spring-type people seem bleak. Type one is characterized by the spring of bright and colorful. Who is to use spring-type bright, vivid colors, will make yourself feel full of energy, full of passion.

B, summer-type: elegant

color characteristics: powdery white, milky white skin, brown skin tone with blue, wheat colored skin.

Eye Feature: eyes and soft brown eyes were coke, dark brown.

hair color characteristics: a soft black, dark gray, soft brown or dark brown.

color matching principle: summer type of person suited to the blue base color tone of the soft and elegant, in color matching, the best to avoid large color contrast for color in the shades in the same match. For example: light blue, light blue gray, pale pinkish gray, purple, water, pink, rose red and so on.

home has been decorated as if a woman's prerogative, delicate, cute, like stars in the Floral and more popular in English country style, but with the trend of development, sexy, enchanting style in full bloom are also increasingly subject to urban Women's favor, this attitude flowers bloom only in the bright Primary colors with a woman's favorite color - purple, as if to put a romantic bedroom Shaman, contains a wonderful charm of a pulse-wan, swaying a feminine style. -

Tips: Summer-type people to choose the color must be soft and elegant. Summer pattern is not for the black, dark colors will destroy the gentle temperament summer type people, the available number of shallow blue-gray and purple instead of black. Yellow line, brown line, etc. are not suitable, no matter how popular, against the background of these colors, summer-type people would look dark dull yellow.

C, Fall type: gorgeous

color features: porcelain-like ivory skin, deep orange, dark tan or yellow orange.

eye features: dark brown, umber, ivory white of the eye is white or slightly green.

hair color features: brown, brown or copper, chocolate _

color matching principle: the most suitable type of fall color is golden yellow in color of the rich, thick warm colors. For example: brown, gold brown, brick red, rust red, moss green, mustard yellow, olive green and so on. The warm mixed group of people of color and autumn type glorified, will make it more healthy and exquisite.

home experience: fallen flowers of the The use of gold highlights the large area home owners to bring out the beautiful and noble qualities inherent nobility.

Tips: Fall-type people to choose the color to a warm, rich. Fall type who found the black skin will appear yellow, dark brown can be used instead. Home to master the tones of the same color in different shades or colors in the adjacent, more contrasting colors only as a small area of decorative colors to use, can only fall with a gorgeous and unique type of human sense of the city.

D, winter-type: solid color. color characteristics: plainer or slightly olive, with a blue brown.

Eye Feature: eyes black and white, sharp eyes, eyes as dark, umber.

hair color features: glossy black, dark brown, silver gray, deep wine red.

color matching principle: the most suitable for winter solid type. Choose red, optional are red, burgundy, and pure red roses. Color at the Four Seasons, only the most suitable type of winter use black, white, gray three colors, dark blue is the winter's patent-type color. However, when choosing colors must have a deep contrasting colors appear.

a relaxed, quiet Simple lines and strong color contrast from the inside express a master's refined temperament.

Tips: Winter color type of people to choose the point is: the color should be clear, high gloss. Winter type of people must pay attention to color contrast, can only look stunning contrast with, and refined.

【Classic】 house is decorated in the color matching skills (b) (Views: 442)

Wuhan, Kunming 2009-08-15 12:45:58 TATA published in a small Sohu Focus Home - Decoration General Forum - Wuhan renovated Central Purchasing Forum

former White House always the same, and now, rich colors to better reflect your personal style and preferences. Typically, the different colors with different effects. For example:

1, the general color effect: blue, green, gray, said dark room; dark colors make the room look smaller decrease in brightness.

2, harmonious colors: two to three kinds of colors similar to colors such as blue, green or gray, can produce the effect of quiet, delicate; color with properly, can muddy as a whole room or house, look spacious .

3, focusing on colors: the large area where the selected color, can be used one kind or brighter than the darker colors to show the rendering, such as the corner for the line. Focus on the color line for the small room decorative or apartments, more side by side.

4, contrasting colors: use a strong contrasting colors, such as light on dark, warm on the cool, the effect of vitality can be achieved.

color and mood

According to research the relationship between colors and human emotions, expert research, room layout options for when the Functions can be different in different rooms, color is not the same; is the same function rooms, such as is also the living room, bedroom, and sometimes by residents natures differ.

1, living room decoration Color: Light rose red or light purple tone, together with a little turquoise blue dotted is the most

2, restaurant decoration color: the color close to the land, such as brown, brown or beige, and the shallow coral close to the flesh as the most suitable, gray, mustard yellow, purple or green would seem often turnoff, should be avoided. If you is dieting to lose weight, the restaurant can be arranged to engender a sense of cool, blue, green or gray, you will also feel the food is delicious, but your appetite is

3, kitchen decoration color: bright yellow, red, blue and green colors are happy in the kitchen, and the more the color of the kitchen, housewives will feel the time pass more easily. White kitchen looks clean, but do not let the yellow with green appears.

4, bedroom decoration color: light green or pale pink in people will feel the warmth of spring for the cooler environment. Light blue is reminiscent of the ocean, people calm, refreshing.

5, bathroom renovation Color: pale pink flesh to make you relax or similar, I feel happy. It should be careful not to choose the green to avoid the light reflected from the wall, the mirror will make people feel that they face, such as when the dishes while the mood is not happy.

6, den or TV room decoration color: brown, gold, purple, purple-red or natural wood color, will give a mild discomfort, with a little green embellishment, will feel more relaxed.

Although the room on the emotional impact of color is relative, specific use should be combined with family members, personal habits without having to force all.

decoration color will affect the child's personality

use of color in children's room will affect the child's personality development:

1,0 years to 3 years of age, use a strong solid color, the environment is conducive to children's cognition.

2,3 by sex after age: more tough boys can use the red, blue; girl can use a soft solid, such as pink, sky blue or apple green.

3, orange and yellow to give the child to bring happiness and harmony. In general, children favorite color is pure and clear, these adults may find the color too bright, but innocent children develop optimism, work psychological quality, pure and honest culture, lively personality is helpful.

4, the combination of a variety of bright colors that children also tend to have a quiet and relatively good performance was a strange performance.

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