Sunday, December 19, 2010


 Tan Kah Kee Tan Kah Kee
, overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, Jimei, Fujian Tongan Xian community of people (now the town of Jimei, Xiamen), Xiamen University, Jimei University, Jimei School, Xiang'an one, Jimei, public hospitals are the same Xiang'an Tan founded. Tan or Malaysia, and Singapore's famous Chinese entrepreneurs, Chinese leaders during his lifetime worked in Southeast Asia, patriots.
Chinese name: Tan
Foreign Name: Tan Kah Kee
Nationality: Chinese
Birthplace: Fujian Xiamen Jimei
Date of birth: October 21, 1874
date of death: August 12, 1961
Occupation: Educator
main achievements: Xiamen University was founded global leader of overseas Chinese

representative works: the decline of the family business after his father not only to pay off the debt, but also to the continuous development. In the mid-20th century, 20 years, the economic enterprise in Japan peaked in 1928 before the massacre, Jinan, Tan Kah Kee's social activities, in addition to its League participated in the early and supported the revolution led by Sun Yat-sen, the founder or major donor in the Industry and education and other social welfare activities.
the tragedy occurred, the Tan Kah Kee come forward to lead the new overseas Chinese community in the horse country and resist Collection Relief .1937 activities in Japan in October, he initiated the establishment of Letter of Tan Kah Kee, said Overseas Chinese in Hong Kong or Singapore should be the group for a total raise relief agencies, leaders raised) made the West Village in Indonesia (who also wrote the Tan Kah Kee, entrusted to his Singaporean group Namchow Association, said the same purpose and Qingquan) advocated and persuasion, but also by the National Government (Tan Chong sent a letter to the West after the words, call the Executive Yuan proposed to raise relief organizations Tan led Namchow total authority) calling requirements, contact the Southeast Asian overseas Chinese Tan Kah Kee came forward on behalf of a meeting in Singapore, set up the Refugee Relief Association to raise the motherland within a matter of about 400 million raised for the motherland Yuyuan Guo currency payments. In addition, he organized all over the front of the officers and men to raise donations for relief in warm clothing, medicines, trucks and other materials, as well as investments in Singapore and set up pharmaceutical factory in Chongqing, a direct supply of medicines .
1939, he took the request should be recruited internally More than 3,200 overseas Chinese mechanic (car driver and mechanic) returned to service, open up the Burma Road in the new China on the rush to transport much-needed strategic materials .1940 war, he Organization Mission in Southeast Asia Overseas Chinese calendar consolation visit to Chongqing and Yan'an and other places. especially the visit to Yan'an, the Tan Kah Kee orthodoxy has undergone great changes. He truly delivered a speech on the perception of Yan'an, praised the new atmosphere of Ningxia Border Region. by access area of the two parties, Tan that The Government member of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, member of East China Military and Political Committee, Chairman of the National Federation of Returned Overseas .1961 died in August. The first and second member of the National People's Congress, the second and third Vice Chairman of CPPCC. overseas Chinese entrepreneurs in Malaysia , and Singapore well-known Chinese entrepreneurs, who have the global leader of overseas Chinese during his lifetime, patriots.
course of business
Tan 17 years old (1891) crossing the Pacific to Singapore to make a living, at first mainly in the smooth operation of his father Anmi shop services were done for 13 years, until 1904, he raised 7,000 yuan (Lat currency, the same below) the creation of pineapple canning factory, called the the new company. in three months a total of 4 million profit two plants.
time, the rubber for the first time transplanted from Brazil to Malaya, which he purchased with the 2,000 seeds planted in the pineapple garden, and then large area of cultivation, to 1925, he has 15,000 acres rubber plantation, as Chinese, one of the largest rubber cultivation, known as the king of the four Singapore, Malaysia, one of the pioneers of rubber. then he started rubber products factory, production rubber shoes, tires, and commodities. has various cities in China, Southeast Asia and the world largest port on the establishment of more than 100 outlets. He also operates the rice mill, timber mill, sugar factory, biscuit factory, shoes, leather factory, plant up to 30 places. heyday (1925) business far and five continents, employing over 3 million employees, assets of 1,200 million (Lat coin, worth about million taels of gold).
he was the first mass production of rubber products promote the development of national industry to their countries; he opened up a rubber products and other products directly to the output of the international market, the first Chinese to break the monopoly of the British monopoly capital; he has trained thousands of entrepreneurs and technology personnel. was due to price cuts in Japan Polystyrene dumping in Southeast Asia, coupled with the capitalist world economic crisis, his business, such as rivers, sunsets, and finally all ended in 1934.
He held abroad, the country harbor township, business industry, unselfish, determined to compete obligation, to serve the motherland to the best of national duty, so the product information of millions, all for up schools and other public welfare undertakings, the property is not left behind children and grandchildren.
set up education
Tan Kah Kee was a great patriot , the famous industrialist, but also a life dedicated to education of the education at home, a real educator. He lives a frugal life, but up schools to make every effort Yucai is very enthusiastic. he running the length of time, scale, determination of Kennedy, rarely seen in China and the world.
Tan said: raise the level of the fundamental measures of national culture, no matter what the time needs. , aquatic, marine, commercial, agriculture and forestry schools were ten; separate kindergartens, hospitals, libraries, science museums, educational department, collectively, the and to provide educational guidance .1923 headquarters of Generalissimo Sun Yat-sen approval of , science, law, business, education, the five branches of the 17 lines, this is the only founder of a Chinese university, is also the sole founder of the only university in the April 6, 1921 opening, Tan maintained for 16 years alone . then the world economic downturn hit Chinese enterprises, Tan Kah Kee face a tough situation, attitudes are still very firm, said: funding.
Tan after liberation, not I have power, schools and expansion of Jimei, Xiamen University, personally directed the progress of the works, to inspect the quality, the people called him a He hope that the ambitious hear of following, the vibration I am Chinese, so although the company closed, raising the school fees are still multiple, hard support, perseverance, estimated the amount of his life for the school, about U.S. billion or more. In his initiative, many overseas Chinese have Donated to the Education, has become common practice, far-reaching effects.
Tan is not only an education at home, but a worthy educator. in the long running practice, the formation of his educational thought: the first First, he advocated women's education and oppose patriarchal. Great ago that run schools for girls, so that women can go to school, which at the time of the historical conditions, the open atmosphere of the first, is valuable; second, emphasizing the poor children of privilege, reward Teachers. he opposed rich and poor school hours, trying to help poor children go to school. Meanwhile, he paid great attention to the cultivation of normal students, rigorous teacher selection and identify talent, to reward the good; Third, pay attention to teaching quality, attention to overall development. Tan Kah Kee from school started, been paying attention to position, he thought to run the school, the key is leadership and teachers, He attached great importance to select principals and teachers; Fifth, in order to revitalize the industry, develop production and technical personnel, Office of Vocational and Technical Education Initiative; sixth, requires education, and to provide the same below An and the Ministry of Education and Promotion. He fought his life for the cause of education.
Tan Kah Kee Jimei and Xiamen University to build dozens of magnificent high-rise buildings, his house is a simple two-story buildings, both small and dark, things inconvenient, but he was contented. his life work and plain living, Zifeng meager. bed, desk, sofa, bed nets are all old. coat, pants, shoes, socks are all patched. his family millions of property, but for later years low standards of food self-imposed five cents a day, often eat sweet potato porridge, peanuts, tofu, bean curd with a fish. He personally motto is: with the money, do not waste one minute. thousand dollars, monthly salary is sufficient arrived. Jimei build a house, not on a million, he was not all. started primary school in his hometown, also founded the Normal School in 1918 and the establishment of secondary schools, primary schools and kindergartens attached to men and women. As his business flourished, he continued to operate in the Jimei Fisheries Sea School, Business School, agriculture, forestry schools, Kindergarten Teachers, etc. also established the Science Museum, libraries and hospitals, so that the Jimei school to become a systematic and comprehensive village.
located in Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee Tan Kah Kee Memorial statue in front of. Xiamen primary school bronze statue of Tan Kah Kee Memorial Hall before the
Tan donated school peak was in 1921. He deplored the backwardness of culture and education in Fujian and the lack of talent, they decided to invest 100 million Xiamen University was founded. All running costs of a person by his commitment to the University's operating costs, including 300 million, also paid by him in 12 years. For the Xiamen University, he paid a wholehearted effort, from principals and teachers to employ, to the school's site design and construction, he traveled extensively, worked hard to Xiamen University, China became a well-known colleges and universities.
In Singapore, Tan for the local overseas Chinese are also very enthusiastic about their children's education, founded in 1919, large-scale also founded the Aquatic Sea School, Nan Chiau demonstration and Nan Chiau High School girls. At that time, the church requested the Tan Kah Kee was founded 10 million donation to a university Tan generously agreed, but proposed to set up Chinese language courses and conditions.
Tan life The contribution of education funding, worth 1000 million yuan, equivalent to all the property he owns. It is estimated that, if he was buying gold, the value is now estimated to have up to 1 billion U.S. dollars. Tan Kah Kee Jimei school in a given letter reads: ability to recover, escape the Evolution of the phase-out. I therefore run overseas, Rukuhanxin decades, his life of what is at stake, held less than assault I read, alone in the matter up schools at the expense of money and effort to do this exhaust exhaust the day, those who diligently not dare Yi Yu, is this ear. ; country rich and strong, is all about people, the development of people, all lies in education, education is the foundation of a nation. . Republic of China on March 3, Jimei founded two other high initial primary and secondary schools have since women have started primary school, teacher, secondary schools, kindergartens, fisheries, commerce, agriculture, forestry, Guoxue specialist, naive Teachers, etc., and the gradual development of electric light plant built in the school , hospital, Museum, Library, large stadium. remote fishing village in the old building from the world-famous Jimei. Republic of China 8 years, he began to organize, Xiamen University, pledged 100 million start-up costs, annual fees in 12 years pay a total of 300 million, while the assets accumulated by that time he has only 400 million. Republic of China 10 years on April 6, Xiamen University, officially opened under the Wulaofeng, set TEACHERS department (arts, science two subjects) and the Division of Commerce. to the Republic for 25 years, Xiamen has developed to the arts, science, Law and Business College 9 3 system, as was the department most of the five universities. Tan to create a of Tan Kah Kee for bankruptcy, can not afford Xiamen funding would ask the national government revenue for the National University. in assuming Jimei, Xiamen two schools a huge expenditure, the Tan Kah Kee also in the Republic of China 10 years to contact the Singapore Overseas Chinese organizations and safety education, support and Tongan Xian founded more than 40 primary schools. Republic of China for 13 years, the Tan Kah Kee Jimei Tongan education will be changed to the Department of School Education and Promotion, to 24 years, the province has subsidized the 73 counties in 20 primary and secondary schools, subsidies amounted to 193,227 silver dollars, all from the Tan Kah Kee commitment. while living, the Tan Kah Kee Chinese schools trying to do advocacy, former Prime Minister of Singapore Tao Nan School. Republican donor in Singapore, was founded 4 years Chongfu girls, 8 years and the Republic of China donated 30,000 yuan to create the Nanyang Chinese High School, and later donated 40 million for the school fund. Republic of China on March 36, the founder of Nanyang Girls High School.
overseas Chinese in the history of a glorious name forever etched in the hearts of millions of overseas Chinese by the motherland and the people respect and remembrance. this person will Chairman Mao as But the heart of China has been actively supporting revolutionary activities in China. he met Sun Yat-sen, in 1910 joined the League and to support Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities. After the Revolution, Tan served as Fujian raise funds to support Fujian, stabilize the situation on the ground.
Tan for the culture, but also active support. He supported the Fan Changjiang, Xia Yan, who organized the fen complex to do initiated boycott of Japanese goods. Namchow Tan Chairman of the Federation speech
1937 年 in Sino-Japanese War broke out, Overseas Chinese motherland Collection Relief Refugee Council (referred to as elected Chairman. take the lead in his own contributions, but also organize various activities. nearly a year in 1939, Overseas Chinese remittances to more than 360 million yuan to the country, from the Marco Polo Bridge Incident to the outbreak of war in the Pacific during the 4 ? years, for a total donation of about 1.5 billion greatly support the anti-Japanese forces in China.
Tan also insisted the anti-Japanese in the end, Wang and others for the compromise, the second in the National Political Council meeting that also plays a role of great encouragement.
(Note: This is the famous words of the November proposal, and facts differ. its proposal more than 11 characters, but three, more than 100 words. Wang deleting the group Second, three proposals were changed several times on the first, try to blur the proposal targeted deletion of neither fish nor fowl, just like child's play against. the final set of 19 words is that November 2, 1938 in Chongqing, (L) Public KAM:
East Power noted. Geng who are unable to attend the meeting, very sorry.
're a proposal for two, and begging on behalf of the full number of members agreed to seek participation in politics and brought to referendum.
I. I did not quit before the Japanese territory, where people talk about the civil service of any conditions of peace, almost the traitor of traitors.
II, medium and large schools during the war, ban the summer.
Third, abolition of long-period clothing jacket, Xiongwu spirit of our nation to vibration.
Tan Koushou (October 26)
1940, 66-year-old Tan also personally led a delegation to China consolation visit, he visited Chongqing and Yan'an and other places, with the CPC and KMT all were contacted .1941, the Japanese occupation of Singapore, Tan was forced to Indonesia and eventually finding refuge and easy living, in that the No other reference material circumstances, wrote the famous overseas Chinese History in - period of 3 years of terror on October 2 .1945, under the escort of Tan Kah Kee in the alumni, arrived from Jakarta, Malang, East Java, the same year on October 6, return to Singapore.
1946 after the Communist civil war, against the Tan Kah Kee U.S. aid to Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman of the Federation on behalf of the Namchow call to protest the U.S. president and Congress. and the boycott of the National Assembly held in Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang said, , Qin Hui, Wu Sangui, Wang Zhu thieves, there have been no less. solidarity with the democratic struggle on the suppression of civil war.
1949 年 5 months, Tan Ying Mao Zedong's invitation to China to attend the preparatory meeting of the CPPCC, the year in September to participate as the chief representative overseas Chinese CPPCC .10 On 1 May, attended the People's Republic of founding ceremony in Tiananmen Square. Tan and Mao Zedong in Beijing photo
Since then, Tan served as member of the Central People's Government, the first session of the CPPCC National Committee Standing Committee, the Central Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission member of the Executive Committee Vice-Chairman of East China, President of All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the first session of the NPC Standing Committee, the CPPCC National Committee Vice-Chairman and other third position.
1961 年 8 12, died at the Tan Kah Kee Beijing, at the age of 87 years. buried in Fujian after the Turtle Garden Jimei.
Tan Kah Kee in 1910 to participate in League to raise money to support Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities. Republic of China was founded, he has repeatedly against the Japanese aggression against disaster relief fund-raising Japanese goods, leading to the factory burned, but also the expense. Well, he was elected Chairman of the Federation, the status of overseas Chinese leaders from established. Tan's greatest contribution is to raise large sums of money aid homeland war. to see in 1939, he raised the war spending for the country 1.8 billion dollars, the motherland of the Chinese exchange paragraph 1.1 billion in donations account for about 10%. Namchow War Yijuan always about the national currency 500 million yuan, mainly relying on the masses in various ways, he led the Namchow Way .1940 reward groups come to visit the war zone. visited Yan'an when seen and heard, integrated perception, finds the Chinese Communist Party is the hope of the Chinese people to express sincere support .1942, the Japanese captured Singapore, he was forced to shelter in Indonesia, in this period, Tan made a self-proclaimed ; to chi chi to the above poems, there are four wrote: potassium cyanide, Chongqing groups held a To the best efforts of national liberation, for the unity of infinite Kuxin suffered war, slander words can not hurt, incorruptible, Safe and in celebration, then the people plead. , selfless and fearless, the time when the KMT in power, he opposed the Japanese words and Wang Ching-wei, Wang denounced as traitors, and later against the corrupt authoritarian regime, Chiang, call the American president, to protest U.S. support for Chiang Kai-shek launched a civil war, and not recognize false public statements President and the US-Chiang treaty.
1949, he was Chairman Mao's power should be invited back to attend the CPPCC National Committee, attended the founding ceremony. He saw the great country stood up, determined to settle in our country and building services. He served as the Central People's Government member of Returned Overseas Chinese Federation President, elected National People's Congress Standing Committee, the CPPCC National Committee Vice-Chairman. He has the oldest old go further, gallop country north and south the land, tiring, Xibuxianuan, is committed to the cause of socialist construction in the motherland, and to promote the great unity of the patriotic overseas Chinese and encourage overseas Chinese to support the motherland and home building to play an active role. he told during his lifetime, deeply concerned about the return of Taiwan, reflecting the sincere heart of a patriot.
1961 年 8 月 12 日 Tan Kah Kee passed away in Beijing. grand. Chairman Zhu De, Zhou Enlai personally Zhifu, Liao speech at the memorial service. Chen Yi in the condolence when the excitedly said: patriot, following the revolution, start to finish, worthy of future generations to learn. lay a wreath at memorial service station, the last in the Jimei Turtle Garden held a grand funeral ceremony, Tan Kah Kee Yong Ao interest in the garden.
Tan Kah Kee Tan Kah Kee hometown Soul is an important historical figure, his influence far beyond borders, people respect him not only in Mainland China and overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese also respect him. his spirit will always shine at home and abroad.
Jiageng fear of failure, is shameful.
mm Tan is the cause of education to reach Collection
successful, should also be very difficult, if rather the lack of perseverance, a little unhappy, then annoying the heart, Ann Nengcheng Shi zai?!
mm end of the twenties of last century Tan Running the most difficult period caused by Jimei School
Chencun animal husbandry to Xiamen, Jimei must-read. and this year most of Mr. Tan Kah Kee craftsmen with a brick base up, sir. life, experienced many setbacks. However, neither the school destroyed in the war, or their own business suffered heavy losses led to liquidity problems, he never wavered information and education to the ideal tilt. no money, would rather ;; school destroyed by the KMT to build up again.
Now, Jimei cultural and educational district with the construction is in full swing, Americans determined to set Mr succession of gritty, indomitable Zhi Gang Brave, Mr. continuing great cause.
through Jimei, we arrived at the beach Ao Park. Ngau Tan park around the tomb of relief around the bluestone, Mr. recorded an extraordinary life experience is legendary: ;, School Defeated life.
1929, the capitalist economic crisis, the world markets in turmoil. ferocious economic crisis in the environment, the Tan Kah Kee Enterprises burned year after year to early 1930, Tan Kah Kee Co., Ltd. is the situation of distress. Mr Tan Kah Kee was advised to consider reducing the monthly remittances to the funding of Jimei and Xiamen, but he replied: foreign bank loans to millions of hard times, monopoly capitalism groups use the status of creditors in an attempt to force the industry to share his company and made to stop the maintenance of Jimei, Xiamen funding conditional on the two schools. relatives and friends also was kind enough to persuade him to stop supply of school funding to maintain the business. But he said: ;
this way, maintenance of Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee alone for 16 years until the spring of 1937, his efforts to maintain the Jimei school, it will be unconditionally dedicated to the Xiamen government, private for the State to change.
during the war and liberation, Jimei school has Japanese aircraft were shelling and indiscriminate bombing of the Kuomintang, destroyed most of the school, devastated. Tan Kah Kee was not intimidated by .1950 difficulties in September, he returned to settle in immediately after the start fund-raising repair, expansion Jimei. In spite of his own matter has been high, all the size of the project design, construction, progress, funding allocation, careful planning arrangements for command and personally; his summer and winter regardless of weather, visit the site every day to Jimei, command and solve the problems on the site, each week also one or two ferry rides to the general construction site inspection, Xiamen University, and regularly to the various STONE QUARRY and brickworks site to solve the problem hh
untiring efforts in the President, Jimei, Xiamen freshman blocks of green tile cornices, towering magnificent the village school buildings going up. at Xiamen University, from 1951 to 1954, built 31 buildings, totaling 62,600 square meters, equivalent to twice before the founding; in Jimei, repair started in 1950 war-damaged school buildings, since 1955, and the expansion of the new school and the Science Museum, library, gymnasiums, hospitals, power plants, water plants, movie theaters, and Jimei Liberation Monument, with a total construction area of nearly 16 million square meters, equivalent to before the founding of more than three times.
latest articles (more)
* never-ending dedication to the public
* mm mm increment, patriotic loyalty
* Yi mm never give strong
* Cheng mm promise never to destroy the clank proud and
money for light and heavy duty, integrity Guo Yi, illness evil good, and love all the patriotic point of town, especially by adhering to the desire, and not ashamed of one, people would like to encourage each of the deep also.
mm Tan Kah Kee in 1946, However, honesty, justice has always respected hh some people, something wicked dare, dare Wuqibazao earn money, so a rich man reviled by others, notoriety.
mm Tan side after returning from teaching staff
[shot 1]
Chuanjiezouxiang in Jimei, we can see some from time to time as play the .1918, the younger brother of Mr. Chen Jingxian personally the integrity of the virtues, is Jimei Passing the torch, carried forward.
Road South, Jimei school building, several middle school girls is the one on the 130th anniversary commemoration of Tan Kah Kee blackboard. ? ; I remember his father for his own people into paying the money owed to the. That is, to be honest, to keep your promise. In 1904, business bankruptcies Tan father, Harry owed creditors more than 20 million in India large sums of money. in accordance with the laws of Singapore, As it was bankrupt and depressed into the tragic death of disease, but the reputation as the most important of Tan Kah Kee Despite the economic constraints, but declared that 4 years hard work, and finally some profit, he would oppose against their friends, spent a lot of time and effort to find creditors, with interest to pay off the debt owed his father. At that time, someone said he was But he said: reputation quickly spread throughout Southeast Asia. Since then, people strongly believe that Tan Kah Kee's business ethics and reputation, are willing to do business with him. can be said that Tan has been able to start from scratch and in not too long a time to be a billionaire, and his one million gold promise In 1958, when the Jimei school to organize the farm, but the campus land is limited, the school was suggested several years ago presented to the Agriculture Department's farm horses as part of large tracts of land to recover. Zhang Qihua that sense, they asked the President, the results are Mr. severely criticized. Mr., what has been presented to the people but also to recover back on its words, is the dishonest act, and blame Zhang Qihua did when ...

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