Monday, October 18, 2010

Encountered a problem, saying

 To a number of Bible for the letter explained that: confidence. understand those things we have not yet felt. Shows the confidence of hope for the future include the composition, simply, faith is what we become in the past according to God, and to believe in him to do in the future. In the Christian faith, the faith is a virtue, it gives me the door not only to believe, and desperate to trust. Christian pay attention to to also make all kinds of life against the will of God, repayment of the debt of God for man's sinners), have eternal life. So the letter is acceptable.

From here we can see that the West speaks of You ask them what is How to do is By Bible says the matter With said there? What evidence and arguments? What What, you do not say anything, say anything to no avail, because he Therefore, the

in the West, this The Bible says: it? God made. Why God made? Because Christians You see, even the origin of the universe can use the Bluntly, is that you

Chinese Wu: from Buddhism, Taoism. Buddha under the Bodhi tree is the first of the Wu Han explained the meaning of Code is The enlightenment of Zen into China, its claim is the Zen by the Neglect of the thought processes of Chinese philosophy, only the expression of thought conclusions and the conclusions they often do not directly say it, but in the form of an aphorism or fable to the audience to experience their own, like Lao Tzu's motto, Zhuangzi is good at expressing ideas with allegory, many idioms come from the parable of Chuang Tzu. The most obvious I said, undermines the definition of such a holistic, as Therefore, the This is the

and the West, this reason, to grasp the truth of all things, this is a And the West This seems to be a philosophical problem, and fully reflects the methods of Western philosophy in the great difference is that Western philosophy actors are being driven, then, as long as we have been moving forward to find the source, we can find a source of all things sports, this source is to promote all things which they can not be promoted by the presence of any of those things, and, Since only God who qualified for the existence of such, then this shows the existence of God. to convince everyone. The For example, what is whether previous experience to achieve the same understanding of the point, this is the Here we see a significant difference, the so-called proof the West is based on the concept of the carrier, through logical reasoning approach to a conclusion; and China's physical card, their thinking is completely different with the West, Chinese people basically do not attach importance to thinking process, and more attention to the results of thinking, is reflected in the body permits a direct conclusion of the Chinese people's Strictly speaking this way of thinking there is a feeling.

is the Western philosophy from the ancient Greeks, people understand the natural world from the beginning. Existence of invariant natural objects (the length of life than people) and the apparent regularity (such as the moon and stars alternating day and night) to promote the ancient Greeks created the philosophy and logic,bailey UGG boots, the so-called logic, that is, everything (including themselves and others their language, thinking, wisdom and so forth), the existence of the law of development. So they think that a unified model can be summarized in describing the objective world of modern science are basically built on the basis of this thinking, so Westerners like is a regular run of things, and will be able to apply certain rules to get things Therefore, in view of Western philosophy, the world is knowable. Chinese philosophy, the first from China's human, people from understanding their own began. Founded the fortune of the initial study of the Is change. What is changing it? Did not say,UGG boots cheap, only said that is changing; changing growth is called yang, yin is called impairment; so the yin and yang, the trend is changing,cheap UGG boots, and not something else. I said, Tao that can be extremely Road, clearly pointed out that this world is not altogether unpleasant unknown and constantly changing. Therefore, the Chinese do not like what at any time in changing. Compared to what the West can be . Therefore, the traditional Chinese long-term neglect of the history of the creation of logic, that ignores the creative thinking tools.

recently, see the online description is a book about the differences between East and the West letter - proof of concept - logical reasoning, br> said, 'You know, the difference between you and me is that I thought of as round the world and you think of it as a straight line.' note appeared on my face confusion and surprise, he added, 'The Chinese believe that things are changing them, but some things always come back to their initial state. Therefore they are concerned about a broader group of events; they are looking for relationships between things; they do not understand that the whole can not understand the local. westerners living much simpler and more certainty in the world; they are concerned about the constancy of things or people, rather than the broader picture; they think they run because they know the rules of things you can control the event. '... & hellip ;. From the equivalent of opening saw the introduction of the Chinese students said, is really typical Chinese thinking, it is out of the Chinese philosophy of doing things and thinking of starting point. In this book, the author provides an example worthy of further study to support this insightful view of Chinese students: psychological test subjects were to see three photos of children, one is the cock Most Chinese children to grass and cattle classified as a class, the cock on another; most American children and cock cattle classified as a class, the grass on another.

Why? Because children in China are accustomed to things as the relationship between the division of things, categories, and American children are accustomed to things as they are classified into In accordance with the In accordance with the Here, children are shown a materially different way of thinking is that the former first saw a relationship, then have to be connected between the entities. The latter first to see the entity, and then construct the relationship between the entities. Subjects are children, animals and plants they do not know the details of the internal knowledge of such areas and do not know, , and the habit of thinking based on this request to complete the experimenter. Therefore, the experiment can be seen as a social psychology experiment.

later, the experimenter has followed suit, the U.S. and Chinese college students have also conducted a similar experiment. They are the subjects that Result, American students show a strong similar to the monkey and the panda as a preference, while Chinese students are more inclined to monkey with the banana as a much closer thing. This experiment showed that the childhood form of thinking enough to continue into adulthood. with the origin of meaning. Therefore, wisdom - it's an almost negligible part of the West as being it as Finally, it stresses: Eastern wisdom, and its nature is the silence and the desire. The world as a whole contains a relationship with the million, not the insignificance of human reason to dismantle and reconstruct. Silence is wisdom, in order to pass the world by the sense of quiet.

from those of the West's letter, is a linear thinking, he saw a The Chinese people's This is non-local, and he accepted with Africa, and also accept Western ) to

So, we know that Westerners talk about , this issue rarely think about; Chinese people talk about the world, how life and treatment. Chinese and Westerners at this point of difference is that Westerners only look at the conceptual and logical The Chinese people are beyond logic, to eliminate the concept of digestion subject and object, inside and outside the boundaries of my property, so the main body directly into the object, not stand outside of life for the concept of logical analysis, but to join in the daily life of a world of emotional experience to direct the dynamic perspective, understand the lively life in the universe and human life, and the mix of both, so settle down for survival.

to grasp the root of life, the universe and all of Chinese philosophy (which is a typical representative of Taoism three) that can not rely on language, concepts, logical reasoning, cognitive methods, and can only rely on the senses, intuition, insight to grasp: the Taoist view, the virtual silence state of mind most likely to lead to original thinking; Therefore, it was the desire to get rid of as much as possible, trouble troubled state of mind to keep the peace, quiet, fit. Confucianism advocates abandoning perceived thoughtful, direct experience with the physical universe, the ultimate, to fit the moral realm of ontology or methods; such as Confucius, kinds of insights thinking. Buddhism is even more emphasis on a spirit of contentment and inner experience, penetrated to the origin of the Mind. Zen parameter is not set text study, to teach outside the Biography, straight line of the heart, not read the cases, touch type is the Road, that is the real thing. Not attached to foreign objects, words and deeds of any disposition of pure natural. Traversing the Buddha, excluding language, logical thinking tools, the main body directly into the object (or the cosmic nature of life, reality), and object merge into one. This thinking process and results of activities can be felt not only to explain in words,

this point, we can say, of. As Dr. Li Yuese in his book - However, such an era destined to come, in this era, the growth of knowledge forced to accept a more organic,UGG boots, like with the atomic materialism, the philosophy of nature. This is Darwin, Fry is, Bashi Te, Freud, Shipei Man, Planck and Einstein time. When the time came, it was found that a series of philosophers have paved the way - from the Whitehead traced back to Engels and Haig Seoul, from Hegel to Leibniz - and this inspiration Probably not the Europeans, and perhaps this most modern of the 'European' theory of natural science are 'disillusioned', 'Zhou' and ' Xi 'favor this type of character, than the world is now much more aware of. In fact, that is, to (End)

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