Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chen Xiaohong, Vice Minister of Health attended the health of the Asian Games in Guangzhou

 Chen Xiaohong, Vice Minister attended the activities A country's most valuable resource. With the rapid economic and social development, people's ideas, habits, lifestyles have undergone profound changes, these changes alter the factors that influence health, disease type and structure of the human cause of death. In China, high blood pressure caused by poor lifestyle, diabetes, coronary heart disease, lung cancer, liver cancer and other chronic diseases have become the cause of death among urban and rural residents deaths are the proportion of the total death toll reached 80% or more. advocacy and promotion of science health behavior and living habits, is to improve the quality of the urgent public health requirements, but also protect the health of people facing an urgent and arduous task.
he said, the Guangzhou municipal government has always attached great importance to health, solid promoting community health, rural health, public health and prevention and control of major diseases, etc., to promote people's health continued to improve. This launched the reform views, improve people's livelihood, the concrete embodiment of people's health concerns, is to implement the scientific concept of development of specific actions. hope to organize the Asian Games in Guangzhou as an opportunity to improve the government's advocacy, departments, social participation mechanisms, sustained further promote

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