Thursday, December 30, 2010

Travel Supreme People's Court on the hearing disputes the interpretation of law applicable to a number of issues ...

 Hear the correct travel disputes, according to trial practice, the enactment of this interpretation.
a judicial interpretation of the scope of judicial interpretation
【first】 The interpretation of the scope of disputes referred to the tourism, is the tourists and tourism service providers for breach of contract between disputes or infringement disputes, including tourists and tourist accommodation, transport, sightseeing, shopping, entertainment and service elements to provide ancillary disputes or breach of contract between the infringement dispute.
second】 【jurisdiction disputes by the Tourism Tourism origin, destination, travel dispute, the defendant has its domicile jurisdiction of the Court.
subject of litigation with third parties】 【tourists to breach of contract cause of action to prosecute a direct line travel service providers as the defendant; tourists to infringement prosecution cause of action, only the prosecution of tourists travel service providers, travel service providers listed as a defendant and prosecution of tourists only travel service providers assisted, assisted travel service providers listed as a defendant, both tourists and tourism service providers charged , and prosecution of supplementary tourism services providers, both listed as co-defendant.
Article】 【units and units of family travel and tourism service providers to enter into a contract, the flight of tourists during the individual event of damage, the injured who brought the action of breach of contract, the column unit is the plaintiff; infringement complaint brought the injured person, the individual plaintiffs listed tourists. more individuals were indicted by the damage, the column that it is co-plaintiff.
a member of the family and Tourism service providers enter into a contract, individual tourists and tour the damage process, the injured person filed the action of breach of contract, signing people out the plaintiff; infringement complaint brought the injured person, the individual plaintiffs listed tourists, more than one person damage to both the lawsuit, the plaintiffs listed it as common.
【Article】 competing claims the right to travel service providers for breach of contract, against the tourists, personal and property interests, tourists have the right to select the required travel service providers liable for breach or tort liability.
Second, tourism, Article VI of contracts
invalid】 【Disclaimer travel safe harbor provisions of the contract meet the Tourism service providers should be invoked to waive the responsibility of the people's court shall not support.
Article】 【format interpretation of the contract parties to a contract for travel form the understanding of the contents of the contract dispute, the people's court shall make party provider is not conducive to the interpretation of the contract.
offer】 【Article VIII of tourism products to sell advertising and promotional material for the solicitation of an offer, but the travel service provider for the tourism product descriptions and promises specifically identified, shall be regarded as an offer.
Third, tourism, performance of the contract
Article IX 【tourism service providers under a contract for travel services provider shall provide in accordance with the standards stipulated in the contract travel services. does not meet the contract standard, the right to request to take tourists appropriate remedial measures or compensation for the loss of tourists. due to significant impairment, which travel service damage to the interest of tourists, tourists have the right to terminate the contract and requested travel service provider liability.
obligations under Article alerts 【Description】 tourism service providers should provide tourists with the requirements of personal and property security needs of the service, travelers are likely to endanger persons, property safety of the tourism project, it should be made prior instructions and warnings to tourists.
tourism service providers not fulfill this, warning tourists obligation to cause the loss of personal property, shall be according to their degree of fault, liability.
Article XI】 【obligation to assist during the tour, tourists for their own reasons of personal injury, property damage and tourism service providers should assist in dealing with tourists, the cost burden from the tourists.
tourism service provider does not perform to assist obligations, resulting in tourists personal injury, property damage expansion, tourism service providers should respect the loss of part of the expanded based on the degree of fault liability for tourists.
【Article XII under a travel insurance service providers should apply for travel insurance for tourists.
travel service provider fails to fulfill the duty to insure personal injury caused to the tourists and property losses, should the interests of tourists can enjoy a range of insurance liability.
Article XIII 【lawsuits in the insurance company to provide travel services for tourists who have insurance travel accident insurance, the insurance event occurred When tourists travel service providers prosecution, the court may be listed as the third party insurance companies.
Article XIV】 【contractual obligations after the tour began, tourism service providers to terminate the contract, and travelers can request Travel service providers are paid in advance fees to return the original point of departure. travel service provider requests payment and interest repayment of the pads, the people's court should be supported.
four changes to the contract the contract under Article XV
content modified by the increase or decrease in the tourism project contract shall obtain the consent of tourists.
Article XVI Mission】 【turn tourism service providers in ensuring standards are not reduced under the premise of tourism services, you can travel before the start of the tourists go to other tourist service providers, but the contract should be re-signing tour.
tourism service providers and tourists, tourism is not re-entered into the contract, the original transferee tourism service providers and providers of tourism services jointly and severally liable tourists.
tourists do not agree with the transfer, the right to terminate the travel contract, but shall promptly inform the tourism service providers.
Article XVII to change the contract】 【tourists before the deadline in the contract , tourists can travel contract in the rights and obligations to a third party, travel service providers not to be unreasonably refused. travel service provider and the additional costs can request payment of tourists; thus reducing the cost of Tourists can not ask for refund.
V. Termination
Travel Article XVIII】 【tourists travel contract to lift the lifting of the travel contract, the contract shall be compensation for travel service suppliers so the directly loss, but does not comply with the contract travel service quality standards or changes in travel tourism service providers to terminate the contract, except the contents.
Article XIX】 【Before termination because of exceptional circumstances in which tourists can participate in the tour and the proposed termination of the contract and tourism service providers to pay the reasonable costs of the request, the people's court should be supported.
Diershitiao 【】 tourism service providers to terminate the contract due to natural disasters, social events and other causes of force majeure purpose of the contract can not be achieved and tourism service providers have the right to lift the travel contract. tourism service providers to terminate the contract, shall be returned to the corresponding costs of tourists.
six, liability and damages for breach of Article Where the tourists
compensation 】 tourism service providers responsible for violations caused by tourists tourists claim compensation for direct losses, the people's court should be supported.
Article two personal and property damages】 【travel service or travel service providers to provide auxiliary are not entirely within the reasonable limits of safety and security obligations, resulting in tourists suffered personal property damage, shall be liable for damages.
Article Whoever provides support services to tourism caused by the tourists because of default】 travel accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment elements of the support services provider is not in accordance with the travel contract to provide the corresponding travel services, travel service providers should be held liable for breach. its responsibility, it can provide support services to the travel recover their losses, tourists should be necessary assistance. If necessary, the court may provide additional support services who travel to a third party.
twenty-four stroke treatment】 【change service providers without reducing travel itineraries Missing tourist attractions, tourists travel service provider the right to request to continue the contract, or compensation for its completion of the missing tourist attractions attractions tickets and travel expenses and other normal expenses.
【Twenty-five parties have voluntarily organized Tours the process of self-help Tour in serious injury or death of one of the parties, through no fault of other parties, may order the other party to bear the compensation liability. But the spirit of the victim for damages, the people's court shall not support.
twenty-six 【Traffic incident handling】 Tourism in traffic accidents, not attributable to the travel service provider, it does not bear the liability. travel service provider and vehicle for the driver of the vehicle not entirely prudent selection of those obligations, it should be with the infringer liable for compensation.
twenty-seventh Article, train, flight delay or cancellation of travel service providers】 scheduled train, flight delays or cancellations caused by the loss of tourist interest. travel service provider shall assist the tourists claim. For the resultant shortened tours, travel service provider shall not be liable for compensation, but shall be returned to the corresponding costs.
tourist attractions in the twenty-eighth Article, the treatment of injury】 tourists attractions in the event of damage, not attributable to the travel service provider, it does not bear the liability.
twenty-ninth tourism service providers Article, the exemption】 one of the following circumstances, tourism service providers to claim exemption from all or part of the responsibility the people's court should be supported:
(a) not attributable to a third party against the other travel service providers causes visitors personal and property rights are being infringed;
(b) the tourists their own reasons;
(c) Force Majeure.
third ten】 【mental damages for breach of contract providers of travel services to tourists is not agreed upon purpose of the contract, tourists claim damages the spirit of the people's court should be supported.
第三十一条 【guides, leader】 tourism service providers should ensure that tour, the team leader qualifications with the state to ensure the quality of its services meet contract standards. because of guide, leader of the reasons not to perform the contract or the performance of the defective and tourism service providers shall be liable.
guide, the team leader position in the tourism activities in the behavior of the damage caused by tourists, tourism service providers shall be liable for compensation; tour, the team leader because of gross negligence or intentional harm tourists shall be and travel service providers liable for compensation. travel service providers liable for compensation, you can to guide recovery team leader.
thirty-second shopping articles which deal with disputes arising from disputes】 tourism and shopping, if shopping, travel service providers by the selection and purchase led by the tour guides to tourists the legitimate rights and interests infringed shopping, travel service providers lazy shopping to fulfill the responsibility to help pursue the obligation, the court may sentence tourism service providers so Xianhangpeifu.
tourists stress due to travel service providers, lured shopping suffered wrongful act, request travel service providers liable, the people's court should be supported.
third thirteen double compensation fraud】 【tourism service providers to provide services for tourists fraud resulting in tourists purpose of the contract can not be achieved, in accordance with the br> Thirty-fourth Article, property damage】 tourists in the tourism lost belongings during the service providers requesting compensation for travel, tourism and commitment to hosting service providers, the people's court should be supported.
baggage of tourists In the plane, train, lost in transit by rail, according to the aviation sector, lost tourists who request compensation for travel services, the people's court should be supported. travel service provider liability for travel agent or travel in the course of procedures, tourism service providers to properly care for obligations not entirely lost, damaged tourist documents, procedures, or procedures for travel agency service providers fault of the defects, tourism service providers should be actively to help travelers go through relevant procedures and formalities required to bear the direct costs and other reasonable expenses should be paid.
tours of the above acts, the travel service provider shall indemnify the losses caused to the tourists. < br> integrity of the thirty-sixth Article, under a party to the contract breach occurred due to loss of tourism, the non-defaulting party shall take active measures to support the party in breach to prevent the losses. not to take timely measures so that the additional losses, on the expansion of the loss should bear the responsibility no right to demand compensation for the defaulting party; but to prevent further loss and reasonable expenses incurred by the party in breach shall.
seven Tours
individual entrusted with the thirty-seventh Article, visitors to a single individual matters entrusted】 tourism service providers commissioned by booking air tickets, train tickets, hotel accommodation, hotel from the airport or train station transfers, attraction tickets, concert tickets and other individual services, travel services provider default, in connection with the commission contracts entered into by the tourists agreed fiduciary agent liable for breach of the range of services.
thirty-eighth Article, agent visa travel due to any reason not attributable to the service provider to the causes of failure to obtain a visa or a tourist destination by immigration authorities abroad to prevent immigration disputes, tourism service providers in the tourism contract clearly stipulates that the fiduciary agency relationship, the People's Court should apply when the accommodation providers and tourists only travel expenses to and from the process of combination of the personal self-tourism and property damage does not take responsibility, but otherwise provided by laws and regulations, or unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
terms of the fourth ten 【intermediate ban】 travel providers in the contract, assist with tourism service providers and intermediary relationships between tourists avoid its responsibilities, the terms null and void.
eight, the effective time of the fourth
eleven】 【effective time of the interpretation of the years from 2009 years after the date of implementation of the new .2009 travel disputes the admissibility of the first instance, apply the provisions of this interpretation. have been made to force the referee's tourism law disputes for retrial, not applicable to the interpretation of requirements.
in the interpretation of the entry into force before the promulgation of the purposes of judicial interpretation, and its contents are inconsistent with this interpretation to the interpretation shall prevail.
law exempted from liability given complete immunity from responsibility
a book, General
the activities of self-help non-profit tourism activities, with a certain degree of risk, and different from the business activities and travel group travel. The letters of responsibility for the activities of immunity, the right to give up , risk and liability to make any agreement to give up so. participate in this event, please read carefully, according to the responsibility of the contents of the book involves self-restraint.
1, all participants of the event must purchase accident insurance ( Social Security is not).
2, where the registration as this event caught people have full civil capacity, as in the activities of the consequences of personal injury occurred, manager, organizer assumes no liability for fault by the injured who according to the law and the law books to resolve the waiver of liability. on behalf of the other applicants, who were enrolled as being on behalf of personal injury, team leader, through no fault of the organizers do not bear the liability according to law by the injured person and the waiver of liability address book according to law. violations of personal rights of others or property rights, or other related crimes is not within the scope of this exemption, must bear the corresponding legal responsibility.
3, the activities of-pocket expenses and activities have a certain difficulty and danger, the participants should pay attention to their own safety, the team leader is only responsible for the Wizard, does not bear any legal and financial responsibility.
4, activities related to the activities of wading, participants must first clearly affirm their ability to swim, dive let people know that the organizers and peer; not swim, divers must bring their own life-saving tool, not a separate wading diving and are not swimming, diving.
5, outdoor activities, it may face a real risk of being injury or even death. These risks include, but are not limited to force majeure events, and others such as snake bites, heat stroke, sudden physical illnesses and so on. travel en route to take any means of transport are produced by accident has nothing to do with the organizers. Participants understanding of the risks listed above do not fully encompasses the activities of all the possible risks, and agree to these risks Ruoyin person is injured by its own corresponding responsibilities, and the organizers, independent leader.
if the participants do not accept the above terms, please exit the event before the event.
Second, the leader of the rights and obligations
1. Leader entitled under the weather, equipment, physical factors such as staff refused to have signed up to participate in The final decision to participate in activities and personnel;
2. Leaders have the right to cancel or change the actual situation plan;
3. an obligation to maintain the team's overall leader, if necessary, have the right to advise players without organization and discipline their safety to leave the team.
4. tour obliged to leave their team of voluntary safety organizations, leaving the team, leaving the team obliged to discourage unsafe behavior.
5. Leader obligation to deal with emergencies, for medical care, such as bleeding , artificial respiration and other medical measures are not liable.
6. leader who does not bear any legal responsibility.
7. leader no authority to bind any person of full capacity right of personal liberty.
three players rights and obligations
1. players have the option to participate or withdraw from the event, but quit when the team leader must obtain consent from the team forced to leave their own from the time when all ties.
2. players have the right to inform the team leader any issues themselves.
3. members an obligation to set a specified time, date not wait!
4. members of an obligation to obey the leader arrangements must be subject to record activities on the state of emergency treatment requirements.
5. to have team spirit and safety, environmental protection and fire prevention awareness, promote self-help and mutual support necessary to combine outdoor concept. in the activities to achieve the majority, individuals subject to the overall.
6. any one team member should be based on: unpredictable factors such as acute illness, causing bodily harm, accompanied by an obligation to render assistance, but if the cause irreversible damage to other team members do not assume any responsibility.
IV, organization filing
1. Disclaimer Disclaimer: Activities for the self-service, non-profit activities. costs clear, and all self-help. participants for their actions and consequences. In addition to the responsibility of team leader and to accept that all costs of supervision and control, but does not have any risk by the event itself and to the way the risk of circuit responsible for the consequences arising.
2. dangerous statement: outdoor sports have certain risks and unpredictable nature, be sure to consider carefully according to their own conditions, care to attend. Participants must be at least eighteen years of age and physical health, physical activity had no effect on disease.
3. led the way Description: Registration is affixed to the itinerary in the general travel team, team leader from which to organize and coordinate the travel speed; put the strongest team physically In the latter team, the weakest in the squadron physical, dangerous sections of the first Pathfinder leader; members serious physical or why he did not need to stop moving because of unforeseen circumstances, the right leader to help organizations to enable them to move on reducing the burden or organizational security escort descent. members due to non-manual or emergency reasons themselves leaving the team leader of the right to dissuade and discourage ineffective treatment by force leaving the team.
4. a state of emergency treatment: experience of natural disasters, all members must unconditionally obey the leader of command, confirm the safety team leader before making organization descent. encounter a fire robbery, rescue all the team members should be carried out effectively, rapidly and 110,119 invalid when such contact. encountered acute diseases, team activities were suspended, terminated or until disease symptoms are medical team assistance to continue. experience tired, according to members of the situation, in recognition of the place can be safely back to the city part of the organization by the leader of descent. encounter sudden change in weather, according to the team situation, in recognition of the place can be safely back to the city organized by the group leader descent.
V. Other
1. no civil capacity or with limited capacity for civil conduct, declined to participate. without civil capacity or with limited capacity for civil conduct by means of deception or concealment to enroll Force Quit immediately upon discovery, before exiting by itself responsible for any problems, nothing to do with the promoters.
2. The activities of members, please get along and exchange-based, not evil because of the relative and cause anything from trouble, fighting behavior.
3. to participate in activities, they must communicate in advance with their families to obtain understanding and support of family members, while aware of and agree to the disclaimer.
4. on behalf of the other applicants, must provide on behalf of those who were to join and leave a copy of ID card and the power of attorney or providing the correct ID number for the record the real, by the application on behalf of others who were Disclaimer bring this application on behalf of the participants were signed and confirmed, such a situation The following are the participants on behalf of the application, such as personal injury suffered, or the activities of the promoters of liability does not assume the same.
5. The activities of security after the event of any dispute between the members are members of the disputes between individuals, nothing to do with the event organizers.
5. This disclaimer 』『 unforeseen accidents are not listed according incidents, > the original one copy of this agreement, on file by the organizers, all participants voluntarily signed this agreement immediately after undertaking legal effect. sports safety after the team the right to supervise the destruction of personal data organizer.
seven commitment to the organizers of the book
I solemnly promise: I have read and agree to these terms, in the In the event the event of personal injury and damage to the consequences of ancillary equipment, all by my own independent solution.
Forum ID: Real Name:
ID number: Tel:
Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Phone:
commitment Signature:
________ ________ day of _______ month

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Forced open the man's mouth

 Chinese men have a virtue, mm ineloquent, throughout history, from rural to urban areas, has not changed for thousands of years. Men glib nothing more than taking grease, but easy to give the world a negative impression. Chinese men have learned mollified used alone to bear, and then sadly digestion. Indeed, women may simply not aware of a man dissatisfied with some things.
society becomes more neutral. In some ways, women and men have been equal status. In other areas, but still can not men enjoy the same treatment of women, such as wearing a skirt, long hair, crying, when people start talking hh raised it is not a crime has almost been accepted by the society and identity. and let the man open to talk, much harder.
men think: and others say his personal business, it is a shame, as if Jour; their problems to themselves without someone to help, not to tell anyone; no one can be of busy, said White also said; woman's mind elusive, volatile, to say at what time allowed to the; some truth and women speak unreasonable, it may instead lead to hard-fought; woman too sensitive, it is inevitable much ado about nothing, that this does not know what will rise to; hh
So, the men play it safe, and encounter, with a broad mind tolerant life. nice is to say. did not sound that deserves to be. If the establishment of good communication and an outlet for most problems can be avoided or resolved. now helpless, blame man himself EQ is not enough. there is a willing ox-like husband, The lucky woman; if not hard working enough tolerant, women unhappy. every day, the Cold War, the face of blissful silence in the face of men, who do not know how. woman could have blamed hair Shuaishuai, say goodbye with a man.
most women still want to live in a man's love in the. shopping bags was Tizhe Tai, tired and sleepy to carry you home, cold weather can be warm one in a bad mood when there is a special doormat, eat the things he was not afraid to waste feed to see super-expensive clothes or shoes to him, a man needed to blow off Johnson hh numerous advantages of multi-function products, abandoning it is a pity . Therefore, since the hopes and men live together, whether it is for his or their own, are sure to pry open a man's mouth!
Sheng-in unable to manage themselves, Zhang was lying eyes, and palpitation of the cry. But you seem no better choice.
the first to show that attitude, let him believe you, do so entirely in good faith, in addition to goodwill, or goodwill. Second, we must show that the position to do so is to allow each other's lives better, also for him to better get along with others, not just for myself. man angry or the Cold War, your temper is a little small fuel, there must be sustained motherly tolerance, dotted with Britney-like coquetry, calm and patient guidance and conversation. Finally, you also need to explicitly tell him, ; If you say hh, I can easily understand

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Over the past three years, the world's major stock market summary

 Over the past three years, the world's major stock market summary
Ai Wei the background of the proliferation of global liquidity, global stock markets have ushered in rapid development. In the past, significant bullish commodity markets, continued strength of European currencies, the rapid development of the BRIC countries, Japan's economic recovery, although the weaker U.S. dollar but can not suppress the sector earnings growth of the stock market boom.
However, if in the future some time, change the background, the Chinese stock market is immune, or will become a safe haven for global capital, we should wait and see. Although the RMB against the U.S. dollar continued to appreciate slowly, but then the continuous depreciation of the euro, the future exchange rate may soon go the answer.
. now the world's major stock markets pay chart over the past three years, for reference only. (all of the following pictures provided by the , the author is used to download and copy, copyright all of the company.)
Figure 1: The Dow Jones Industrial
Figure 2: NASDAQ
Figure 3: Russia (one of the BRIC countries)
Figure 4 : India (one of the BRIC countries)
Figure 5: Brazil (one of the BRIC countries)
Figure 6: China's Shanghai index (one of the BRIC countries)
Figure 7: China, Hong Kong Hang Seng < br> Figure 8: Japan's Nikkei 225
Figure 9: Singapore
Figure 10: UK
Figure 11: Germany
Figure 12: France
Figure 13: South Korea
China's stock market also not completely mad unreasonable, at least part of the outstanding shares of enterprises still more reliable, although the individual considered to have lost interest in continuing to buy, but I think in a reasonable state of the stock : Relationship between stock price and valuation > Do not as an investment basis. Accordingly operate your own risk. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Li Dongsheng why the U.S. media as the worst boss

 Li Dongsheng why the U.S. media as the Pile bad acquisition, TCL has brought to the 2005, 2006, 2 consecutive years of poor performance. Now, TCL Group president Li Dongsheng more than a name of the first .2007 July 4, the famous 3rd release of Chinese listed companies (mainly refers to non-state-owned listed companies) the list of the worst boss, Li Dongsheng impressively named worst boss What kind of impact?
Chapter TCL International setback
2007   7 4, the famous ) list of the worst boss, Li Dongsheng impressively named > TCL spokesman for the think that the selection is too simple, although the two international mergers and acquisitions the company's earnings report for 2 years consecutive loss, but put the onus on one person in the Li Dongsheng unfair. TCL side also claimed that 1.55 million annual salary is not Li Dongsheng high, many companies are there option incentive, and TCL did not do this for 2 years. Meanwhile, there are some on the Times more than 3 years of age. We also looked at listed companies from 2004 to 2006 between 3-year ROE and growth, and these two indicators in the performance of competitors for the same industry, executives received the list of salaries is also investigated . Meanwhile, we are also very objective sources of information, including the company's annual report, ;
Some experts said the journal, the good , list to alert companies and their leaders, while they are also an incentive and encouragement. the survey, appeared in the return on assets actually a negative 18.6%.
lively list, like a ripple. Some critics say that, with the selection of evaluation of the company, it will certainly make people have a strange feeling: this is not like the behavior of the financial sector, but rather is an act of entertainment.
but more people claim, this matter itself, can get some new inspiration: a public listed company is a company sense, transparency is very important. Any list has its flaws, are not as precise as the audit report is objective, but it can be the most obvious and most people the image of the listed companies have a deeper understanding.
China has no standard evaluation system for professional managers, although the
1981, the loan by 5000 started production of TTK tape TCL Group, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, was born In 1996, Li Dongsheng, TCL Group, as president, began a series of drastic reforms and capital operation. In the same year the acquisition of land TV's 1997 Merlot TCL Group and Henan powerful combination, set up in Henan TCL-hh Melody Li Dongsheng Electronics Co., Ltd. have reached a pinnacle of capital techniques used, the TCL from a small local business into a nationally known company. < br> Under the leadership of the Li Dongsheng, TCL ten years in terms of color TV sets, mobile phones or computers, etc., have made remarkable achievements .2001, TCL TVs jumped to national TV brand; 2002, TCL Mobile in China No. 3 market, ranking first in the domestic mobile phone; May 2003, TCL Group 31.9 billion sales revenue in China Electronic Information hundred enterprises ranked No. 4; January 2004, TCL Group to achieve the overall market, to achieve personal assets Li Dongsheng 1.2 billion, operating income of the year to 40.28 billion yuan TCL, an increase of 43%. At this point, the mapping in the spotlight, Mr. Li also reached the peak of his career.
Li Dongsheng life numerous honors, 2002 and 2 degrees in 2004 won the We want to be the first to dare to eat crab. Without the courage to dare to become martyrs, can not become a pioneer. or is he indulging in an exercise on the golf course, so Li Dongsheng pine, steep drop weight 10 kg. Then, 18 months commitment to the European market turnaround has been rain and wind to go. As chairman, he first promises in the world, this is a real blow to him.
2006, the crisis broke out, first TCL net loss of 738 million yuan in the first half, burst out of the year after the loss of nearly 20 billion, led this year by Stock Exchange wear embarrassing > underestimate the difficulties of an international, not an international management team, Li Dongsheng, TCL, and his way is destined to be muddy, bumpy road.

into policy mistakes in 2004, TCL development bottlenecks emerged. handsets through 2003 After years of glory, began to decline, is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in the domestic market and face Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and many other international giants fierce competition.'s playing fierce price war, do not grasp the core technology of the domestic mobile phone has been no turning back, once short-term prosperity of the TCL, Bird, Kejian, Soutec and other attributed to silence, Internationalization is no way out.
have to admit, but Li Dongsheng, TCL International was too eager, over-the pursuit of speed and size. Haier, Lenovo, Huawei, ZTE is also international, but they are much more stable than the TCL.
TCL's acquisition of the object mm Thomson and Alcatel, though they are well-known brand, but in fact has entered Thomson TV of years. And, TCL Thomson took over the TV business, the business year loss as high as 130 million euros, known as But more than 400 million yuan net profit. In such conditions, the funds, TCL Thomson M & A in just 4 months time for negotiations with Alcatel is even shorter. No wonder the industry commented that the move can be described as lust.
Li Dongsheng was think, through the acquisition of household appliances industry, trade barriers can be broken, but he did not take into account the difficulties after the acquisition. The original TV TCL Group spokesman Liu Buchen, told no advantage, the main technology in the rear area. And, TCL in the acquisition of its outdated when l r, even these technologies do not get, they do not sell! rigorous market research and surveys, there is no good understanding of the relevant EU laws and regulations, resulting in a contract is detrimental to the TCL.
internal staff said, according to TCL, TCL acquisition did not get each other's sales channels, then had to re- negotiations with Thomson, but also spent a few months, TTE (TCL-Thomson) really take full control of the former Thomson in Europe and North America all the sales network. Li Dongsheng adhere to do M & A rash can be seen!
making mistakes, resulting in a variety of problems follow. the complexity of the European market completely contrary to Li Dongsheng, expected to enter the second half of 2005, the traditional CRT (CRT) TV is no longer favored, replaced by flat-panel TV. authoritative data show that the first half of 2006, the European flat-panel TV sales in the European TV market accounted for 79% of total sales. Moreover, the European market price at an alarming rate color TV, LCD TV, 2005, more than 40% annual decrease of the average monthly reduction of about 4%. and TCL TV in the European market turnover up to 132 days, suffered heavy losses.
TV industry is a sunset industry in Europe and America, few people in this area, it is difficult to move. In the face of such a situation, Li Dongsheng Poxian frustration: , also called for additional compensation, and more than 10 or more layoffs, the amount of compensation determined by the employers negotiate with the union. in accordance with local laws, the workers also have 3 months of pre-notice period, employers need to continue to pay wages.
international not allowed to grasp the environment, underestimated the difficulty of acquisition, TCL International setbacks be expected. TCL is a life that rely on cheap labor costs of enterprises, and labor costs too high in Europe, TCL simply can not afford. TCL's loss, and Li Dongsheng seriously underestimated the cost of marketing the European market have a great relationship.
, who asked not to disclose the identity of the people considered, Li Dongsheng, the 18-month commitment to the market losses in Europe, Vietnam is clearly borrowed from the experience of 18 months of losses . However, the Vietnamese market, lower labor costs than China, and Europe simply are not comparable. decision-making mistakes, so that more and more passive international TCL, Li Dongsheng and his team so difficult to have no thought for the temporary, which point from the aftermath of surprise in the exposed.
ability to control their own bad
a technician from the start to the throne of board chairman of TCL, Li Dongsheng's ability and merit can not be doubted.
and his contemporaries Enterprise star, Stephen Wong in jail, Gu Chu Jun, too, Ni Runfeng dropped a mess, quietly back screen, and only Li Dongsheng still struggled.
from the phone, color TV to mobile phones, TCL in the past the impression has been the triumph. but since the road onto the international, the Li Dongsheng, TCL, and no one of his better trained, long front to let him trade-off.
2004, the voices of doubt in the midst of, the anxious to Li Dongsheng TCL despite bigger and stronger opposition, winning the business of Alcatel and Thomson TV mobile phone business two projects. in the international side of it under a magnifying glass, TCL's disastrous start to show.
to new products The introduction of an example, TCL is often performed better than other manufacturers belated, Christmas .2005 situation is very passive, flat panel TV market in Europe and America into the sales peak, however, the cost of TTE was not low enough upstream LCD panel supply, sit see competitors earn pours.
when the acquisition of Alcatel, Mr. Li is Chinese and the other R & D capability, and I want to enhance their brand strength. acquisition before he discovered the fundamental to the high cost of TCL can not afford. Previously, TCL also several hundred million profit a year, the figure for the maintenance of Alcatel's R & D system this large, the same drop in the bucket.
2005 year, the acquisition of Alcatel's mobile phone business is not to six months, the problem followed. Mr. Li had to restructure their business, to re-negotiate with Alcatel, breaking the old system, reinvent the wheel.
In fact, by 2006, TCL smaller loss in the European market, the real headache for Li Dongsheng is the Thomson's TV business performance in North America in 2003, a loss of approximately $ 90,000,000 in 2004, a loss of 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. After completion of the acquisition, TCL promptly sent to the North American Working Group on large-scale restructuring. at 3 in North America factories were reduced to a factory in Mexico, and workers from 4000 to 2500 were more than streamlining, while also purchasing a full range of integration. The reorganization of production capacity in North America is not only unaffected, but has been greatly enhanced .2005 North American losses will be reduced to $ 45,000,000.
Press gourd dipper float. a slight improvement in North America, Europe in late 2005 .2004 appeared out of control, Mr. Li pledged boastful claim mm18 months losses in Europe, and finally rain and wind to go. Li Dongsheng, grief and remorse among the depressed to the extreme, almost to the brink of collapse. He did not even know where the problem.
Later, Mr. Li admitted that the European market drastic changes, TCL can not respond quickly, leading to loss of the root causes of the European market. But experts believe that Li Dongsheng shattering, stop-gap measures, and falls far short of international requirements.
2006 In the second half, under pressure, Li Dongsheng, but br> 2006 年, TTE Europe, a loss in as many as 2.596 billion yuan. Liu Buchen, in an interview with correspondents of that, l to r the result of the market for reduced losses mm also means that losses of TCL drastic decline in operating income, which manufactured by the short-term profits, more terrible than the loss. reasons attributed to the emergence of the European market too variable, apparently convincing enough, the real reason is the leadership of the company, headed by Li Dongsheng, the lack of international market, strategic vision and ability to control.
the inevitability of falling
Chapter international difficulties, and can not summarize the whole picture TCL today. Now, TCL face not only the European market a mess, with rapid decline in the domestic market.
mobile phone as an example, TCL is now almost inadequate. and TV respect worse, the leader before or domestic, although it also came in 3 strong, but has lagged behind Hisense, the situation is not optimistic.
Rome was not built in a day. In recent years, TCL internal conflicts, high-level unrest, and even cause the business no one to take care of the situation. in brand positioning, TCL has been wavering, the appearance of too much emphasis on the pursuit of product and the concept of speculation, but not much in the key technical breakthroughs. in dealing with their staff, TCL is also a lack of human management, which largely affected the morale of employees.
riding a boat behind. in information technology today, TCL is still marking time, and compete to become the inevitable decline into .
retreat is not practical
2003 year, TCL's mobile phone users still unaware of, but with the constant exposure of the problem, TCL mobile phones in decline. from the rapid decline of the leading domestic mobile phone market share has plummeted. It is when he TCL Group, general manager of brand management center wearing steel introduction, TCL mobile phone repair rate was as high as 40%.
2005 年, TCL mobile phones hit the pillar industry of its coldest winter in history, net profit fell rapidly from 2003 782 million dollar quarterly loss in 2005, a 4.6 billion Hong Kong dollars. The first quarter of 2006, TCL Mobile is the market share of the top 10 dropped out.
TCL Mobile's success, thanks to marketing genius Wan Mingjian .2003 years, TCL mobile phone sales reached a record 94.5 million mobile phone business has become the mainstay of TCL source of profits. and even then, Li Dongsheng said that early, Wan Mingjian is a speculative advocates. TCL produced mostly low-end phone, which was foreshadowed later losses. handset industry, the main source of profits rely on high-end mobile phones, both Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson or LG, have followed this rule, the low-end mobile phone market is mainly used to occupy, cultivate customer loyalty. The main low-end, also means the lack of R & D capabilities, once the international companies to lower prices, TCL's price advantage will instantly naught.
TCL phone early success, complete with the concept of marketing, such as gems mobile phones, there is obviously deceptive. TCL do huge amounts of money to spend, please do the brand spokesman Kim Hee Seon, and supplemented by a billion dollars for this advertising campaign, will concept of marketing to achieve the extreme. With Kim Hee-sun's fade, TCL mobile phones influence rapidly slipping. The quality of the checkout line, a direct result of the decline of TCL mobile phones.
according to a turnover of staff said TCL, TCL digital camera repair rate 超过 30%, TCL TCL Computer dealers can not sell digital cameras, as sold a few days, the customer will come because the quality of theory, and finally to scare away the customers to buy a computer. How can such a product to market and sell it to consumers? but the company some staff believe that this will not affect the company's image, not to change ah, there is always good.
In fact, since Mr. Li set the and do not necessarily do is not strong, However, funds invested in the flat-panel TVs, and the number of R & D, and are far and Hisense. TCL launch of the TV, too much emphasis on product appearance, improving the quality of neglect.
and Li Dongsheng, the brand also takes effort, often a big issue in the above, frequent changes in brand meaning. With the continuous growth of TCL, the leadership continued to give it a new explanations, such as officially launched its new brand strategy, said the next 10 years, TCL will fight the most innovative brand in China.
name is only a symbol, its influence primarily by the company's core technology and product quality and other aspects of factors. Li Dongsheng, the brand ever-changing, the difficulties the company does not help.
LG, Samsung, SONY, etc., people do not know the actual meaning of their brand name, but they have the support of strong technical strength. to LG, for example, last year ; Chocolate technology.
Now, Mr. Li stressed that and Huizhou in the shuttle, once staff free of charge, but then suddenly put away the 40 yuan fare, and the market price as high. morning to night work for the company, had to ride their own expense, employees have great views.
In sales, the company stressed that only the results, no matter what the reason, as long as you can complete the task is a good kind. and those who charge very seriously, do not see a little warmth. This is Mr. Li emphasized that the
a TCL-house staff, said: is not as long as the results, the process can not care? always should have moral standards, can not defective Say well, 忽悠 people, right? Unfortunately, TCL's corporate culture is not the content, older employees in the chat and the company, they are not aware of the problem.
year, Li Dongsheng, when the mobile phone unit to Wan Mingjian, the cooperation can see very simple, you go mobile phone business to me, no matter what method will do.
2004, influenced by the impact of international giants, Chinese mobile phone industry, whether it is the collective profit or market share decline, TCL has not escaped this disaster. poor performance that can not produce Wan Mingjian a satisfactory report card, can only choose to leave. The execution brings to the TCL great loss.
Wan Mingjian in office, although the quality did not go up, but do indeed perfect in marketing . his departure, TCL mobile phones can not find any bright spots, and the introduction of new products also resulted in time delays. even worse, he actually switched to the enemy Changhong Li Dongsheng, went and took a large number of employees , TCL from the addition of a competitor and rival. This is very sad Li Dongsheng.
Therefore, in the early days, although Wan Mingjian arrogant, Mr. Li did not restrict him or education, but also gave him generous bonuses and shares. and he able to fulfill the task, Li Dongsheng immediately for a pair of faces, which people think only of interest among people in the TCL.
in the TCL, the lack of implementation of the execution should not have to run a big issue, is nothing new. in employee benefits, labor contracts system, difficult to get implemented. the layoffs, the idle stayed, it touches on some of the work of the staff was relentlessly serious Because TCL's product quality is there for a total bet.
TCL do not care to employees, but also reduced the enthusiasm of the staff, because many people feel that work just to exchange for wages. working hours, we have chat QQ, MSN, and even Some NPC play management and social responsibility a crucial moment. The TCL is not doing enough in this regard. negative news.
Wan Mingjian power to send a warrior, he controlled the TCL Mobile, the head of marketing talent show In 2003, TCL mobile phone sales reached 9.45 billion yuan, the profit of the Group are more than 80% of the total profits .
but the million is too unassuming personality, with his business card design, for example, lists a lot of positions, such as prejudices, and even his angry face in front of everyone.
With the success of the mobile phone business, Wan Mingjian influence in the rapid expansion of TCL, Li Dongsheng was something he could not intervene, it was predicted that he will become even more Li successor. Wanming Jian ability is bigger, all eventually, declaration of good health reasons for leaving. have missed many opportunities.
compared Wan Mingjian leave, TCL Group, chief operating officer Yuan Xincheng, TTE executive chairman Robert Hu's departure is even more blurred. They all have an important contribution to the TCL, Yuan letter as a revolutionary comrade Li Dongsheng, TCL inside the high prestige, has been through thick and thin with Li Dongsheng. And Robert Hu, Lee's students, a rare master of the technical school and later became the leader of TTE.
If said they left because of performance reasons, too far-fetched. The main reason is their personality fit with the TCL culture, they have publicly accused of overly aggressive TCL International, which is rare within the company. ;, but their kindness has not been adopted, but was left out of Li Dongsheng.
In fact, the past two years, TCL has not stopped high-level shock .2006 March, mountains resigned TCL Digital Electronic Business Division notebook Division general manager, Chen-Pin Chou took over the business in March .2007, TCL Digital PC business group vice president and general manager of Chen-Pin Chou operations center left, switched to Haier.
in 2006, including TCL Chun Mao, director of notebook market surged, Vice President and General Manager of R & D centers in the Wei Bin, including number of high-level departure, but also inevitably affect the performance of TCL notebook market.
before the Spring Festival this year, TCL Group Vice President, Overseas Business Division president, also officially spring class is easy, he was the love of the Li Dongsheng. easy to rain shortly before departure, Wang Kangping Gang resigned from the post of group vice president. According to informed sources, before the Spring Festival in 2007, TCL had just experienced tide wave of resignation, White Division, senior marketing executive in the go further, we must pay attention to the international culture of the senior management team, executives cut blindly take to solve the problem. how to improve the cohesion of executives to end the unrest, work together to fully shrink the front, to reduce loss, but added TCL help themselves best defense.
Chapter limitation of the characters
Li Dongsheng surface is a warm person. can not be denied, a suit, he gestures reveal NORTH PEAK style.
but his bones, buried more is stubborn. There was a lot of people against the international rush to attack TCL, Li Dongsheng, and did not listen to good advice, but rather its own way, within a year the two rushed to complete the acquisition. Even if they lose a mess, he still does not recognize their own international failure. Zeng Li Dongsheng
familiar with the companies, in particular its TV business, substantial loss. And TV is a sunset industry in Europe, not only meager profits, the industry is very serious shortage of talent, young people are engaged in this industry. Alcatel's mobile phone is not much better, loss of 80 million euros a year at that time.
Li Dongsheng choose to do M & A target, indeed debatable. out to find a broader market is important, but there is no need so urgent TCL.
Thomson's acquisition of the start you will not be good. At that time, TCL hired Morgan Stanley as an investment adviser, Boston Consulting, Morgan Stanley held a neutral view on the deal, while Boston is opposed. Boston experts sharply pointed out, M & A before Companies must have a clear strategic intent, careful analysis of market trends and changes in consumer demand, companies do not have to mergers and acquisitions or technology obsolete the old company. Li Dongsheng unfortunately come true.
Thomson's TV business in mergers and acquisitions before as TCL's color TV veteran Robert Hu, Li Dongsheng has been followed with Thomson M & A negotiations. allegedly signed the contract on the TCL is very bad, and then to have seen Robert Hu, and Li Dongsheng advised not to sign the agreement. But Li Dongsheng not only insisted on the signing, but after the chicken in the TTE for the establishment of the appointment for the TTE CEO Zhao Zhongyao.
2005 年 10 月, TTE's huge loss so difficult to support TCL. this time, Robert Hu, Li Dongsheng was also requested as the implementation of TTE Chairman and CEO, but at this time have been deeply embedded and the TTE.
paranoid that Li Dongsheng, TCL Thomson project on the process of internationalization is a rare opportunity. More importantly, high-end market in Europe to launch a new Brand is very difficult, and the acquisition of Chinese home appliance industry is a shortcut to break the barriers .2004 1 month, Mr. Li delivered a speech entitled will miss the opportunity!
others to sell the company, certainly there are various drawbacks, Mr. Li should not be unexpected. But Li Dongsheng, TCL is one person having the final say after all. former State Economy Research Center, Wang Yukun had pointed out that ;
TCL Thomson M & A, although the early round of the TCL TV overlord of the dream world, but it has become a pressure on its shoulders a heavy burden. However, Mr. Li is still stubbornly believe that it is too early Defeated , TCL has gone through the most difficult time.
a Financial analysts pointed out: In fact, Li Dongsheng face not only the slump in European and American markets, the domestic market is also where his headache. inside and outside the fall, TCL unprecedented situation severe. TCL's two pillar industries mm color TV and mobile phones, are all experiencing the pain of suffering. Although the TV output highest in the world, but it does not mean that has a strong strength. handset too, not high on the technology, The low-end phones do not compete with Nokia and other rivals.
now Li Dongsheng, immersive abyss.
whether He worshiped Mao ...

Sunday, December 26, 2010


 To take the exam a few years later, what should my brother on the battlefield. Looked at his little face sallow goes, I enlighten him, you count the admission line of key universities, the average number of hours each course? If given by the system, it would probably is about eight very like it. In fact, what you usually casual exam score is higher than this, so ah, just play one half of normal levels, enough to level a trip Tsinghua University Beijing University. The problem is, many people nervous that even in peacetime The levels are lost.
brother nodded.
do not know whether my words play the role of soothing agent, but his brother was a good test of that year, the parents and placed a celebration wine.
entrance awful thing, is always easier said than done in the state, only the parties know that inability to get rid of tension. I attended college entrance examination, would have to have good emotional adjustment, but one day, teachers responsible at the time, peace of mind for students to take a nap; hands always get a box of cool oil, who is wiping who arrest; school to provide free bean soup and popsicles, the food is also a large cafeteria and health; school clinic open around the clock, from the sleeping pills to open the supply of stimulants hh world seems to take care of you, so that usually used to abuse and neglected by the plight of the students felt a suited. in this gas field under the still want to maintain the sense of balance, I successfully get rid of the police estimated that only The murderer tried to do.
save Qijin Er finally come into the examination room, you see the door close to the low-quality color papered slogan: there is a road This generation, more than to see an early age is the theme of war, war films, when young people decide to participate in the life of the college entrance examination three days, so do adult nightmare, most of these two themes: the place is run nor devils chasing hiding place, or never get endless test: can not find the ticket, do not question, not how to drive forward the examination room, admitted to the university to reconsider the provisions of the organization hh
today's young people, probably Devils will not understand how horrible. That is their misfortune mm even nightmares are so monotonous, and only college entrance examination this topic.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Secret tape the real cause of heavy rain and groaning

 Secret tape
groaning storm the market is not the real reason for resistance to the fall of 2800. Most of the year bull market came, closely followed by a variety of fraud group, Wolf Group, Lions Group. Xiecai a bull market, bear followed by a crazy with the flesh away, do not rule out the autocorrelation due to panic stampede. The director of the tragedy of the shares the greatest risk from the risk of the policy, but economy may slump in the second contraction coexist with the assets of the enormous risk is coming, we can toss up letting a blind man-made? asset markets including the stock and property market slump triggered The shrinking middle class wealth may encourage them to depressed consumer confidence, which is more terrible than the financial crisis. Based on this, we come to a few main reasons to seize the stock market crash, after analyzing the possible collapse of a major crisis.
First of all, Dynamic fine-tuning the central bank's currency is the initiator of the storm, and the so-called inflation theory is its basis. As a result, the stock market bubble of flying Renyankewei, and finally makes the Mavericks shot just grow up, but followed is this: economic recovery is likely to be second bottom. This is the price, the price of a loss of confidence. Recent Although the central bank has repeatedly position, fine-tuning is not our policy to control the amount of credit, but the market is still panic, fear of liquidity in an instant blood loss. Ever since, the market fell, flesh who profit by autocorrelation stampede, Red Bull has finally transformed into a black bear looks like.
second, followed by cattle group behind the lion and the wolf than the group even more terrible blood-sucking insects mm size not in stock under the cover, reduction of discount, making pots full filled. The data show that in the month the company disclosed the size of the board of non-lifting of the ban, reduction appears that in July only 8.335 billion shares of two cities size of the non-lifting of the ban, ban on reaching the second lowest level of the year, of which 7,726,000,000 shares of non-lifting of the ban, accounting for about 93%, lifting the proportion of the largest in history. More people are frightened that, in August the market suffered sharp decline rapidly, This may increase the portion sizes to take advantage of relatively high non-departing power. Is the market really should be industrial capital controls? If so, this play does not always win the retail market, because your cost is much higher than his cost of They are basically no cost.
again, kidnapped in the oil market again, hijacking the index. according to their proportion and stature of view, the oil is fully Emperor to the nobility of the capability. According to the 2007 published data, the oil accounted for a quarter of Shanghai, a dominate lead the stock market plunged in 2008, tragedy.
disgruntled petrochemical planes recently, mainly because of Development and Reform Commission the price of oil according to the principle of reduced oil prices, 22, and they advocate the fuzzy speculative argument against alleged price for the expansion of monopoly power, that is, from the 729 price cut after the announcement, the stock market began to slump.
Fourth, the real estate market experience blocking, it is possible again in the doldrums. not only by the stock market bubble of the suppression, but real estate is subject to a heavy blow, two suites quietly tightening policy, interest rates are more difficult to apply discount . with several major ministries of housing prices to give criticism, won the full house cheering, the market turnover began to decline. could not escape the real estate will never be held hostage by the moral dilemma, to find a good excuse, but a good win effortlessly applause. but we thought not, the recent soaring property market and the central level is dominating over and over treetop king about? to the king appeared, is the policy followed quietly lifted the stick, how to look is like a double reed.
room real estate sector suffered a major negative and therefore, close contact with banks and real estate section, these two pillars of plates are fallen, the market can not scarred you?
cattle were always difficult to get rid of lion, wild beasts ate fate, but, for now, the market began to return to normal levels just to Ji Houhou a camel to go cut leek harvest, is not in a hurry points? In fact, it is this quick profit, it is so that our economy may artificially create a second bottom, but how can we not talk about becoming a member. Based on this, only possible way out of danger cattle run, then the market is not smashed up two smashes?
Note , smashed not only the market, smashed along with many middle-class consumer confidence and the confidence of entrepreneurs to invest in excess capacity is still serious and the external demand can not be completely restored in the last two years, the context, we are not to maintain a vigilant heart it?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Housing prices are not listed under the property that the general trend of delisting no deposit Debate oligarchs - card rebate fruit Bo ...

 (experts, media and industry hotly debated.
to  , Pan Shiyi, led by close combat situations and the media.
whether to rush to listed companies on the laissez-faire is not only pushed up land prices, house prices, gave birth to reflect the behavior of the bubble economy?
prevent developers from malignant store, to prevent the such as joint control. Currently, the listed room prices and hoarding crazy developers hoarding land and resources are strictly limited to a critical period in the game, through the all constructive comments, and promote the sound development towards the real estate industry, this is the greatest significance.
first: not listed on the delisting, Exclusive coverage) to Wang in the recent
real estate has always been respected by the people 29 > , but real estate experts Cai Hong Yan comments published on his blog, ; listed misappropriating, misappropriating take, take the business to continue to maintain reproduction, , increase. Golden Group will also consider the future market, but there are many restrictions as listed, not very smooth, so must consider other ways, such as the backdoor listing. interview, Golden said chairman Zhangbaoquan.
been in the industry as owner of enterprises, which is already on the road to the market can not help but worry a backward Zhangbaoquan. Although Zhangbaoquan has always been in the industry that and sense of urgency.
Coincidentally, has been the development of secondary and tertiary cities plot
rumors, , it has already started to Hong Kong to the financing plan, expected next year will be officially listed. currently seeking to line up the Pearl River Delta Hong Kong-listed property developers have at least 9: Galaxy, excellence, Beijing based, Greenview, Kaisa, Hong Rongyuan , Hengda, Star River, and Masuda and so on. Hengda expected and Lake real estate stocks such as five mainland, Hong Kong listing next year, at least 42.9 billion Hong Kong dollar financing. This is just a continuation of boom listed mainland developers, there are many in the Mainland in 2007 Housing prices visit Hong Kong stocks, there is only Guangdong Country Garden, KWG, the Chinese Olympic Park.
Hard on the real estate macro control to further and further difficult. real estate development is capital-intensive industries, the enterprises to survive large-scale development will depend on the ability of capital financing, bank credit to raise the threshold, direct financing in the capital market will be the expansion of large-scale real estate enterprises the main channel. So, the real estate market to develop such a situation: on the one hand banks to tighten lending, while the stock market door step almost excessive housing prices, a large number of well-known unknown of the housing prices are an attempt to enter the A shares, H shares of the door . Vanke led in the long ride to the capital market real estate speculators are listing, or to exit the real estate market.
Listing and refinancing after the listing, the main intention is to take place, and not really short of money, as long as the take, always short of money. Since May of this year, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Chongqing, Dongguan, Changsha and other places in the new round of community across the river as pawns, just into the rebate. At present, house prices in major cities in China, Cai Hong Yan said, The ten skyrocketing, and developers to finance the addition to the stock market in the context of the main channel, the supply of more amount of land can only be lifted more than foam of the subject stock speculation, and certainly not in order to ensure low-income people to own homes .
rising house prices made the current Chinese real estate, to achieve their interests. the government must face the risk of turmoil in the real estate crash. oligarchs to their own interests for the real estate, house prices and the economy hostage we have to remain vigilant.
170 家 room rate share of 30%
the financing of listed companies continue to take place, non-listed companies more impressively on a cooperation on the phone. a series of financial and other regulatory policies to accelerate the number of qualified passive acceptance of poor integration of small and medium sized developers.
Beijing Chongwen a project covers an area of about 6,000 square meters, a small company developers to Miyun, 1993 years to get the land, and at the project site, the reporter did not see any signs to start. According to informed sources, after a few more , need to re-take the land use certificates. Resources Board has the transfer of friendship and cooperation between the developers. began to develop over billions to the present. This expansion of the scale of the formation of the relative concentration, the last one of the largest housing prices probably account for less than 1% of market share, but now some of them have reached the 1% or 2%; ago strength of housing prices over the past 300 together accounted for 30% of the 170 listed room rate is now the market concentration to 30%!
second: the depth of investigation: the top ten sites promote regional house prices rose an average of 20%
erosion of the monopoly of a class. prices rise with the past by the investment chain, from demand-driven housing prices to live is not the same, the strength of corporate capital to the region re-pricing, along with other developers to bid up land prices, house prices.
there are too many facts Fan support the views of small punch.
the king was born in Hangzhou - the week surrounding real estate price increases .7 9 March 6000, home to 1.476 billion yuan in Ningbo Younger won the Hangzhou government reserve price of the <2007> 23 plot (the former Zhejiang University of Commerce and Industry), floor price of up to 15,712 yuan / square meter, once again set a record. after the events took place within a week, around the park from 140 million yuan elegance nine / square meter rose to 20,000 yuan / square meters.
Shanghai to the king was born - the surrounding real estate prices rose 4,800 yuan .11 8, Shanghai New Jiangwan City D3 block the final price of 1.301 billion yuan in Singapore Yanlord into the bag, the floor premium of up to 20,000 yuan / square meter. Green City since June to 12,500 yuan / square meters of floor price has won the D1 block, only separated by 4 months, the new block Jiangwan City land prices by as much as the floor 60%. Today, the new Bay City One works (Hopson Jiangwan International Apartments) from September 20,000 yuan / square meter price quickly rose to 24,800 yuan / square meter.
was born in Nanjing to the king - the surrounding real estate prices will rise 2,500 yuan .7 26, Vanke joint Po Ching home to 1.785 billion yuan in Nanjing Jiangning District purchased the first cattle Hill plot, setting a 3278 yuan / square meters of floor price record of Nanjing, when the ground blocks surrounding real estate prices in the 4,500 yuan / square meters, within three days to get to China Vanke, the second-hand housing Jiangning average listing price rose by 300 yuan / square meter, the industry have to predict the future price of the land will reach 7,000 yuan / square meters.
the king was born in Chongqing - the surrounding real estate prices rose 1,600 yuan .8 3, Hengda Real Estate Group to 2.53 billion yuan in Chongqing Yuzhong District and the bundled auction of two prime plots Jiulongpo turnover 1.6 billion higher than the reserve price, House prices have risen to 4100 yuan / sq m, the region's Xu Qing-Bay International has reached Huadu current average price of 5100 yuan / m.
in the to drive up land prices in the industry a total of almost 2007 identified the main characteristics of real estate. Regional house prices is caused by the monopoly pricing power. drive the effect home prices in major cities to further
promote the continuous rise in prices. National Development and Reform Commission announced on November 14 the survey data, October 2007, 70 cities nationwide housing sales price rose 9.5%. an increase in major cities, including higher: 19.1% of Ningbo, Urumqi, 18.5%, 17.8% in Beijing, Shenzhen, Beihai and 16.8%, 17.7% and so on. on the price earnings ratio, that is, housing prices and the terms of the ratio of household income The United States is 4 times, 8 times in Hong Kong and Japan, however, this rate China has reached 15 至 20.
contrary to the mainstream of housing security
listed company land prices, so that more people buy a house visited Singapore's HDB. Wen said: ; the market. However, as Hong Kong and Singapore, monopolies. Since housing security system perfect, Singapore 80% of the population lives in groups inside the house, half of the total population of Hong Kong to enjoy the government's public housing security, so the The residential security system is not yet fully established, increase government regulation of the difficulty of the real estate market, making the further implementation of housing security system is facing difficulties.
birth of the stock market bubble
together more than that in 2007 the stock market and property market share in the resulting resonance phase pull is erosion of .
birth of the property market and the stock market bubble together outstanding performance in the following areas:
First of all, real estate, a significant impact on the entire financial system. systems rely on real estate. oligarchs to finance real estate to more capital, capital and land resources are capital and macro-control fight, so macro-control fail. Meanwhile, the existing funds in other industries is accelerating into the real estate industry, long-term effect on the development of other industries is detrimental.
Some analysts believe that the country in 2000 only 5,000 yuan in real estate investment, while in 2006 it reached 2 trillion yuan, an increase of 3 times the investment. Financial Research Center, Beijing Normal University, Ren Zhongwei that, while the fourth quarter basically stopped lending, but that is because the total credit in the first three quarters of the year put out a target. from the current signs of view, the first quarter of next year is entirely possible credit out of control, the central bank may experience very strong regulation of the crisis.
Second, listed property companies , but also planted the stock market bubble. as long as the strict implementation of the real estate macro control policies, or real estate signs of any collapse of the stock market bubble would flood, housing prices enclosure race, grabbing the money, property market risk will be transferred to the capital markets. University Real Estate Institute of Management, said the new deputy director Wang.
again, way into a stock market, and then zoom in, and then enter the capital market, in fact, the Chinese property market and the stock market pushed the global financial system. the foreign property market, stock and property market in China linked to U.S. sub- The credit crisis affecting China. Meanwhile, the Peking University Economic Research Center of the Real Estate Finance Section remind Feng, developers in general are now listed in Hong Kong, but Hong Kong capital is foreign investment, and HK is directly convertible, at the national limit foreign policy, foreign capital into China's real estate is one of the ways, if foreign investors pulled out at any time, the entire stock market and our economy will have adverse effects, this must be a cause for concern.
third: the media expose Phi the largest media attention, but they have launched a mortgage Phi Phi's largest media expose to almost zero premium to buy the land, the event has even been recently bombarded official media Xinhua News Agency, in the to close at 10.52 Hong Kong dollars.
, but got cheap and cold to all. fabulous hair family history, may therefore become a very real black story. , to comfort the people. , Country Garden in the absence of competition can win a piece of 1,039 acres of land, and Country Garden 118 million land premium payment, the authority will back them 96.25%, Country Garden is actually only 3.75% of premium paid, ie 442.5 million to take place. At present, Ministry of Land Resources has been involved in investigating the matter.
Country Garden in the industry known for its abundant land reserves. According to the latest figures, the country's land reserves of the company increased to 5,400 million square meters. the ; cheap to take, phased development, reported that, Country Garden District in Chongqing longevity purchased 6,300 acres of land, who were suspected of irregularities due to transfer of land and resources survey.
Bacheng users found
caused by the Wang for participated in the survey, of which up to 84% of the population that the measure of within the scope of the market. The other 93% of the population of existing property that the oligarchs; and 5% of the population that does not exist. (See Figure 1, Figure 2)
Vanke ratio of 22% of the population among the real estate the first oligarchs; Country Garden's highest rate of 11% from the second, (see Figure 3).
In addition, 49% of the population that and the monopoly pricing power causing regional prices; 50% of the population that the oligarchs in the high-priced real estate on the basis of which to take to push up prices sharply, housing prices and market demand led to a serious departure. and 30% of the population that oligarchs birth of the joint stock bubble.
hundred days inventory of land developers face
wantonly swept the country store, the practice of raising prices, the Government has started to take a series of actions. Following the October 28, Land Resources Ministry official pointed out that the land department has developed four ways to deal with developers to hoard. requires the implementation of efforts to dispose of large idle land. Meanwhile, a national inventory of land violations of the storm kicked off since October, the major cities across the country has achieved initial success.
as of November 25, according to the Shenzhen City Land Bureau revealed that at present is not cleared building sites and 738 have been approved, and recovered in the cleaning process 27 cases the right to use an area of about 87 million square meters. In addition, the Beijing Land Bureau announced this year a total of 592 cases of illegal land clearing, involving land area of 1249 hectares, 300 hectares of land resumption, and to hold the 32 responsibility of the responsible person. and Tianjin from September 17, land law enforcement operation carried out since the Hundred Days, the initial self-examination and cleaning out the 330 illegal land use projects, November 15, Country Garden billion Note Issuance stranded, the industry was considered a further action, before the Secretary of Land and Resources Law Enforcement and Supervision Bao Zhang in an interview, also made the relevant statement. Zhang Bao said that the land the next move of law enforcement, first, to keep the pressure firmly curb the illegal requisition the momentum of the land. The second is called for reform and improve the taxation system as soon as possible, cadre appraisal system and related institutional systems, create a favorable external environment for land management. Third, the intensity of local leading cadres at all levels propaganda relevant policies and regulations to ensure strong establish the scientific concept of development.
Part IV: XII, the industry, enough to make the property market in 2007, filled with Wang Shi, a fierce debate on the speech, and formed a and hazards.
can not decide on a city or an area of land, housing and determined whether it is High land prices and thus promote the high prices, caused the surrounding real estate rallied together to follow the example of shill bidding, this is the oligopoly effect.
121 documents from the introduction, the Government introduced a number of macro-control policy, focusing on tightening the money supply and ground root. collection After the tight monetary policy, leading developer of financing difficulties, and now, developers have entered the differentiation status, in part to the real estate finance area (between the news Forum album type model), some began to specialize in products. Now, a new round of market difficult to have assets of the company, only large numbers of reserve land, and then listed, so that the land inadvertently entered the stock market, and then zoom in, and then enter the capital market. The Government's objective is to control price stability, but our control means to enable the property market and stock market liquidity between the more amplification, while very difficult to control the expected, thus forming a real estate cycle. Summary down, the stock market is the amplifier. oligarchs desire of real estate is increasing, the future trend how government policy is currently in the game between the desire and the developers, the Government will not rule out the introduction of appropriate control measures.
housing prices reduce the supply store to create an effective
the Ministry of Construction Policy Research Center Director of Research Wen Lin Feng
present, the real estate industry, the biggest problem is the housing problem without a clear national development objectives. the land first needs to solve the housing problems of the residents, or local government should be the main source of income or should a public company to pursue performance evaluation criteria.
Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, affordable housing, respectively, accounted for 50% and 80%, and most of the land by the government free of charge for ordinary housing construction. the proportion of affordable housing high, affordable housing has sufficient supply of land. At present the local government all over the country to ease the housing supply and demand, and constantly expand the scale of land supply, but because of the development of enterprises hoard to conduct intensified, although the land into the market, but can not form effective supply, and many development companies to hoard more than 2,000 acres. the future should first strengthen its efforts to clean up but not yet approved the formation of effective supply of land, part of the land as soon as possible so that the effective supply. alleviate supply and demand. followed by the government in the city of the total land supply, the greater efforts to adjust the supply structure, which greatly increase the protection of housing land supply, to speed up the housing problems of low-income families. The third is an effective means of using the land value increment tax, regulate profiteering developers income, to prevent the hoarding behavior. The fourth is to learn from Beijing, Chengdu and other cities experience, control the scale of single land supply, to avoid a large supply of land and hoarding behavior. and also help prevent monopoly control of some enterprises in the phenomenon of regional real estate prices .
raw land auction and anti-monopoly Ren Zhiqiang, president of Huayuan Group Housing prices
Why dare to store, if we are an open land market, I do not think a high housing prices so bold as to get to, and no development Business dare to excessive accumulation of land, precisely because the policies of the land market demand, which is the largest source. the land system of bidding, auction and the original intention was to prevent government officials use their power to land into state-owned assets, abuse of power tools, so that land resources can be open and transparent market in the best allocation of resources, improve efficiency in the use of land resources, this is a good thing. But the monopoly of land resources can not form a competitive market, but has become a place to land Government access to sources of capital and profits into the market and consumers on predatory monopoly, so that the land price distortion and soaring land prices and housing prices out of control cause.
developers hoarding land is actually a policy store places, such as all levels of government land to the market supply are used for the total number of hectares of supply basis, so come to the total supply of land for housing supply to meet the market's conclusion, and wonder why so much of the land supply is still make land prices skyrocketing, why a lot of land supply in the housing market is still in short supply, but also draw the corresponding conclusions developers reluctant sellers cover plate.
large piece of land in fact is the Government policy of one-time supply developers hoarding land and the rules of the game cover plate reluctant sellers. When a company to get a large piece of land, such as Changsha 9.2 billion a few acres of land, the enterprise can not be strong again this few acres of land while under construction, while on the market. virtually all these acres of land in terms of supply in the government market, businesses can take the time to wait for the appreciation of land.
phenomenon to hoard more and more arrogant developers SOHO China Ltd. Pan Shiyi, chairman of the government 18 million mu of arable land red line
limit urbanization and the increasing difficulty of urban land demolition and other factors, are expected to stimulate the developers on the future market, and now the real estate sector in general are optimistic about the next decade, China will occur over a trillion of market value of housing prices is a concrete manifestation of this optimism. Because of the real estate shares continued good trend, many of the listed room rate with a certain scale, with sufficient cash, began a large-scale and cross-boundary land bank. in the real estate industry continues to boom a few years, we should consider is to be prepared to see in bustling possible risks and take preventive measures.
from global real estate development experience, because of strong regional real estate, real estate companies are generally familiar with the city in its real estate development, real estate development in China is also the case early. But now the stock market favored by the real estate impact, many real estate companies in the domestic market have a certain scale, have enough cash on hand, they began to cross-regional development, large-scale reserves of land, which during the height of the economic and real estate practice, especially large-scale reserves after the land, to convert the land profits of listed companies, but also very difficult and lengthy process, but also need to have good design, planning, construction, marketing and other aspects of sound financial management can put the money into the land changes into profits.
I always thought that the value created by the developer to the community is reflected in the many houses on the cover, instead of hoarding of land in the hands, waiting for land to rise. In recent land auction and the process, developers more and more courage, bidding, auction and get to the floor price has caught up even more than the surrounding house prices, is the euphemistically called Government to increase more supply of land, developers have been hoarded, market supply will still be very small. the government is not only strictly enforced for two years to recover the policy of free land to developers to rush to store to curb the phenomenon. but unfortunately many local government is not doing so rush to hoard more and spread of culture, ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Argentina's women's hockey team

 Argentina's beauty, glory for the country
major tournament in recent years, Argentina has consistently ranked top four positions, has won the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games runner-up in 2001, Champions Cup, 2002 World Cup and Champions Cup runner-up, 2003 Champions Cup fourth and third in the 2004 Athens Olympics, the first field, both midfield and defense has a world-class players.
Argentina defender Cc Maria - Roger Noni solid defense in the game and commanding, in the team has an irreplaceable role, she led the Argentine team won last year's World Cup champion, also won the Champions League and the International Hockey Federation player of the year.
addition Rogge Noni, Argentina also has the most talented midfielder Luciana - Pablo Aimar. Aimar superior speed and ball control so that she could easily break the other guard defense, she was elected in the 2002 World Cup good player. Aimar is still years 2000 and 2001, elected for two consecutive years the best player the Champions League in 2001, the International Hockey Federation also elected player of the year .2001, Argentina beat the Netherlands 3-2 in the final for the first time won the Champions League.
Argentina up front associated with the 2002 International Hockey Best Young Player Augustine - .22-year-old Garcia Garcia is the Argentine team won the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games silver medal of the main members of the national team has scored over 40 goals, is the world's best striker.
In addition, Argentina at the back as well as 30-year-old veteran Ai Xika, she Argentina's most experienced players, develop stable, has won the World Cup.
Argentina's performance in 2003, an impressive 13 to win 17 games, which has in the Pan American Games disparity in the score 25-0 and 26-0 sweep of Peru and the Dominican Republic.
Athens Argentina won the bronze medal over the Chinese team, they are also six teams participating in the Olympic team after the smallest change. previous Champions League Argentina still showed a strong attack, but unfortunately lost the key battle of the Athens Olympic champions Germany, Argentina, this loss also contributed to accelerated metabolism.

Monday, December 20, 2010

jie hun huan shi

 Whether young people have been misled, the key to a healthy and open communication environment is not whether there is an active academic and speech environment. We have been great in the glory, forever the right to grow up to teach and continue to look great and glorious, the article always right it. jie hun huan shi, this publication has been either-Journal.
anti-imperialist theme in modern Chinese history

Modern Chinese History, researcher Zhang Haipeng
How to understand the theme of modern Chinese history, as well as around the theme of many major events occurred, not only of modern Chinese history and modernization of the important issues, and is related to China's future development path, related to the education of our younger generation's major theoretical and practical issues.
China Youth Daily, Weekly January 11 ** published the guidance of Marxism made the study of Chinese modern history, the basic conclusions, seriously misleading young people. As researchers of modern Chinese history, can not but cause concern.
main task of modern China between
1842 ~ 1860 by two Opium Wars to the China's feudal society by an independent progressive 20 to 30 years of the 20th century, when the progress of scholars, especially Marxism and historical materialism as a guide for historians, economists and sociologists, from the politics of modern Chinese society, economy demonstrated at all levels of semi-feudal nature of the society. Zedong in 1939, This has developed a complete theory of the new democratic revolution, under the guidance of this theory, the Chinese Communist Party led the people to obtain the new democratic revolution. can be said that in 109 years of modern Chinese history, by the Chinese revolutionary party to promote the democratic revolution, including the old and the new democratic revolution in modern China formed the theme of social development and progress. The Revolution was mainly against imperialist aggression, to seek national independence; against the feudal autocracy and to seek the country's democratic process. < br> against imperialism and feudalism, the development of modern Chinese history, the basic theme. In a largely completed the task against imperialism and feudalism, the people in control of state sovereignty, the country's modernization can only be compared smoothly. < br> country and the people are enormous disaster, facts.
Boxers began to publicize the demolition railway, telegraph poles, it is coercive in the war powers to suppress the Boxer Rebellion when the Qing government, and take massive action, then it is in and the Boxer Rebellion during the Qing government repression during the war . Some scholars through a lot the fact that the burden of proof to prove this point. According to the American historian Shi Dage study, in the Boxers who died in the hands; only one is killed in Shandong, Mr. Boke Si. name, arrived in Beijing from Tianjin .6 3, there are a number of soldiers and Austria-Hungary German soldiers arrive. According to Thomas statistics, arrived in Beijing a total of 451 armed officers, including two officers and 41 guards protecting Xishiku Church (ie, North Hall), 17 officers and 391 guards protecting the embassy. soldiers carrying machine guns and cannons. German Minister to China Kelin De minister decided to troop movements in the countries of the rally said, . people looting, are these foreign soldiers occurred after Beijing. against the church and the embassy district Xishiku Also on this later. foreign soldiers into the capital is the incident becomes more complex and the root causes of unrest. According to Shi Dage Research 1900 May 29 ~ June 4, Xiong County, Hebei Province near the Boxers in Beijing, Paul and Pacific railroad engineer Japanese Song (Ossent) of the conflict, the Boxers and the armed conflict in Europe for the first time, foreigners shot first , Boxer people from hundreds of people gathered on the foreigners to be pursued, > Boxer place long-term causes, the Western powers and China since the Opium War of aggression, in particular to the For all kinds of evil. a lot of historical material shows that the Boxers hate foreigners, foreign education, foreign objects, with the hostile imperialist plot to carve up China's relevant. in Beijing before the foreign soldiers, the Boxers destroyed the railway, is the need for war with the Qing, coalition against Seymour for the train to Beijing, a large-scale destruction of the railway is completely operational means, as against the Boxers destroyed modern civilization, what is anti-humanity, anti-civilization, and this is the view of the Western invaders.
embassy siege and the Northern Cathedral, the Boxers are a major cause of the attack. The truth then? According to records, church Xishiku 30 sailors from France, Italy, 10 sailors. (3) Boxer on June 15 the siege of the church, as strong defense of the church, has been unable to take to .6 12, Dongjiaominxiang soldiers occupied the area has been the West, Chinese people are not allowed to enter. trying to close the Boxers are often killed. According to the U.S. Congress in June to 15 telegram, , emboldened, and within 3 days killed nearly a hundred Boxers, it is not in the mood on the xenophobic Boxer fuel it? siege of the embassy of course, contrary to international law, but also the embassies themselves to blame. According to records, June 16 Cabinet Feng Edict: clear.
must be noted that, as early as the end of May, countries have their embassies in the presence of massive, the embassy in Beijing the city into a foreign military base. This is completely contrary to international law. According to scientists at the international law of Europe comments: attack the fortress, from the perspective of international law, can not say completely unreasonable. foreign church stationed themselves, it is contrary to international law. (7)
Boxer's anti-imperialist struggle, with a unique historical position. Power Allied Forces troops before world powers China is said loud and clear; Boxer Rebellion Boxer sent troops to cause strong resistance, and after the debate between the imperialist countries, to carve up China, said that for the preservation of China replaced. in China as Secretary General of the British 45 years to write at the time Hart Analysis of the article said: , the Chinese people will soon look out. first see this in Chinese, students studying in Japan is in Yokohama, published in .1901 evaluation, said, historical merits .1924 lecture in Guangzhou Three People's Principles of Sun Yat-sen, said Boxer, This nation can not be eliminated people, those who use their so-called civilization to deceive, plunder and repression, those who sell poison in order to obtain the rights of the people of the opium war with China (China, Britain and France in 1856 war), those who lie with a missionary to cover up predatory policy, Chinese do not hate them? European bourgeois government of China has long adopted this policy of plunder. 19, entitled historical limitations of the national class revolutionary ideas, but also the Chinese people against imperialist aggression of the original form. it reflects the Chinese people, the common features of the early anti-imperialist struggle, but the Boxer movement and concentration typical of its performance. consequent on xenophobic Boxers should not be taken to avoid or rejecting a simple manner, but the need for a scientific class analysis and historical research, making it reasonable explanation.
after the Opium War 160 years of modern Chinese history, is with invasion and aggression in, oppression and resistance in the same, with the humiliation and glory. humiliation, arousal, struggle, sacrifice, change and progress across the whole of modern Chinese history.
summarize 160 years of history for the process divided into 109 years before and after 56 years. 109 years ago, the history of large joints, essentially imperialist aggression against China and the Chinese people against imperialist aggression and the history of suppression of the feudal rulers in league with imperialism against the popular uprising and the masses history of anti-feudal Emperor, is required to catch up with the pace of world capitalism, the development of capitalism in China, the feudal rulers and the development of capitalism, imperialism and against the Chinese history. all the political, economic, military, ideological and cultural these struggles, almost without exception, all around these large joints of the history. After countless community advanced social reform who, after a new social class, political parties, repeatedly launched the revolution, after adhering to the long-term struggle against imperialism and feudalism , under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, finally won by the People's Republic of China to power the new China was born. After 56 years, although very tortuous history, but its history of large joints, is basically to power in the people based on the modernization of the State and explore the history of great achievements made to explore the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and successfully explored the history of the socialist market economic system. After 56 years, especially some of the early mistakes, but also with such closely related to exploration. for a statement, the first 109 years of history is to strive for national independence, after 56 years, is to strive for national modernization and prosperity in history. such a simple course of history, most people understand, especially the last 50 years, this historical process as a contemporary of different degrees of participants, witnesses, have experienced the hardships and the joy of making history.
the root causes of the Second Opium War Second Opium War
only one root cause, and that is to maximize the benefits of capitalist aggressors unmet.
more privileges. They also call for the legalization of opium trade in China to achieve, requiring trade in the Chinese territory, requiring the establishment of embassies in Beijing. Australian Academy of Social Sciences, Research Professor Huang Yuhe the Second Opium War in recent years, his latest research results prove that the reason why the United Kingdom launched the war to a large extent forced the Qing government to legalize the opium trade, Britain was to protect the economic interests in China's largest opium trade mmm. (13) to seek in China's overall economic and political interests This is their fundamental interests. The fundamental interests of the reach of hands, a new outbreak of a war of aggression is to sooner or later, the problem only in war time and excuses.
, cited the two. The first is contrary to historical truth.
outsiders into the city the problem is a very complex issue.
of Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai, five ports, and commerce not affect; and set up the British Consul-monarchists, steward and other officials, in the five towns. In port, the diplomats can live in cities. China believes that the meaning of Chinese characters according to the cities does not necessarily mean the city, the treaty did not give the British the right into the city. ; and significant differences occurred. in accordance with the Europeans, international law, discrepancy, it should allow the parties to split on their views. In fact, these two texts are provided in the UK. This has resulted into the city and into the city of the same against the source of different interpretations of the law. In the Chinese view, the English people called for the full implementation of a treaty are not convincing. In fact, the official in the United Kingdom under the pressure of Britain has agreed to enter the city. But inside and outside the community, Guangzhou, Chengxiang, strongly disagreed with the British gentry into the city, even at war, the official had to ; the ground, the time delay into the city. Opium War and the atrocities committed during the British after the Opium War from the British rule more than the Chinese and foreign disputes Shiqiang evil event is caused by the Guangzhou people a basic cause of xenophobia. From a historical perspective, Guangzhou At that time, people's xenophobia rationality of its existence, into the city of Guangzhou people struggle against the conditions of its occurrence at that time. (14)
requirements rounding, it is the Western powers attempt to get more benefits from China's strategy means. As early as 1853, the United Kingdom and the United States on the use of MFN amendment hon Minister to China, Taiping forces had scored Tianjin, near the Northern Expedition, Man-hon was between Taiping and Qing government who wins toss, put the instructions set aside .7, the United States to the Qing Government to help suppress the Taiping as bait to rounding interest in expanding in China. Qing government suspected the U.S. motivation, did not accept. In fact, the history of imperialist aggression against China scholars have long pointed out, the United Kingdom to amend the treaties, not commercial treaty, no amendment of the regulations; while rounding itself does not include within the MFN. (15) British Europeans by the Chinese authorities do not understand the knowledge of international relations, to cheat and fraud, only to be led by the Qing government the nose is gone.
1854, the United Kingdom, United States, France are active in rounding. but for Britain to take action to resolve the war about the right time for repair is not mature. The biggest reason is that Britain, France and Alliance is with Russia for the division and the name of the Crimean War the Turkish slavery, the British military deployed in the Crimea on the battlefield. So the British Government to include repair instructions about the negotiations should strictly avoid the use of force, as long as China recognizes the principle of rounding, do not have immediate .1855 actual negotiations, the American missionary named Peter Parker as Minister to China, to Peter Parker's task is to get his ministers from the Qing government in Beijing, unlimited expansion of trade and the removal of any restrictions on personal freedoms three main rights. Peter Parker know, essential Bay, forced the Beijing government held negotiations on revising the treaty. Bowring said: to the Far East, and no military support, the action failed to make the trip north. This means that, with the means of war, forced the Qing government agreed to the purpose of rounding, this is already an established decision-making.
1856 年 3 months, Kerry Crimean War, Russia was defeated. this time, Britain, France, Russia turned their eyes toward China, the country can be moved out of China warships. fighting in the Crimean battlefield rivals in China has become a partner. has decided to use the means of war, the aggressors always looking for a high-sounding excuse.
is at this time, Ma Father incident occurred. Although this is a burst of individual events, for France is a good excuse, but For Britain, this excuse is not yet effective. Soon, Arrow incident occurred. colonialists to find a pretext for aggression against China is not difficult to .20 century French researchers studied the information that: package order see the Second Opium War is absolutely necessary to them, not because of the attitude of the Chinese side is transferred. and fight the root causes of the war, the Western powers over the treaty privileges in China to gain more benefits. No procedural justice

known aggressor, the aggressor is the predatory nature. : West Malaysia priest local officials to death, nature, and totally confusing the facts.
procedural justice priority, which is quite scary. It seems the British were from Europe, the French preferred the law to comply with the principle of procedural justice. In fact, these seemingly law to comply with procedural justice priority the principle of colonial invaders, came to China has never abide by the principle of procedural justice, law priority.
to Ma Lai case, for example, Ma Lai illegal missionary work earlier, and all kinds of evil in the mission area, local officials failed to illegal Ma Lai conveyance of consular and be killed, illegal in the post. in accordance with the principles of procedural justice, law priority, why not a horse depends on it wrong or the French first?
Youyi Taku war as an example. When the French people know that the Qing government had fortification in the Taku is still decided by the British Minister gunboat from the White River to Tianjin Dagu abduction. Marcel Proust, the British Minister to the British government report said: Qing emperors and their ministers believe: Once I request to be put from her hand, if not follow my request, I'm ready to request with the threat of force. battle, do not walk Beitang In the afternoon of June 25 Taku Fort sudden attack. Dagu a resolute defenders fought back, fighting day and night, destroying the British and French warships sunk more than a dozen only, kill and wound 464 British soldiers, 14 French, British admiral also seriously injured and had to panic withdrawal. British and French warships opened fire first to the Taku forts, Taku defenders fought back, is entirely just. no doubt, Taku aggressors fully responsible for the incident side. has always been sympathetic to the invaded country Marx's proletarian revolutionary leader September 13, 1859, commented: Chinese, such action, and not be broken treaties, but only defeated the British invasion. Minister, arranged along the hospitality care, minister in Beijing, the city arranged a place to live. Qing government starting from the security, the minister designated routes to Beijing, to provide for with followers, not allowed to bring weapons. These arrangements fully in line with norms of international relations at that time. Europeans, international law does not provide for the development can carry weapons to his country's capital to exchange treaty ratification. these arrangements fully comply with the requirements of the so-called procedural justice. When the news reached London, Taku, China, Britain destroyed the bourgeois newspapers Fanwu treaty requires the United Kingdom The Government of China to implement Is the French minister in London to retain the right to be able to give the French minister, led the French expedition forced to invade the rights of the River Thames it? rights, then the very obvious damage to the treaty are not Chinese, but the British and the British determined to advance to the specified date of exchange of ratifications of the previous aggressive to China. , is controlled by the Lord Elgin prepared in advance. compliance with the principle of procedural justice, law priority, but also can cite many examples.
American a commercial treaty concluded between. It's 34 states: a work place shall be as soon as twelve years, the two sent a fair discretion to do. and peace not only approved, the two persons shall abide by the officials and people to America in the member countries shall send the arrival of another opposition . ;) not send people to come to another objection to this. In what circumstances can the 12 years after the just delete the reference to these words), related to trade and sea sections, you can minor amendments. This is actually referred only to a small amendment. the United States and countries know it. China is also aware of this .1855 In May, the United States, Britain and France have notes minister Governor Ye Chen Guangdong and Guangxi, requiring revision in Beijing, said that the original fear of falling into different situations, but a little work, the large segment is absolutely no change France and the United States have not raised large segment of the right to modify the treaty; even minor amendments, it needs through diplomatic channels, with the Qing government to negotiate forced to sign the treaty is invalid. Marx quoted the former Chief Prosecutor of the Hong Kong To London It has long lost its effectiveness, and thus has no power to Great Britain at least enjoy the priority assigned to it by the treaty rights and privileges. U.S., Russia to comply with this country the principle of which country?
Materialism can not shake
history of the Research and Analysis, is a very serious matter. from the study and interpretation of the text introduced by popular readers, more should be to society, to hold the reader a very responsible attitude. history, historical truth is to how to how to, and can not be arbitrary interpretation by the people, this is the attitude of historical materialism. Meanwhile, the historical process full of contradictions movement, there is a complex event consisting of a variety of specific events, our analysis, research of historical events can not hold as much historical data, not to mention certain things within the historical range, can not grasp the historical process the nature side, you can not make a class of historical phenomena, the dialectical analysis, we will not from the diverse make sense of the historical phenomena, to grasp the basic law of history. If you do not respect the historical facts of historical fact, the course of history for any explanation, that is historical idealism.
a popular saying: all history is contemporary history. or all history is history of ideas, or everyone is his own historian. If all history is contemporary written thoughtful people, the argument has a certain significance. But I think that contemporary research, writing history, or to the materialist conception of history as a guide, use the method of historicism, observed historical phenomenon, understand the historical development nature, indicate the direction of historical development. If the history written in the hearts of everyone, then Personalities, the true colors of history lost, If you take this history to educate young people, young people will be adversely affected.
history is not free to dress up the girl. an invasion is possible to avoid. are imposed, where the Chinese negotiators are eligible interfere?
has been difficult rewritten. we can only answer: the Chinese people to resist foreign aggression, if not, do not fight, China has long been a complete colony. China has today, you?
enemy, as the weaker party to the Qing empire, a wise choice is to strictly enforce existing treaties, to avoid confrontation with them. However, in the era of the Opium War, which the Chinese have recognized that China is the weaker party does. even realize that the weaker party, are weak when the party faced foreign aggression, should not be against it? Qing government was strictly limited within the system in the unequal treaties, at any time, strict compliance with the Treaty, non-compliance, does not meet the original treaty privileges, has been that the foreign invaders.
relations can gradually establish a more in line with the long-term interests of the majority and most countries in the l r just order. Without a strong national strength, by the Qing government to Game is not possible. Even today, China's comprehensive national strength is relatively strong, we can in the international arena, order, but most of the countries to establish long-term interests in line with the learning to the Western powers, to achieve a comprehensive modernization of social life. comprehensive modernization of it? in our earth, but no such precedent. Sun Yat-sen established Alliance, bent on revitalizing the Chinese nation, the UK, U.S., France to learn and build as the United States, France, as the republican system, but was not fully supported by United States and Europe and other Western countries. But when power shifted to the hands of Yuan Shikai, the Western powers to get support. Sun through the dash of suffering, and finally understand this: the West did not support the establishment in China as they did capitalist power. So Sun Yat-sen reorganized the Kuomintang, to re-explain the Three People's Principles, determined to United Russia, to co-workers to help farmers, determined to take the non-capitalist road, and hold high the banner of anti-imperialism.
after the May Fourth Movement , waves to the Chinese people launched against imperialism and feudalism in the movement, the Communist Party organization, the study of Marxist theory, the resistance to imperialist aggression, control belongs to the people's armed forces, only to have the results of today's China. China today the rapid development of a comprehensive well-off society, the Chinese nation among the nations of the world today can not rely on Western powers come to learn. Western roads to the historical development of the Chinese people to enlightenment, in comparison, ...