Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yang Lianning second place, but China is unhappy!

 Yang Lianning: second place, but China is unhappy!
Twice in my first tour of Japan 1987,1990 a time when Japan's largest in the world's largest creditor, the largest trade surplus and the largest foreign exchange reserves on the occasion, the Japanese GDP deserved to rank the world's second largest economy (excluding the EU) when! 20 years later, China after the United States into the glory of this threshold, but we seem happy!
Why China unhappy? because the same is ranked the second largest economy, Japan and at the moment that time, China is entirely different. different not? is that Japan was still the world's largest importer of technology, the largest capital exporting country and the international competitiveness of the most power. What does that mean? mean Japan was by 70 years after the war is through the basic national policy of Japan, when Japan's GDP , is already a highly technical, industrialized countries. is different from the China's current the car home country Germany and the car powers the United States. omnipotent Japanese electronics, completely defeated the TV series of U.S. and European industries. watch over Switzerland, the camera, the piano over Germany, whiskey is catching up with Scotland. almost all manufactured goods, rely on Japanese goods more innovative, more sophisticated, more perfect, more reliable and cheaper than the West. the Japanese labor-intensive, high energy consumption and heavy pollution of the industrial transfer overseas. catch up with catch-up, what is catching up? Disadvantages of the latter countries, the brutal competition rules is: more than just be called more than caught up mm West, to catch up with the West! as a latecomer countries to catch up, assuming that Japan is not in the technology and overall efficiency than the West, and as China has such What strong goods and early onset of words against the West? take their words against the West in real estate?
What is the brutal competition rules? it means Intelligent control of the profits of labor will occupy the food chain. can only be to provide foundry services to the country be controlled, placing him at the end of the food chain, is to eat leftovers. toys to clothing and shoes to play the ; China, in a ? I do not say you know.
course, the international winner of the role of low-cost competition, the Japanese Changba mm long debut in China do not have to turn to far away, do not belittle mm in recent years, low-end consumer market. is known as : language) model mm must draw your attention to is that the Chinese rely on low technology but high labor-intensive export enterprises, most are not state-owned enterprises, but foreign companies engaged in the processing industry, private enterprises. Why? processing industry is difficult to form a monopoly, only the resources, energy only facilitate the state-owned monopoly. private processing industry, mostly in the bottom of the food chain. What is the bottom of the food chain? is the final price of about 85% of this leading technology, design, marketing and other core aspects of the foreign invested enterprises, accounting for final processing fee for this session only price about 15%. For example, the iPod market to sell $ 199 music player, processing enterprises earn only $ 4.
earn only about 15% processing fees, which means is actually Made in China with high technical content, including the higher the content of Chinese-made. In other words, China is already films, the middle of the patty or cheese slices from a foreign company. In fact, China exported $ 1,000,000 for each product, we must import $ 500,000 of the core material. people get through the bulk of intelligence, we take a small head coolie. This twenty-eight into hamburger sandwich products, both low-technology products that low-income, but also that manufacturing is very important, and why? because only clarified the truth, can then clarify the huge Chinese trade surplus with the United States actually are not that many mm of goods exported to the U.S., only a small part of the value of completely out of China, the other was about 50% to 75 % of the value, in fact, not a Chinese.
with a second place in the end not the same as in Japan where? not the same as in Japan, 60% of GDP, made by science and technology, while China currently relies on 60% of GDP made of reinforced concrete. Data show that 2000/2006 years, Chinese companies in the United States received a total of 3,447 patents, and patents from Japan over the same period was 241,000, and Taiwan is 39,000. Therefore, the second of Japan's GDP, is ranked the second top the food chain, is working to get the bulk of intelligence by the second, but also workers who treat the person's second heart. And now China's second? just placing him second bottom of the food chain, is to get by selling coolie The second head is also affected by the labor of people who rule in the second.
you should get the point? Why is the East Asian countries, Japan ranked second shock when the West, alert, felt to be beyond a real threat. In other words, the West's victory in Japan, is a substantial win. while China ranked second time the West do not have this feeling, I feel China is not a substantial win, but a number of wins. One answer, I have to say early on: the Auntie who govern people, labor people are ruled! take advantage of smart technology of Western control of the China is among the bottom of the food chain, there is no lack of national pride mm triumphant victory over Japan and Europe we finally, only a target limit or over the United States, and Oh!
a problem. Why is the ecological resource base too small and over-population of the two countries, Japan's catch-up is substantial, and China's catch-up is digital in nature?
Everyone knows that too many resources relative to the population base is too small, Japan The inverted pyramid serious than China: Japan 97% dependent on foreign resources and domestic resources can only provide 3%. Population over more narrow but resource base? Yes, this is not only China's national conditions, it is Japan's national conditions. year Japanese summed up his despair than this, said, ; 3, Japanese and more density. This three original decision factors of poverty and backwardness of Japan, but later became Japan's rapid economic prosperity of all the factors: 1, living expenses once they are developed, the population had become a huge market; 2 , land to facilitate construction of highways and small high-speed trains, the investment is small but efficient; 3, resource dependence on imports, construction of the mountainous island just Linhai Industrial Park, two out. the scarcity of non-renewable resources, just ahead of Japan shifted to promote recycling economy .
You see, technology founding of the choice, choose out of a larger situation in Japan, that is, the Japanese discover the intellectual capital of the modern economy's most valuable resource, replacing the natural resources, breaking the bottleneck constraints. Soil Light Toshio long said that Japan has no resources, no military power, but has ability to create and invent. Moreover, this ability is infinite. ..... This is the only inexhaustible treasure. Bell Language) This is exactly the essence of modern economic growth. What is essential? is not primarily depend on the input of resources, but by technological innovation and efficiency. China leapt to the second, it relies not on this, the lack of positive is this. It is because of this fatal flaw, so second place in China can not be happy, right? 

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