Tuesday, November 30, 2010

October 6, 2010

 Wednesday, Sunny, the sixth day of November holiday

seven days on holiday; Today is the sixth day; I think she meant a trip or want to go far; her gang of friends had recommended too: pick out the last two days on holiday travel; this way, calculated to play over the holidays; can avoid fighting congestion.

but to where? It far from the point of Guizhou; foggy mountain in view of the road bad, and now see the leaves and also a little early; plan to plan to go or not what they were. Last thought, no matter where our cars have to go do something about the leakage problem; taking a trip like this is always very reassuring. So she and I packed up items; drove to the 4S shop.

Xiaojing on duty today; her to master check our car, to the plug for a water tank; wash the car again; and then to add 270-odd oil; now has 12 points after a ; I'm afraid to call her high-speed re hungry; might as well put in here to eat lunch; so in the near Niuwang Miao Jin Yang Lu find a noodle shop; a person ate 2 bowl of noodles; then hit the road.

until the car in which direction should be turning, and a final decision is now before us; north; to Guangyuan area; there have not been to us. Then turn left on the Third Ring; 2:20 left on the Chengdu-Mianyang Expressway.

long time not too far out of the door by car; started a little bit not meet; a long time have not gone so quickly in the car; whole body was tense; head response, but come; I fear trouble; Fortunately, apart from high tension is still very strong control their tension; thankfully not what happened; walked for about 2 and a half hours; to Guangyuan.

advanced city; in accordance with the guidance of GPS mobile phone, find Lizhou East; This is the broadest in Guangyuan City street in the modern style; ask to ask her to get off the locals; said to be near the Bureau of Land Bureau of Health Several guest houses and other units of good; she went house to house to ask; Finally, she came back and said the Health Department has a guest house 130; environmental health are also good; us decided to go there.

yard drive into the guest house of health; to the desk; two female wanderers still warm; given us by the side of a small elevator; said yesterday in this room have to do more than 200.

us come in hot water bath; packed already passed 6; us to go out into the streets to find a restaurant; hostel hot female wanderers that there be a street; but we were not able to hot pot; so went to a nearby side street; through the government in front of; see here, a row of front wheel locked in irons on the bicycle child; next to the notice board in Guangyuan City, said this is a convenient service measures the Government; the so-called Bicycle rental business; do a card or foreign tourists, local residents can spend with your Card to open locked bicycle; own riding in Guangyuan City area; and places where there are loan points, can the car, or borrow another car .

left across the street from the city forward, to turn into a side street; find a fairly clean, small restaurant; to the pork and fish-flavored eggplant; there is a soup; tasted, taste General; away from home, and not stress so much; will eat; and walk back along the road side; encounter rolled into a small supermarket nearby; looked at here in the Green River fungus; 350q30 yuan; her feel a bit compared to the price gap between Chengdu large; afraid not to buy fake; to walk on the streets so; see Kawakita night neon lights of the city; until you feel a bit tired; us before returning to the health hostel room.

bed, peaceful man I went to Guangzhou, Koyanagi telephone; live in the guest house guest rooms have free long distance calls. Calm his little girl to join the ranks of bunch of man children, run to the elegant home stems; phone there, he said, this elegant holiday home run too many people packed incredibly stems; Fortunately, the gang back to their earlier; avoid traffic jams in the mountainous cover.

Guangzhou Koyanagi dinner I just sent a text message; said: old friends, you know? I see you like to see the savior of the same information! I am going to Chengdu, you can see you? I King really is dead, is about to engage in! Guangzhou Koyanagi is my friend, single; King who she said was a married man; there are two spare cash; and Koyanagi has a pull hook unknown tell Road; skelter also many times; this message that I have contact with the They interrupted after about almost two years, and suddenly the information received. I gave her to the phone, she picked up, said she was on the plane; I made an appointment with her after I returned to Chengdu to see the side with her.

got off the phone, and I'm tired; morrow are still many places to go; quickly sleep it.

2010 年 10 7, Thursday, overcast, November

the last day of holiday breakfast guest houses to the left on the second floor of a small restaurant to eat; we do not know, still on the first floor large dining room door, etc.; we know when to go after the second floor, where the already overcrowded; even can not find a place to sit; the end, the two are the old couple in Chengdu travel back in Yan'an and she let me sit down; they is Dobashi residents; line three cars; are family members, acquaintances; go hand in hand to them; who complain that said; because the big false; very bad traffic jam all the way; and no matter where; accommodation and meals are expensive to death; back when Qinling north blocked for a long time; a dozen eggs are sold to twenty dollars.

After breakfast; we departed health hostels; first Huangze Si; this temple is not; mainly because here the Empress Wu Guo; now looking all over the celebrity claiming credit; In fact, Wu is in accordance with feudalistic moral talk Cuandangduoquan; such a woman also in today's business community and the mother's condition is known to be blown Lao Gao; that Chinese society is such a force society. We walked down the stairs rubbing people up the tour guide; that is, delivery times and a mountain temple built on it; There is a group of statues of Buddha in plastic, mixed with a investors in the Nixiang bit character; about an hour to read it; according to the pictures; a temple to get.

out from Huangze Si; on high speed; leave Guangyuan; to the next Zhaohua; this would like to use GPS; but a dud; do not know where to go wrong procedure; had to find their own way; in high-speed section an exit; so that the road is still charged me 10 yuan.

along the stone path; to Zhaohua city; bought two tickets for 58 yuan; Ferry Street Stone Park along the Orange road gates into the city from looking Fung; along both sides of the floating roof falls Colorful signs of small tip goes a flag of the prefect Street; left Guairu spit fee Street; go gantry College; there maintenance allowed to enter.

Linqing door we go forward; on the floor to play a little gate; ask the ticket collector of the little girl; that only the gate is old; walls are behind the repair; Own Mic is lift to put it up later; down the gate building.

out of the city is a little bit open bar; it in front of a large boulder inscribed board, this is the original Three Kingdoms period was over the prime minister's fee Shu Wei grave; fee Wei in ancient times the city until after Zhao Hua; a banquet after the assassin killed; this small temple is now quiet enough to allow hospital were the secrets.

out from the temple and I look forward to hearing her back; went to the door did not Linqing the door, turn left along a road called the Tai Chi Street, then walked into the city prefect piece right way street; Also go to the county Department Zhaohua; here is the original old town Zhaohua; wall is close to five years of the Republic of China from the Ming and Qing Dynasties of any county in the list; this place looked very quiet now, very suitable for sporting a long beard reading ancient books, qigong and other idle things; including Temple look forward to hearing the ticket collector, including the girls here, inside I feel here is really a great pity that their youth.

complete turn around the county went to test the Department of Peng and Temple of Literature; the imperial examination system with generation of the architectural community, but for many years in China, gave birth to the earth; and go where no matter; the examination do a pretty place Su weight; before she and I had to go to the city is Langzhong; there is such a place of examinations, it is solemn; also retained well; imagine out of the ceremony of the year; is to now is still the same; When the college entrance examination, alert police the police, a situation that scary ah; at the fickleness of our country fraud everywhere, but also be there so that people die like a dog as serious satisfactory end.

examination halls and I read the last one she went to the sword blade to vote dam monarch park attractions; guard told us that the original training ground here is Liu Bei; have been a great venue; was gradually eroded by real estate ; Finally, the remaining small pieces of plastic inside a number of Shu monarch stone; bamboo planted along the footpath on both sides of the wall; curved around the wound; the mood if you have time, then chat over tea here is definitely share pursuits is good. sword knife from the dam

out there floating across the yard pennant Courtyard Koo; both of us looked into; some antique decrepit taste; was previously wealthy family here; this in all parts of the compound; like me and she had been to the Dali Courtyard Hei Yan Chau,UGG boots clearance, Ka Yip Tong Xiao Lianzhuang Nanxun, etc.; the Ku Courtyard hanging a large photo of the door; above printed with Courtyard seemingly innocent pair of early black and white photographs; was it a long hanging door signs: the anti-Japanese national salvation Zhaohua reception center; This is the business to solicit business; like that we had a live Xitang ; wall hung with the film crew had to

now is to stay the room Courtyard Koo; patio restaurant middle; its cheap price; feeling inside noisy; The old wooden pavilion housing; people a path to Huangyou You slightly creak; original Xitang lived in the attic room that is between the planks, hardwood Banchuang slightly too vague aches and pain, do not say; not heating the house across the cold without; early winter night it is uncomfortable; up solutions of a soak in cold windy himself did not say, traumatic dreams also awakened people; not to mention the hot bath and comfortable stretch out; so that the most important function of these buildings is the only lure made clean just nostalgia, but is not my real modern secular live.

more than three hours, fly and turn complete a Zhaohua city, feeling a little taste of small town; if not hurry to rush to it; he found here a few days feeling a little taste of that ; and Lijiang Xitang Langzhong etc. compared to its folk customs, architecture has a number of different street; and because it is remote and little known; so less of the commercial gas Xu annoying.

Zhaohua visiting the ancient city of Phoenix Pro out the door looking at the edge of a small bread shop gate, she said a pound of local food cake ----- Hand charbroiled; products phase not very good, but taste quite chewing vigor of; us along the way not only to enjoy it as specialties; also eat dry food prepared for.

out from the city Zhaohua; Parking Parking staff told to go the old road to a good landscape JIANMENGUAN; just a bit large slope; me and she decided to go this road.

better start running section of the road; scenery is not bad. But the way I walked on the Black; there is a long period of repair; and slowly began to feel the steep mountain road up. Niutoushan

to a length significantly increased the slope; roads are being repaired. My car is small displacement of 1.4 points; climb hum hum meeting times; throttle boom was deafening; I was very nervous; fear of engine burn; more nervous; do not know how far such a steep slope; Fortunately, this indeed, the way I finally passed Danjing; scenery all the way down the winding mountain steep indeed, endless pines and cypresses, to see just fine.

Yibi sword cut to the cliff-like flat JIANMENGUAN; bought a ticket into; go first gold at large; to the customs building; over the rope bridge; to the cliffs; they go to Old Plank Road; this to climb over the ridge go to Red Star Plaza; but time has passed at 4 pm; locals and from the slope of said upturned side to go over 2 hours; I intimidated her; decided to backtrack; back door; have almost 5 o'clock.

we drove off road; for first Zitong; again from high-speed Zitong to Mianyang. Results walked in front does not look to a small town; are facing is jiange hotel; I am very puzzled her; how big a turn around in, or come jiange come. Hesitated, the head came an old man; up asked me if I could not find way out; I said; he asked me where; I said to Chengdu; He said that the bridge turn right to the front Zitong; left on the cotton wide high-speed; I asked you here is jiange; He said the town here called Pratt; is the original Jiange city. She and I discussed for a long time; decided to have dinner here; and then went back to Chengdu, Guangzhou high-speed cotton.

So looking at the roadside near a small restaurant; to a pork,UGG shoes, a tofu,bailey UGG boots, soy products said to be jiange more characteristics; there is a bowl of soup; taste will also; I feel that To fly in this town can eat a little village restaurant taste. This Dayton eat dinner when the lunch.

After dinner, she and I on the road; Cross the bridge and turn left; go to the Jinshan Zi Mian high road leading into; thought this section also received 10 yuan; just from JIANMENGUAN also collected over the period of Road 8; I asked the woman charged; province has been abolition of the provincial highway under the file the charges; the woman say, ah, but we come here, no withdrawal, she received three; dog days The country is now such a situation; not unreasonable to the extreme; really a group of bandits on the highway robbery; you also that he can not; anger straight teeth. At this point the cut-off Road, Jinshan Zi was getting late; no cars no one; both sides of the house is rarely even; charm charm of the mountain shadows hit; feel strange ghastly; to walk half an hour so to become finally High-speed Jinshan Zi Mian entrance.

into the high-speed; days have been completely dark down; I was glad I did not choose to go Zitong; as it used to 80 km from Pu; and still has a long way to go in bad repair; really going that way still do not know what will happen; high-speed traffic jam is not; to Chengdu, but also a lot of the direction of the vehicle; this road is the only prescribe the most annoying; the right is a large Drive; wind load buses run faster; not occupy our time Here a small lane; made me very nervous; she has been looking at the side; keep reminding me. Another concern is the fear of not enough oil left in the tank to Chengdu; had Mianyang place before a high-speed channel called Xing has a service area within the region; service area, there are gas stations; but I missed; no option but to teeth bulging going forward; Fortunately, out of which 160 kilometers without any major setbacks; 21:00 and more arrived in Chengdu; pay 80 yuan; compared to 123 when the entire element; plus two 18 per Jianmen and Jinshan Zi ; also save a little.

I went around the Third Ring back; to establish contacts ** Voeux Road turn right; detour to the first turn left; on the ** interchange; straight ** gas station; yesterday to go time is added here; She said that integration; but also in the large double within 7 days of leave; So tonight we decided to go fuel; was added 260 yuan.

home has passed 10 pm; this holiday season can be considered over.

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