Monday, December 20, 2010

jie hun huan shi

 Whether young people have been misled, the key to a healthy and open communication environment is not whether there is an active academic and speech environment. We have been great in the glory, forever the right to grow up to teach and continue to look great and glorious, the article always right it. jie hun huan shi, this publication has been either-Journal.
anti-imperialist theme in modern Chinese history

Modern Chinese History, researcher Zhang Haipeng
How to understand the theme of modern Chinese history, as well as around the theme of many major events occurred, not only of modern Chinese history and modernization of the important issues, and is related to China's future development path, related to the education of our younger generation's major theoretical and practical issues.
China Youth Daily, Weekly January 11 ** published the guidance of Marxism made the study of Chinese modern history, the basic conclusions, seriously misleading young people. As researchers of modern Chinese history, can not but cause concern.
main task of modern China between
1842 ~ 1860 by two Opium Wars to the China's feudal society by an independent progressive 20 to 30 years of the 20th century, when the progress of scholars, especially Marxism and historical materialism as a guide for historians, economists and sociologists, from the politics of modern Chinese society, economy demonstrated at all levels of semi-feudal nature of the society. Zedong in 1939, This has developed a complete theory of the new democratic revolution, under the guidance of this theory, the Chinese Communist Party led the people to obtain the new democratic revolution. can be said that in 109 years of modern Chinese history, by the Chinese revolutionary party to promote the democratic revolution, including the old and the new democratic revolution in modern China formed the theme of social development and progress. The Revolution was mainly against imperialist aggression, to seek national independence; against the feudal autocracy and to seek the country's democratic process. < br> against imperialism and feudalism, the development of modern Chinese history, the basic theme. In a largely completed the task against imperialism and feudalism, the people in control of state sovereignty, the country's modernization can only be compared smoothly. < br> country and the people are enormous disaster, facts.
Boxers began to publicize the demolition railway, telegraph poles, it is coercive in the war powers to suppress the Boxer Rebellion when the Qing government, and take massive action, then it is in and the Boxer Rebellion during the Qing government repression during the war . Some scholars through a lot the fact that the burden of proof to prove this point. According to the American historian Shi Dage study, in the Boxers who died in the hands; only one is killed in Shandong, Mr. Boke Si. name, arrived in Beijing from Tianjin .6 3, there are a number of soldiers and Austria-Hungary German soldiers arrive. According to Thomas statistics, arrived in Beijing a total of 451 armed officers, including two officers and 41 guards protecting Xishiku Church (ie, North Hall), 17 officers and 391 guards protecting the embassy. soldiers carrying machine guns and cannons. German Minister to China Kelin De minister decided to troop movements in the countries of the rally said, . people looting, are these foreign soldiers occurred after Beijing. against the church and the embassy district Xishiku Also on this later. foreign soldiers into the capital is the incident becomes more complex and the root causes of unrest. According to Shi Dage Research 1900 May 29 ~ June 4, Xiong County, Hebei Province near the Boxers in Beijing, Paul and Pacific railroad engineer Japanese Song (Ossent) of the conflict, the Boxers and the armed conflict in Europe for the first time, foreigners shot first , Boxer people from hundreds of people gathered on the foreigners to be pursued, > Boxer place long-term causes, the Western powers and China since the Opium War of aggression, in particular to the For all kinds of evil. a lot of historical material shows that the Boxers hate foreigners, foreign education, foreign objects, with the hostile imperialist plot to carve up China's relevant. in Beijing before the foreign soldiers, the Boxers destroyed the railway, is the need for war with the Qing, coalition against Seymour for the train to Beijing, a large-scale destruction of the railway is completely operational means, as against the Boxers destroyed modern civilization, what is anti-humanity, anti-civilization, and this is the view of the Western invaders.
embassy siege and the Northern Cathedral, the Boxers are a major cause of the attack. The truth then? According to records, church Xishiku 30 sailors from France, Italy, 10 sailors. (3) Boxer on June 15 the siege of the church, as strong defense of the church, has been unable to take to .6 12, Dongjiaominxiang soldiers occupied the area has been the West, Chinese people are not allowed to enter. trying to close the Boxers are often killed. According to the U.S. Congress in June to 15 telegram, , emboldened, and within 3 days killed nearly a hundred Boxers, it is not in the mood on the xenophobic Boxer fuel it? siege of the embassy of course, contrary to international law, but also the embassies themselves to blame. According to records, June 16 Cabinet Feng Edict: clear.
must be noted that, as early as the end of May, countries have their embassies in the presence of massive, the embassy in Beijing the city into a foreign military base. This is completely contrary to international law. According to scientists at the international law of Europe comments: attack the fortress, from the perspective of international law, can not say completely unreasonable. foreign church stationed themselves, it is contrary to international law. (7)
Boxer's anti-imperialist struggle, with a unique historical position. Power Allied Forces troops before world powers China is said loud and clear; Boxer Rebellion Boxer sent troops to cause strong resistance, and after the debate between the imperialist countries, to carve up China, said that for the preservation of China replaced. in China as Secretary General of the British 45 years to write at the time Hart Analysis of the article said: , the Chinese people will soon look out. first see this in Chinese, students studying in Japan is in Yokohama, published in .1901 evaluation, said, historical merits .1924 lecture in Guangzhou Three People's Principles of Sun Yat-sen, said Boxer, This nation can not be eliminated people, those who use their so-called civilization to deceive, plunder and repression, those who sell poison in order to obtain the rights of the people of the opium war with China (China, Britain and France in 1856 war), those who lie with a missionary to cover up predatory policy, Chinese do not hate them? European bourgeois government of China has long adopted this policy of plunder. 19, entitled historical limitations of the national class revolutionary ideas, but also the Chinese people against imperialist aggression of the original form. it reflects the Chinese people, the common features of the early anti-imperialist struggle, but the Boxer movement and concentration typical of its performance. consequent on xenophobic Boxers should not be taken to avoid or rejecting a simple manner, but the need for a scientific class analysis and historical research, making it reasonable explanation.
after the Opium War 160 years of modern Chinese history, is with invasion and aggression in, oppression and resistance in the same, with the humiliation and glory. humiliation, arousal, struggle, sacrifice, change and progress across the whole of modern Chinese history.
summarize 160 years of history for the process divided into 109 years before and after 56 years. 109 years ago, the history of large joints, essentially imperialist aggression against China and the Chinese people against imperialist aggression and the history of suppression of the feudal rulers in league with imperialism against the popular uprising and the masses history of anti-feudal Emperor, is required to catch up with the pace of world capitalism, the development of capitalism in China, the feudal rulers and the development of capitalism, imperialism and against the Chinese history. all the political, economic, military, ideological and cultural these struggles, almost without exception, all around these large joints of the history. After countless community advanced social reform who, after a new social class, political parties, repeatedly launched the revolution, after adhering to the long-term struggle against imperialism and feudalism , under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, finally won by the People's Republic of China to power the new China was born. After 56 years, although very tortuous history, but its history of large joints, is basically to power in the people based on the modernization of the State and explore the history of great achievements made to explore the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and successfully explored the history of the socialist market economic system. After 56 years, especially some of the early mistakes, but also with such closely related to exploration. for a statement, the first 109 years of history is to strive for national independence, after 56 years, is to strive for national modernization and prosperity in history. such a simple course of history, most people understand, especially the last 50 years, this historical process as a contemporary of different degrees of participants, witnesses, have experienced the hardships and the joy of making history.
the root causes of the Second Opium War Second Opium War
only one root cause, and that is to maximize the benefits of capitalist aggressors unmet.
more privileges. They also call for the legalization of opium trade in China to achieve, requiring trade in the Chinese territory, requiring the establishment of embassies in Beijing. Australian Academy of Social Sciences, Research Professor Huang Yuhe the Second Opium War in recent years, his latest research results prove that the reason why the United Kingdom launched the war to a large extent forced the Qing government to legalize the opium trade, Britain was to protect the economic interests in China's largest opium trade mmm. (13) to seek in China's overall economic and political interests This is their fundamental interests. The fundamental interests of the reach of hands, a new outbreak of a war of aggression is to sooner or later, the problem only in war time and excuses.
, cited the two. The first is contrary to historical truth.
outsiders into the city the problem is a very complex issue.
of Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai, five ports, and commerce not affect; and set up the British Consul-monarchists, steward and other officials, in the five towns. In port, the diplomats can live in cities. China believes that the meaning of Chinese characters according to the cities does not necessarily mean the city, the treaty did not give the British the right into the city. ; and significant differences occurred. in accordance with the Europeans, international law, discrepancy, it should allow the parties to split on their views. In fact, these two texts are provided in the UK. This has resulted into the city and into the city of the same against the source of different interpretations of the law. In the Chinese view, the English people called for the full implementation of a treaty are not convincing. In fact, the official in the United Kingdom under the pressure of Britain has agreed to enter the city. But inside and outside the community, Guangzhou, Chengxiang, strongly disagreed with the British gentry into the city, even at war, the official had to ; the ground, the time delay into the city. Opium War and the atrocities committed during the British after the Opium War from the British rule more than the Chinese and foreign disputes Shiqiang evil event is caused by the Guangzhou people a basic cause of xenophobia. From a historical perspective, Guangzhou At that time, people's xenophobia rationality of its existence, into the city of Guangzhou people struggle against the conditions of its occurrence at that time. (14)
requirements rounding, it is the Western powers attempt to get more benefits from China's strategy means. As early as 1853, the United Kingdom and the United States on the use of MFN amendment hon Minister to China, Taiping forces had scored Tianjin, near the Northern Expedition, Man-hon was between Taiping and Qing government who wins toss, put the instructions set aside .7, the United States to the Qing Government to help suppress the Taiping as bait to rounding interest in expanding in China. Qing government suspected the U.S. motivation, did not accept. In fact, the history of imperialist aggression against China scholars have long pointed out, the United Kingdom to amend the treaties, not commercial treaty, no amendment of the regulations; while rounding itself does not include within the MFN. (15) British Europeans by the Chinese authorities do not understand the knowledge of international relations, to cheat and fraud, only to be led by the Qing government the nose is gone.
1854, the United Kingdom, United States, France are active in rounding. but for Britain to take action to resolve the war about the right time for repair is not mature. The biggest reason is that Britain, France and Alliance is with Russia for the division and the name of the Crimean War the Turkish slavery, the British military deployed in the Crimea on the battlefield. So the British Government to include repair instructions about the negotiations should strictly avoid the use of force, as long as China recognizes the principle of rounding, do not have immediate .1855 actual negotiations, the American missionary named Peter Parker as Minister to China, to Peter Parker's task is to get his ministers from the Qing government in Beijing, unlimited expansion of trade and the removal of any restrictions on personal freedoms three main rights. Peter Parker know, essential Bay, forced the Beijing government held negotiations on revising the treaty. Bowring said: to the Far East, and no military support, the action failed to make the trip north. This means that, with the means of war, forced the Qing government agreed to the purpose of rounding, this is already an established decision-making.
1856 年 3 months, Kerry Crimean War, Russia was defeated. this time, Britain, France, Russia turned their eyes toward China, the country can be moved out of China warships. fighting in the Crimean battlefield rivals in China has become a partner. has decided to use the means of war, the aggressors always looking for a high-sounding excuse.
is at this time, Ma Father incident occurred. Although this is a burst of individual events, for France is a good excuse, but For Britain, this excuse is not yet effective. Soon, Arrow incident occurred. colonialists to find a pretext for aggression against China is not difficult to .20 century French researchers studied the information that: package order see the Second Opium War is absolutely necessary to them, not because of the attitude of the Chinese side is transferred. and fight the root causes of the war, the Western powers over the treaty privileges in China to gain more benefits. No procedural justice

known aggressor, the aggressor is the predatory nature. : West Malaysia priest local officials to death, nature, and totally confusing the facts.
procedural justice priority, which is quite scary. It seems the British were from Europe, the French preferred the law to comply with the principle of procedural justice. In fact, these seemingly law to comply with procedural justice priority the principle of colonial invaders, came to China has never abide by the principle of procedural justice, law priority.
to Ma Lai case, for example, Ma Lai illegal missionary work earlier, and all kinds of evil in the mission area, local officials failed to illegal Ma Lai conveyance of consular and be killed, illegal in the post. in accordance with the principles of procedural justice, law priority, why not a horse depends on it wrong or the French first?
Youyi Taku war as an example. When the French people know that the Qing government had fortification in the Taku is still decided by the British Minister gunboat from the White River to Tianjin Dagu abduction. Marcel Proust, the British Minister to the British government report said: Qing emperors and their ministers believe: Once I request to be put from her hand, if not follow my request, I'm ready to request with the threat of force. battle, do not walk Beitang In the afternoon of June 25 Taku Fort sudden attack. Dagu a resolute defenders fought back, fighting day and night, destroying the British and French warships sunk more than a dozen only, kill and wound 464 British soldiers, 14 French, British admiral also seriously injured and had to panic withdrawal. British and French warships opened fire first to the Taku forts, Taku defenders fought back, is entirely just. no doubt, Taku aggressors fully responsible for the incident side. has always been sympathetic to the invaded country Marx's proletarian revolutionary leader September 13, 1859, commented: Chinese, such action, and not be broken treaties, but only defeated the British invasion. Minister, arranged along the hospitality care, minister in Beijing, the city arranged a place to live. Qing government starting from the security, the minister designated routes to Beijing, to provide for with followers, not allowed to bring weapons. These arrangements fully in line with norms of international relations at that time. Europeans, international law does not provide for the development can carry weapons to his country's capital to exchange treaty ratification. these arrangements fully comply with the requirements of the so-called procedural justice. When the news reached London, Taku, China, Britain destroyed the bourgeois newspapers Fanwu treaty requires the United Kingdom The Government of China to implement Is the French minister in London to retain the right to be able to give the French minister, led the French expedition forced to invade the rights of the River Thames it? rights, then the very obvious damage to the treaty are not Chinese, but the British and the British determined to advance to the specified date of exchange of ratifications of the previous aggressive to China. , is controlled by the Lord Elgin prepared in advance. compliance with the principle of procedural justice, law priority, but also can cite many examples.
American a commercial treaty concluded between. It's 34 states: a work place shall be as soon as twelve years, the two sent a fair discretion to do. and peace not only approved, the two persons shall abide by the officials and people to America in the member countries shall send the arrival of another opposition . ;) not send people to come to another objection to this. In what circumstances can the 12 years after the just delete the reference to these words), related to trade and sea sections, you can minor amendments. This is actually referred only to a small amendment. the United States and countries know it. China is also aware of this .1855 In May, the United States, Britain and France have notes minister Governor Ye Chen Guangdong and Guangxi, requiring revision in Beijing, said that the original fear of falling into different situations, but a little work, the large segment is absolutely no change France and the United States have not raised large segment of the right to modify the treaty; even minor amendments, it needs through diplomatic channels, with the Qing government to negotiate forced to sign the treaty is invalid. Marx quoted the former Chief Prosecutor of the Hong Kong To London It has long lost its effectiveness, and thus has no power to Great Britain at least enjoy the priority assigned to it by the treaty rights and privileges. U.S., Russia to comply with this country the principle of which country?
Materialism can not shake
history of the Research and Analysis, is a very serious matter. from the study and interpretation of the text introduced by popular readers, more should be to society, to hold the reader a very responsible attitude. history, historical truth is to how to how to, and can not be arbitrary interpretation by the people, this is the attitude of historical materialism. Meanwhile, the historical process full of contradictions movement, there is a complex event consisting of a variety of specific events, our analysis, research of historical events can not hold as much historical data, not to mention certain things within the historical range, can not grasp the historical process the nature side, you can not make a class of historical phenomena, the dialectical analysis, we will not from the diverse make sense of the historical phenomena, to grasp the basic law of history. If you do not respect the historical facts of historical fact, the course of history for any explanation, that is historical idealism.
a popular saying: all history is contemporary history. or all history is history of ideas, or everyone is his own historian. If all history is contemporary written thoughtful people, the argument has a certain significance. But I think that contemporary research, writing history, or to the materialist conception of history as a guide, use the method of historicism, observed historical phenomenon, understand the historical development nature, indicate the direction of historical development. If the history written in the hearts of everyone, then Personalities, the true colors of history lost, If you take this history to educate young people, young people will be adversely affected.
history is not free to dress up the girl. an invasion is possible to avoid. are imposed, where the Chinese negotiators are eligible interfere?
has been difficult rewritten. we can only answer: the Chinese people to resist foreign aggression, if not, do not fight, China has long been a complete colony. China has today, you?
enemy, as the weaker party to the Qing empire, a wise choice is to strictly enforce existing treaties, to avoid confrontation with them. However, in the era of the Opium War, which the Chinese have recognized that China is the weaker party does. even realize that the weaker party, are weak when the party faced foreign aggression, should not be against it? Qing government was strictly limited within the system in the unequal treaties, at any time, strict compliance with the Treaty, non-compliance, does not meet the original treaty privileges, has been that the foreign invaders.
relations can gradually establish a more in line with the long-term interests of the majority and most countries in the l r just order. Without a strong national strength, by the Qing government to Game is not possible. Even today, China's comprehensive national strength is relatively strong, we can in the international arena, order, but most of the countries to establish long-term interests in line with the learning to the Western powers, to achieve a comprehensive modernization of social life. comprehensive modernization of it? in our earth, but no such precedent. Sun Yat-sen established Alliance, bent on revitalizing the Chinese nation, the UK, U.S., France to learn and build as the United States, France, as the republican system, but was not fully supported by United States and Europe and other Western countries. But when power shifted to the hands of Yuan Shikai, the Western powers to get support. Sun through the dash of suffering, and finally understand this: the West did not support the establishment in China as they did capitalist power. So Sun Yat-sen reorganized the Kuomintang, to re-explain the Three People's Principles, determined to United Russia, to co-workers to help farmers, determined to take the non-capitalist road, and hold high the banner of anti-imperialism.
after the May Fourth Movement , waves to the Chinese people launched against imperialism and feudalism in the movement, the Communist Party organization, the study of Marxist theory, the resistance to imperialist aggression, control belongs to the people's armed forces, only to have the results of today's China. China today the rapid development of a comprehensive well-off society, the Chinese nation among the nations of the world today can not rely on Western powers come to learn. Western roads to the historical development of the Chinese people to enlightenment, in comparison, ...

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