Thursday, June 9, 2011

Miss this life !

The next life and then hold your handI would like this document to all the world were not allowed to spend the lovers love!

your love like the Millennium Reserva, anhydride alcohol fragrance, let me indulge; your love poem like a pure, fresh and full of, let me think. miss breathed one go along with the music you play, sing a melody of love hearts to each other; miss your sweet lips close to listen to you that hot breath. Really Want .....

love, picturesque, smoke clouds, when you walked into my dream? a dream is a fantasy, is the virtual is real, I love the wine drunk in you. < br>

wind, the clouds drift away when I look back, according to the cold mist in the hearts of the cage; sober, the dream is gone, how many melancholy misery. untold frustration, endless, of emotion, we can not be crossed between a river sideways. even love how deep, how strong the desire to miss, I can not pull your hand. We can only stand and will also cross the distance across the Galaxy Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

need to know what love is fate, never meant to be futile. All chosen by God in the arrangements get made fate, not his own, the feelings that should not be reserved only to give up.

buried Cangzaixinli a feeling, a yearning lies in the dream, a miss in the breeze and clouds care. Love the people do not have to stay together, people know each other even if you feel so far have one mind.

meet sometimes not as good as remembered, are not the only feel precious and can not always have the best, then, let that feeling is always retained. Reality and dreams are often back opposite direction, there are too many regrets in life and the disappointments, do not insist, do not hate, do not sigh, That's good to know: There is a kind of happiness is the sweet sour.

forget, forget you my good; forget, forget to laugh once, the clock will not stop the pace of life still continues every day, you and I can only go back to playing that role.

miss this life, the afterlife adjourned. If you were reincarnated, I would like your wine products; If you were reincarnated, I would like to hold your hand; If you were reincarnated, please use your arms around me !

I would like this document to all the world were not allowed to spend the lovers love making *** tidal
*** 2006.9.19.

I love you more love myself! To pro-listen to my voice it, you will not regret it! Believe themselves to their own hopes, come here to 442,514,124. Will make you satisfied?

use signatures [url = javascript: void (0);] select channel [/ url]

Monday, May 30, 2011

2011, the sentence just listed , are passed crazy!

! ! !---- 2011, the sentence just listed all turn crazy!
1, do not call after breaking miss miss, called Fanjian

2, the goods have expiration date, when people look tired. You are in me, can 牛逼 when
3, small birds, can it play the whole sky is indeed 4, not obsessed brother, sister in law is legendary
5, my life that I could not help the heavens, I want to destroy my day off
6, the world's most useless thing is to pay slips, looked angry, bottoms too small.
7, talent and genius was only a single Therefore, talent is fine, but genius is always a bit II.
8, if you can not tolerate me, that is not your mind is too narrow, that is my personality is too great.
9, I'm embarrassed to grab you, how do you have the nerve to steal it?
10, my heart is broken too, and holding out with like dumplings.
11, or a good mix of ancient, can be cut off when the civil servants.
12, since mental illness, my spirit was much better!
13, the greatest cup: But old age, bald hero.
14, the so-called beauty, cosmetics, mostly slaves.
15, can not Because, we have the holidays, you put me as a festival before.
17. travel is to stay tired from his place to someone else tired of the place to stay.
18, not the lonely, who is with me.
19, can be robbed of love, then it's no love.
20, are allowed to be called the era of squandered youth
21, do have a conscience of men, women looking for a temperament.
22, I'm nostalgic because I do not see the future.
23, is not afraid to drink dichlorvos, afraid openings Enjoy a pleasant surprise more than a bottle!
14, something Ben subject directly, do not take your ignorance, challenge my blacklist.
15, said silence is golden. is not silent for a long time there will be a lot of gold ah?
16, inferior surface, cover inner metamorphosis.
17, tears are a gift you sent me, the address is not very happy.
18, a person, treat yourself; two people, treat each other
19, Carousel is the most brutal game, there is the eternal pursuit of the distance to each other! 20, and then tired, put your boat tied to the grass by the arrows to go.
21, some people like this, they are maggots all over the world to think that is a big bog.
22, regret the things I do, I only do things you regret.
23, the earth is in motion, a person will not always be in a bad position
24, fifty cents and fifty cents is the happiest because they make up a piece.
25, can not hold the sand, So Young it
26, not afraid of debt collection is a hero, afraid of debt is really poor!
27, who can not be too square, not too round, a wounding one will lead people away from you, so people should elliptical!
28, ads look good, suddenly jumped out a TV series.
29, you are not a cactus, why so strong.
30, I am not a descendant of the rich! But I do wealthy ancestors!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Marched today r. pigs , measured from the Renmin Road South area to the north Heights Road , the entire river length of approximately seven kilometers , through the Jinan-Qingdao , this is not the project have been living , is the urban construction archives hardcore , and Dry chant , after all, is the party people ...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Super funny !

Excuse for poor performance ! !

Health is the soul of the Chinese people died.
want me to learn English it is not possible.
failed English because I love my country.
failed math that is my character. I do not pass the prominent language

defy physics so because they believe Jesus is so offensive because they believe

For the love of family history, so ignore the geographical

If a student fails the exam, it can not blame them for the following reasons:

1. Weekend: Sunday, 52 year, there are 52 × 2 = 104 days of rest days, net of these days, 261 days a year only
2. Winter and summer vacations: year about two months is a very cold not very hot, which led to not go to school, so less time for summer vacation 60 days a year only 201 days < br>
3. Statutory holidays throughout the year accounted for 10 days, after taking only one year of 191 days

4. Sleep 8 hours a day, accounted for 122 days a year, net of only 69 days after the

5. A half-hour each day to eat, eat snacks, eat fruit of time, accounted for 23 days, so buckle down, leaving only 46 days a year

6. 1 hour of game time per day, representing a year for 15 days, after taking only one year after the 31 days

7. Communication time of 1 hour per day, representing a year for 15 days, after taking only 16 days one year after the

8 . Go to the movies, shopping or other activities, accounting for 10 days a year, minus 6 days after the rest of the year

9. Estimated 5 days a year sick, then only one day a year to the

10. Is this day, or your own birthday

ask so little reading time, students pass the exam, how can it?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tug of war game two

Life is really not as simple as we think . As we stand at the two ends of a tug of war game , we really good distance away. While we all want each other closer together , you can forget how to do their own real . Why not Jing Xiaxin , think about it. In fact, we need not be so hard , so hard to move the pace of the other side , do not ask for you how. Just change your mind , put aside his own shelf , so that my step forward , one step further ... ... the distance between us will be getting closer.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The respective responsibilities of China's seven military what is

We often hear how a certain military region, the average person that a certain military are foggy, and can not tell which in the end. Ah, Today let's learn science -
study the respective responsibilities of China's seven military regions -
one, Lanzhou Military Region -
Area: Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Qinghai. -
troops are mainly stationed in Baoji, Lintong, Urumqi, Tacheng, Kashgar and other places. -
combat missions and combat zones: There are three operational tasks, one with the Beijing Military Region, the North invaded the enemy's defense, Baoji, Lintong task force in this; the second is to contain East Turkistan separatists, to ensure internal stability in Xinjiang, while reactionary forces from Central Asia and to suppress the formation of deterrence, the main play by the Xinjiang Reclamation Division; third is the protection of the formation of Pakistan, India Ba Zhizhan if necessary military assistance to Pakistan and India to achieve deterrence, and also ensure When the sea lanes by the U.S. blockade, Pakistan, China has the sea. Therefore, from the combat zone of view, it is divided into three, defense, mainly in Inner Mongolia in the north the territory of the vast border region of Xinjiang and Pakistan border. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: from the Beijing Military Region to the joint defense operations in the north point of view, the strength of Beijing Military Region, Lanzhou Military Region, the eastern part of the deployment and the deployment of troops to form the most important line of defense of China, Tai Hing Lam, Yanshan Mountains, Luliangshan resist the invasion of the north and the Qinling Mountains are the last barrier. Therefore, the eastern part of the Lanzhou Military Region to mechanized combat forces are mainly defensive operations, supplemented by mountains. Xinjiang is clearly not for the overseas deployment, but for territory. Therefore, from weapons configuration point of view, the Lanzhou Military Region is also a west to east. Operational intentions at the earliest, once the Sino-Soviet war, the vast region of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, Gansu, most of the regions are to give up, and backing David and Goliath battle is a magic weapon for the Army. -
from weapons configuration point of view, is mainly dominated a large caliber artillery, tanks, war is still mainly based on the Beijing Military Region, Lanzhou Military Region to cover and harassment as surrounded as a strategic task, it is stressed that zone II combat capability and mobility , -
Second Beijing Military Region -
area: Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin. -
troops are mainly stationed in Shijiazhuang, Zhangjiakou, Taiyuan. -
combat missions and combat zones: the Beijing Military Region is only one combat mission, that is, Russia is against the full range of attacks launched from Outer Mongolia. Moreover, the Sino-Mongolian border defenses available to the terrain is not much, if missed, China will defeat across the board. Therefore, the Beijing Military Region's operational mission is the most important of the seven military regions, and its main operational area is in the autonomous region. Core may be Zhangjiakou area. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: joint operations based mainly in the large formation. Therefore, the Beijing Military Region is the highest level of mechanization, we must face Russia's most elite troops attack. 60,70 million troops in the Soviet border, the main defense forces, the Beijing Military Region. Rely mainly on infantry favorable terrain such as mountains and a strong defense artillery to positions, with tanks and other mechanized unit in Inner Mongolia will have to maneuver in the defense. China has been effective in the tank to make up for lack of performance, five pairs of strong ground attack aircraft is a product of that time, mainly initiated by the enemy mechanized units from afar, and consumption of delaying offensive operations. -
Therefore, from a configuration point of view there are weapons, heavy tanks, large caliber artillery, all kinds of anti-aircraft fire, and combat aircraft, combat aircraft and ground attack aircraft and try -
Third, the Shenyang Military Region -
Area: Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. -
troops are mainly stationed in Changchun, and Jinzhou, Liaoyang. -
combat missions and combat zones: the Shenyang Military Region has two main operational tasks, one is to resist the Soviet Union (Russia) from north to invade the enemy, major combat operations within the region in the northeast. Moreover, once war, large areas of Heilongjiang in China will give up, give up the Sanjiang Plain, luring the enemy in depth, the use of Tai Hing Lam and the Changbai Mountains and the favorable terrain in order to wipe out a joint attack on both sides. This is the Japanese Kwantung Army to fully absorb the rapid destruction of World War II lessons learned. -
second task is to aid North Korea, the formation of the U.S. military containment, and North Korea together with South Korean military forces military balance. The main combat zone in the Korean territory. From the deployment of troops can be seen, Shenyang Military Region, the main combat units are deployed at a distance of less than 300 km toward the Super border in the region, and the density is quite high. Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign similar to the military's deployment. The defense focused on the mountains in northeastern China. Shenyang Military Region is also to prevent the enemy from the northeast of the main entry barriers, Jinzhou is the most important military site. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: the large formation of joint operations based. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the most important operations in the northeast of China who is the other side, there is no doubt Russia. Russian mechanized combat units when the world no one enemy, can just wiped out in a few weeks hundreds of thousands of the Kwantung Army, during World War II can not do any country. Therefore, the Shenyang Military Region of combat tanks and mechanized units are mainly supplemented by artillery units to the side of the main defensive operations. Delay and the consumption of the Russian attack, using its long supply lines to give a fatal blow to the defect, so the battle in the northeast China and Russia will not start at the border line, but must start in the Sanjiang Plain, the use of large tanks, the Russian river many restrictions combat troops and mechanized units advantage. -
Therefore, from a configuration point of view there are weapons and medium-sized tank (for the soft soil in Sanjiang Plain, northeast of little use in the heavy tanks), large caliber artillery, all kinds of anti-aircraft fire, and combat aircraft to combat aircraft based, ground attack aircraft, supplemented by -
Fourth, the Chengdu Military Region -
Area: Tibet, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou. -
troops are mainly stationed in Kunming, Chongqing and Nyingchi -
combat missions and combat zones: the Chengdu Military Region has two main operational tasks, one of India operations, side to contain India, Pakistan to support the formation of an invisible; second is to protect Burma and control in Southeast Asia, to ensure the economic channel of China's last (If China and the Soviet Union against each other at the same time, sea transport and the Silk Road are blocked, such as the Anti-Japanese War, the only thing left is the channel of Myanmar). Support for North Korea to curb defense United States, Japan; support Pakistan to contain India to support Myanmar in order to control Southeast Asia. This also can be seen, Pakistan and Burma is Soviet blockade was the most important external transport lines. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: from the Chengdu Military Region of the combat missions of view, independent of their play from the southwest to the threat. Because of the terrain constraints, the main mountain trip is taken in mainly small-scale operations, the neighboring country's military strength and geographical constraints, large-scale war is unlikely, demanding higher quality of man, on the staff the requirements of more demanding than for weapons. Therefore, the estimated strength of the Chengdu Military Region, units are composed by the classes, in addition to Marine Corps training is probably the most difficult of the outside. The dispersion of associated operations, is the main form of military combat arms, and the Northern Military Region to fist to attack a different way, this network will be the way major military offensive operations. -
Chongqing, the deployment of troops is estimated as a mobile force, at any time with the direction of India or Burma's combat missions. -
Therefore, from a weapon configuration point of view, the requirements of personal weapons is even higher, individual rocket launchers, sniper rifles, machine guns, etc. to class as a unit with a GPS positioning system to joint operations and other infantry squad. -
five, Guangzhou Military Region -
Area: Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Hainan. -
troops are mainly stationed in Liuzhou and Huizhou. -
combat missions and combat zones: There are two main operational tasks, one is to coordinate the formation of the Chengdu Military Region, Kunming garrison military threat to Southeast Asia, put pressure on the Southeast Asian countries, mainly the armed forces stationed in Liuzhou, Guilin completed; the other is the landing and anti-landing operations, mainly absorb the Opium War, the fall of the lessons learned in Guangzhou, Huizhou, mainly stationed in the army to complete. From the combat zone of view, mainly in the offshore operations in Southeast Asia to complete. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: warfare, similar to the Chengdu Military Region, but the coast, so coastal defense requirements are relatively high, and the Chengdu Military Region, the different emphasis on high altitude mountain warfare is more emphasis on its jungle warfare. Liuzhou, Guilin, China's military leader in jungle combat, while the Guangzhou Military Region, the combat capability of the Marine Corps should also be very strong. If the man operations alone, the Guangzhou Military Region, soldiers and other military soldiers PK, then I guess that is not his opponent. And as the Chengdu Military Region, the Guangzhou Military Region, and no large-scale war opponents, so fighting the same way and the Chengdu Military Region, but also joint operation network, the network operations than the Chengdu Military Region, the network also smaller. -
configured from an operational point of view of weapons, similar to the basic and the Chengdu Military Region, it is estimated that more emphasis on light weapons and special weapons configuration. But also special attention to the construction of anti-aircraft fire. -
six, the Nanjing Military Region -
area: Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian. -
troops are mainly stationed in Tongan, Nanchang, Hangzhou and Xuzhou. -
combat missions and combat zones: the Nanjing Military Region army's combat mission to the corresponding much simpler, mainly the landing and anti-landing operations. Previously, China does not attach importance to landing operations, independence became fierce, and only paying attention to its key tasks is to visit the island, including the water landing and airborne landing. Purpose is obvious. Combat zone is clearly not in mainland China, Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands, the main will. Would not be a war across the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan is only to contain the future a real possibility in the battle for the Ryukyu Islands. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: from the combat missions and combat regional decision, the Nanjing Military Region of combat certainly is landing, a large landing ship, and composed of large transport ships, the main task is to cover the Air Force and Navy to complete the landing operations, control of the island. So you can see, the Nanjing Military Region Air Force equipped with air-to-sea combat capability is quite strong, deployed in Wuhu Su27 and deployment in Hangzhou Flying Leopard is to ensure the effectiveness of the success of landing operations. Meanwhile, the East China Sea Fleet's combat capability for the Army's landing station of Nanjing Military Region, providing effective protection. -
Therefore, in addition to the Air Force and the East China Sea Fleet, the Nanjing Military Region, the Army's major equipment is the amphibious tanks, paratroopers, tanks and other vehicles, and airborne. Therefore, the vanguard of foreign operations is certainly the Nanjing Military Region of the Army, other Military District of Guangzhou Military Region, in addition to the formation of coordinate in Tainan, the other of the Army Military District of little use. -
seven, Jinan Military Region -
area: Shandong and Henan. -
troops are mainly stationed in Weifang, Kaifeng and other places. -
combat missions and combat zones: the Jinan Military Region, the most interesting combat missions. Tactical combat is the primary purpose of the Jinan Military Region. The main task of the Jinan Military Region is involved in combat. China and Russia as the In fact, the Shandong Military Region shoulder part of the defense of the Korean Peninsula, so the airborne Jinan military capabilities should be the country's most cattle. When necessary, the Jinan Military Region, the war across the Taiwan Strait can also combat the formation of troops or sulfur ball support. Therefore, the Jinan Military Region area of ​​operations is not limited. -
mode of combat and weapons configurations: the Jinan Military Region, formed mainly by airborne mobility is the 7th largest military the strongest. And other northern military services emphasize heavy-duty equipment and light military emphasis on the southern army is different, Jinan Military Region army stressed that in between the high mobility under the high attack power. Configuration from the fire point of view, certainly is headed by the Beijing Military Region, Lanzhou Military Region and the Shenyang Military Region, the strongest, the weakest of Chengdu Military Region and Guangzhou Military Region, Jinan Military Region, is somewhere in between. -
major weapons and equipment are mainly large transport aircraft and airborne equipment, airborne Airborne Armored Division tanks and the construction of the Jinan Military Region, the main direction for -
This article reproduced from: ★ ☆ Jiao ☆ ★: the respective responsibilities of China's seven military what -
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'll teach you to wear clothes

 Me as a designer, tell you how to wear clothing daily star taste clothes.
The first is a good color match.
1, red with white, black, blue, gray, beige, gray.
2, pink with purple, gray, dark green, white, beige, brown, navy blue.
3, orange-red with white, black, blue.
4, yellow with purple, blue, white, brown, black.
5, brown with beige, yellow, brick red, blue, green, black.
6, green with white, beige, black, dark purple, taupe, gray brown.
7, dark green with pink, light purple, apricot, dark purple, blue and green.
8, blue with white, powder blue, red sauce, gold, silver, olive green, orange, yellow.
9, light blue with white, red sauce, light gray, purple, gray blue, pink.
10, purple with pale pink, gray blue, yellow-green, white, purple, silver gray, black.
11, purple with blue, pink, white, black, purple, dark green.
in color, the clothes must pay attention to the overall color balance and color harmony. Usually light-colored clothing balance does not occur, the next dressed in the dark is not much problem, if it is dark upper body, lower body light, shoes to play an important role in the balance, it should be more appropriate dark
12, the same color is the same or similar range of colors, from shades of brightness changes in the depth of color produced. If neutral colors with the same color may be silver-gray corduroy jacket, white shirt and a dark flannel skirt soot, soot from the dot printed silk foundation, black high heels, black mesh stockings, silver and white woven fine grid canvas bags and so on. Note the same color with color and color difference between the brightness can not be too close nor too far, such as brightness contrast of black and white too, you need to transition to gray. The tone for the transition, may be extended to backpacks, belts, scarves and other ancillary accessories. With the same color, the best to have deep, medium and light three levels of change. Compared with less than three levels of monotonous, too many layers are easy to produce the effect of red tape loose.
colored clothing with similar skills
similar color that is similar to the color, such as red and orange, orange and green, yellow and green, green and purple and so on. And compared with the same color clothing, similar to the changes in color with a little more, but the overall effect is also very coordinated and integrated. For example, the green girl wearing a bronze loose sweaters, pea green, light yellow, sky blue, black and iron gray cloth composed of divided skirt, belt, wearing white sandals for spring or summer at the turn. Again, black silk shirt, printed with orange, yellowish brown, gold or brown tea, consisting of thin strips of gray plaid, worn with black trousers, Chahe leather belt, also very beautiful.
Second, we must pay attention to situations.
6 men to wear clothes with
one: a meeting, or formal wear is better. sober suit color and mix it with the wrong color shirt and tie and do not be too eye-catching Caixing! the best choice to go with plain. details of the modification is also Note ~ ah ~ if it is black shoes do not wear white socks!
II: the small house would be, still the main suit, the color thing ~ can fashion some bright points can also be a tie Oh ~ ~ wear pants or shoes, the choice of styles and colors can be slightly change.
three: do not go out, so wear appropriate clothing can be more casual, vest plus shirt, looks good gentleman, ah, hot, long-sleeved shirt can be worn inside. casual shoes, watches all the rules in comparison with the body! ok the!
four: to participate in working out outside a small dinner party, since they are acquaintances, so the dress need not be too cautious. striped pants a little increase in activity, the choice should not be too fancy bracelet.
Five: Weekend! to wear jeans to relax the body now! shirt or choose eye-catching convex t-shirt case, the best comparison. hyun just bought a mobile phone quickly!

Six: finally able to rest, if you want to go shopping. full of youth casual wear ~ Bring wallet! ha ha!
also pay attention to his body.
body lean men:
wear a suit: pinstripe suit fabric without the use of plaid, jacket and trousers in contrasting colors to wear suits more than a good, wide-collar double-breasted style is more right for you, the buck head shoulder pads, a pocket flap, all this can be for you to add a broad sense, marked with a silk tie is best to moderate or vertical small triangular pattern, if possible, together with a lapel vest, so your body more thick. A clear line of pants and bends fold. With wide belts and platform shoes, you can add real sense of weight.

Specifically, the following five points:

1, absolutely do not wear black and almost black coat, or become increasingly skinny people should wear clothing color expansion, color, choice of gray, taupe, light gray, etc., to increase the sense of expansion.

2, twill fabric to pattern the better way, a large grid is also a good soft texture of the hair texture of the cloth can be considered the first place, it is best not to vote straight lines.

3, a small chest of the men should wear tight clothes and bust, so full of clothes can hold, so that chest look wider. If you think a small chest big chest to wear the clothes to look a little fat, it would be wrong, but makes large clothes appear to be more thin. If the person wearing thin body suit, it is best to wear three-piece suit, because the vest to wear flat, narrow upper body can become rich.

4, when the color with clothing, coat and shirt, or coat and trousers to form between the more intense the color contrast. This increase in width from the feel, people seem a bit thick.

5, if the wearing of knitted garments can choose horizontal stripes, but not choose vertical stripes. Wide ties should be selected, the color should be bright. In order to make the face look a corresponding wide temples can stay too thick hair more fullness

petite how to dress, dress with a small body of law
petite you are not being made for the nice note of what to wear it, to tell you a secret: length and width of the foot pants can make your body look thin not so thin. Including a variety of reasons, including genetic make our body looks a bit thin thin, in the dressing with the choice of the relatively narrow space, no way! But you do not forget, dress can change a person's overall image, take a look at these beautiful women wearing wide-leg pants are feeling, you will find that it is also suitable for you.
light-colored cardigan can improve short-short shirt waist
can reduce the upper body from the visual proportion to the overall lengthening effect. Under the waist to the chest position to improve, extend the length of the lower body. Light gray short cardigan / MORGAN, black logo halter top / PIN KO

eye-catching small satchel under his arm to focus attention and increase upper body striking degree. Black patent leather satchel / MANGO, black vest / MORGAN, beige knit cardigan / TOM BOY

small exposed sexy low V-neck T-shirt shirt
increase the area of ​​exposed skin, sex appeal to sight improvement. V-neck connecting the shoulder lace, sexy style surge. V-neck tunic / PINKO, gray velvet high-heeled shoes / air
light chiffon scarves
flying to the waist length of the best. With the wind flowing chiffon texture, so the upper body more light. Black silver knit tops / b + ab (it), pink scarf / MANGO
simple necklace
simple design style selection, with an area not too much is too large, the proportion of visually lengthen the upper body, long necklace / PILGRIM, white wool cardigan / b + ab (it), purple sleeveless shirt / b + ab (it), high-heeled shoes / air
choose the proportion of elongated lower body
sure to choose high heels shoes, can increase the proportion of the perfect body.
classic high-heeled shoes can be elongated pointed high heels foot from the tip, so that a sense an extension of slender legs. Gold tip shape allows more momentum. Gold high-heeled shoes / air
experience the beauty of
clothes can give a woman a variety of curves, which is still the most beautiful X-shaped, bring out the Women slim, slender figure, a woman full of taste.
should spend more time and energy to the mix in the clothing, not only allows you 20 to 10 models with clothes to wear clothing, but also to exercise their own aesthetic tastes.
select excellent material warm coat, the sweater or shirt to wear thin, so that the principles of international dress will be more popular.
elegant dress with gentle taste, but for mature urban women, the most fundamental is the noble and calm.
Black is the color of the city forever, but if you look not very good is best to avoid adding the gray color but not too bright either jump, do not pick who is the appropriate choice .
looking for their own skin color, we must pay attention to the body garment is worn on their own, not white or black models hangers.
they say: beauty is such
dress with a standard type:
female height was 168 cm. Neck, shoulders, torso, chest, waist, thighs, buttocks and legs next to the meat and so on, must have a perfect ratio. Such standards are good-looking body what to wear. Harmonious in color matching can be worn under the premise of any popular fashion.
Second, the gourd-type:
like gourd body like the chest, hips sleek, slim waist, curvy, very sexy. The body of the people who wear low necklines, tight waist mini skirt or character skirt suits, better material to soft close, it is very sexy, plump and feminine dress. If you wear a large gourd-type tall fluffy dress, will detract from a lot of charm. Overall this figure is what to wear nice clothes.

three, slender type:
slim, medium or small breasts, buttocks, thin, flat, next to no fat on the abdomen and thighs. This body should be relatively easy to dress, but to avoid low-waist trousers or tights. For wearing a pleated skirt, loose suit, loose pleated trousers.
four pears Type:
upper body, shoulders, chest, thin, small body of the abdomen, hips, shape like a pear. Because the relationship between abdominal obesity, increased waist often formed, which is turned into a short upper body. For loose suits, designed to avoid the attention of the waist. Second, the coat should be loose, to cover the buttocks is appropriate length, pleated pants coupled with large jacket, and very able to beautify the body. Avoid tight pants, wide leather belt, skirt or pleated skirt pumping fine.
five, leg bags Type:
many hip and thigh fat, looks like next to hang up in the thigh as the two bags. This body should absolutely avoid tights, so will only expose shortcomings. Pleated skirt wearing style simple or trousers, brightness and color text color choices with lower dark. Try to focus on upper body, wearing the colorful silk, jewelry or decoration, not suitable for clothing are: knee-high boots, tight shirts, big plaid, or behind thick horizontal stripes pants pocket .
six, Jiao small:
height of 155 cm below the charming small, no matter what body part. Due to length constraints, the range of clothing may be higher or robust changes in body size is much smaller. Johnson put on a small person who thought towering high heels, or comb the hair, you can make the tall and slim, it is vain to. And will look funny or out of tune. The best dressed is towards clean, concise, straight line design. Vertical line skirt, straight trousers system, from head to toe wearing the same color family or plain clothes, fitting jackets are all so charming small people seem relaxed. Large cloth material, thick fabrics, too many colors, baggy clothes, large lotus leaf, tights, etc., should be avoided.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Floating ~ ~ ~

 I asked my dry daughter: little angel grow up want to do it? Thought staring at a pair of big eyes little angel said to me: dancer, beauty, and Xi Yang Yang. Then, the little angel asked me: godfather, what do you want to grow up? A 5-year-old child was asked made me think long to answer ... ...
I think I've grown big enough, I was 5 years old notebook, kindergarten first time eating a piece of eggplant in life, need something let an, from not seeing the purple Rules of the cylinder there is a deep shadow and offensive, determined to destroy all the world's eggplant to do a , eggplant is the result of the hard work of farmers uncle, we can not waste, so it should eat, we can not picky eaters, so what the children do not like eggplant, then the remaining five children at the same table one more piece to this folder bit children. Obviously, I was that children do not eat eggplant, the children were excited at the same table, to gloat to me a lot of eggplant folder. So, I still do not eat eggplant, in addition to other, always firmly believed that: UNDER FIRE, I made a fight of life for the first time, I jumped on the table, singing the phrase was the most influx of Vegetable Rice ... ... all on the table, the children were surprised look and aunt have been distorted face and tell me: I play big! The next one week, I can not play with toys, not in the playground activities, which can be considered the first time in my life was officially official imprisoned. As for eggplant to destroy Superman when this ideal, stop there. After seeing eggplant, I'll call you
enter primary school, teacher education, we must grow up to become a scientist, to contribute to the motherland, a four virtues. Honestly, I do not know today that After the bags into the female students demonstrated scientific achievements; have stolen the money ran home, the psychological journey of Bill Gates, of course, not every people can play games as the richest man; I'm okay, I and several male students research scientists, when I can not. However, the teacher did not think so, ah, my teacher found this material I am a scientist, especially my family did not give the teacher an experiment similar to Apple's Apple ... ... So, she used me as the apple experiment, the location of the past three school arrangements directly to the rear row of three rows. Finally, to the other students do not disturb my research, one person sitting directly to my special place. So smashed bash to go, smashed six years, Hunhunee on the junior high school. Teacher's experiment also stop there, I did not become any kind of scientist.
into the junior high school, I am crazy obsessed with the football program of the traditional strengths of our country. But I did not like the other students want to be a star after that, because I like to play together when you can smoke, gambling, the younger sister. Therefore, in China's professional players, smoking a drug, a girl of prostitution, gambling and a ball is no big deal, all the rest of us play more than ten years ago. But because of football, I design to be a geographer. Why? Because look at the World Cup, to recognize the flag of each country, so I liked to see the national flag, go to the country's geographical location, the geography lesson, and I am positive that my classmates are also very good geography, So call me when geographical Examination to give them answers. However, I ultimately failed to become a geologist, because after examinations, did not pass the class capable of several different persons, I am one of them, strangely, the answer to my classmates to pass, so I think Geography is a very strange thing, the local Neo should be unlucky.
high school, my favorite day, no makeup, no bags, nobody, no money, no beer belly, go to school with personal opinions on the line, with or without the brain, there is no brain, does not matter. Not so many things to want a lot of things, the ideal will become more up, basketball, music producer, wandering romantic singer.
basketball occupied most of my high school life, I have re-determined, but my coach told me: children, give up. I think your point of billiards played okay, you see you cut class so much time playing billiards, certainly the level of good. It seems I was set wrong with ambition, but I do not regret it, at least on my side of the group, billiards industry I've played the best basketball, basketball pool play my best. Billiards and basketball circles, and I rolled the dice with a certain level.
11 years ago, my father bought me a guitar cost 180 yuan, for this guitar, I started to do this life thing really seriously, looking forward to class every day home piano, from school through to sleep, crazy piano, middle of the night hiding in the toilet with a towel to cover the sound hole, has been playing to the fingers bleeding, wrapped tape to continue playing. I decided to do a wandering romantic singer, kept out of a variety of bars, night games ... ... expected to be the resident bar singer, the next time after I became a wandering romantic singer; What is the wandering romantic singer it? Fact is the We drink when others sing. However, until today that I still miss my Volunteers fill
entrance, which is a ideal official, kicked over the children in kindergarten, after lunch, I made the high quality of life against the second duty-bound to fill the eight art , for a long time my family did not talk to me. Actors ruthless, thinking this can not blame the older generation, because this tradition is still carried on today.
four years (omitted)
to today, I am still engaged, and music-related work, but, just work. Online there is a saying: the ideal is full, the reality is key. It reminds me of a friend's story, this man was a child talk about love when the University has been on the first love Lianlianbuwang; day, first love, called and said to him: I like home, come over? ! This man was dressed Youguangshuihua, driving car, the car plays know that
my dear little angel, so I can only answer you: ideal? Godfather seems to quit! ~

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

His tears flowing

 Some things turned around is a lifetime;
young we give up, thought it was just a relationship. Later learned, that is life;
I'm still waiting for you, but you have never been here before;
great sorrow in the heart die.
I'm fine, no noise no trouble do not show off, do not wronged, do not laugh, do not need others to know;
friends are envious of me, in fact, the people that I envy them ;
love you long time, so you have a long time. Now I want to leave you, even long
than long, long time I rejected in love, how could you lose me
those who have been allowed wayward era, called the youth;
forgotten, is the most helpless love;
your happiness is obvious, I get embarrassed nowhere to hide;
; as I turned over, no one will see my tears, right?
we've been through so many trials, finally returned to the origin
make you crazy in the place without me, let me in without you strong;
Every day, indulge yourself once, cry once, only once its time to smile happily ever;
their cruel, will make you happy ;
I just want to ask you: If I look back, you are still alive?
When you do the time, no one will remember. When you're wrong, even the breathing is wrong;
love you so short, forgetting is so long
wait, is the first of the old life;
; as a man does not want to, anything can be put down;
fairy tale is over, forget that happiness!
happiness is to find a warm person over a lifetime;
no trouble, but no return
to how strong dare not forget;
see other people's stories, their tears flowing;
now I hate myself, I remember our past;
not people had to be understood has been the weak strong;
do not deceive me, you know that even your lies I will believe;
I miss, you do not miss;
Please do not pretend to be nice, I'm a fool would take it seriously;
a person, a city, and his pained
each step we take, are too early to go, ah, caught in the learn to love before; to learn to appreciate the break before; to learn to face before the end;
most fortunate in my life two things: one, the time I finally consuming love for you love is not enough for Yee
paid to do work hard enough, you can keep happy;
strange coming year is the closest you yesterday, the total was better than that have not met
this log from the phone Qzone! Mobile Access, anytime, anywhere recording my mood! The service is free of the details come in>>
tag waiting for life learn to miss the tear.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mate Selection

 An age of 23-33 years old, I want to mature than their peers, he can tell me spoiled, but I am not that kind of energy to coax life little brother, he should be mature, but not to I'm that much difference, I can think of the most romantic thing is getting older with him, he got the go ahead for many years, I will not stand it.
2 tall not short on the line than I can, I 161, are all with beautiful shoes, so wear shoes I have almost 166 or so of the bar.
3 weight, for future generations, I hope he physical standards, no stunted growth and deformity, not too fat, do not see the kingdom of the wind on the back, I was 49 kg, she is fairly standard.
4 hair, not bald, not curly hair, hair, hair should not be too hard (such a person a bad temper.) Nor is the juvenile bald makes me a false impression.
5 eyebrows a bit strong, character eyebrow, eyebrow broom, or no eyebrows, do not.
6 eyes: for myopia, for future generations, the best degrees below in 1000, I am 350 degrees, to be invisible. Single fold does not matter, want to have look, eyes are not insignificant persistent, but not green beans or honey eye slit eyes.
7 nose shape is very important, my nose looks good, want them or not flat nose aquiline, his neat little teeth, do not be a big die or tetracycline.
8 big my mouth a little bit, but not Roberts so much, I hope some of the other mouth sexy, not too thick, nor too thin, lip health, not black.
9 I oval face, for future generations, please face each other or not is a huge triangular face, or other grotesque face, ears, is not the kind of Buddha, do not fan the ear.
10 my face the skin, and to make other psychological balance, please do not face each other in the pit with the moon, Qingchun Dou and other appalling stuff. My skin is very white, in order to make the other side does not feel racial differences, and I hope other differences not significant. Body skin is relatively good, against hairy throwback, not to smoke scars, tattoos and other marks. No body odor does not have a foul odor.
11 Also, his voice, not people could not tell men and women, a little magnetic best, do not stutter, look to the right, in short, I hope he is man, that I like type!
12 he could not pay the wine, if you smoke, I can accept the maximum is one and a half package.
13 to hold things I like to sleep to sleep, hoping that he would not mind as pillow, not like a sleepwalker, I like KB the story, I hope he will join with me frightened, and then I When fear of the toilet with me.
14 at more than 80 db's not snoring, sleep unconsciously teeth, fart, like in the dream other than me, shouting the names of MM, and resolutely rejected.
15 Do not macho, I'll make him a man's vanity was satisfied, but he should not have taken things as it should, I hope he has many friends, see if he has no friends, is very dangerous.
16 World Without Thieves can, but not money! Deposits can not be negative, the best in the 5 digits, of course, the above are welcome to prepare for contingencies, such as what I was born a child. House, the car can not, I can also live in luxury living to the basement, cars can take a bike ride, but hope that he will not let me sleep on the streets, freezing to death. He can not poor, I am a more practical girl, I do not believe in love without bread. If he suddenly broke, I will never betray.
17 I am a very particular about the life and sentiment of the people, spend the least money, flies the most comfort, hope he does not have ** psychology, when he was unhappy, I will not taunt him, I would encourage him and hope he can be so kind to me.
18 to retain their own space, we hope that the two intersecting circles, not the phase off, tangent. I do not hope that he is shy, not a three-legged kick to the kind of P or can not find jobs, so they took me the kind of outlet, at least he should be able to feed themselves, the work of hot words, not decadent, full of hope for life and confidence.
19 home front of the computer at me more than the time (besides work), I doubt the motives of his spouse, to see beauty? Yes, I like, and you can enjoy, but do not You unnatural, my observation and a keen sense of smell and, if found perfume in the OR is not my hair, and even other colors, was given.
20 love me, trust me, he wanted to know, I will still him, I do not want to say to not say, but will not lie to him, two people sincerely want to face .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Funny adult joke!

 Do not hold back jet
a cave to sleep tonight!
ants have two brothers, was a gust of wind blew careless girl's underwear!
brother: lawn it!
next day, my brother got mad and said: ! I decline, one night two large stone hit I stop! Miss go to the hospital emergency room! Anti-vice team raids until the bath Square!
normalizing the business at this time, Miss, so he hurried into the private parts hidden money! After
anti-vice, Miss rushed to the hospital emergency withdrawals.
wipe side pant side doctor, said:
rural Yan Fu's report!
a rural Yanfu to the local police station: That Anke did not see black, but must be a novice. The.
wife is not interested!
return voyage a sailor, it is hold back too long, rushed to see his wife go out into her! But the wife is not interested in
! Then his wife said: Huoqi Da, hemorrhoids faults and committed!
sister and her husband up yet?
morning, get ready for school Xiao Ming!
asked her mother out the door, said: a do? , how you been asking this question today? a.
I can not undress in front of you!
beautiful female patient doctor, said:
doctor said: clothing should be placed where?
less disgrace here!
a couple is intimate, the woman suddenly jumped out of bed!
ran into the kitchen, grabbed a handful from the meter tank meters, spread to the men who came back!
woman angrily scolded: Four female nurses masterpiece! Four female nurses decided to make fun of what arrogant eccentric doctor.
few days later, four nurses together to talk about their
first nurse said: and painting a false, no matter to whom body temperature, the thermometer always shows 49 degrees. children. We must revenge! Pharaoh'm back, and saw his wife with the neighbor's husband Simo together.
angry knock on his door next door to the neighbor's wife, said:
said, neighbors pull Pharaoh put his wife into the room, began to close up!
Soon, the two lying in bed, a few minutes later, neighbors said his wife:
wife asked when the fifth neighbor in retaliation, the Pharaoh rickety stand up and say: Impotence new law Jj is not big enough for a buddy has been no peace!
day, this man saw an ad: There is such a wonderful thing! Then rushed to the post office money!
a week after the goods, open the packaging look,
angry lady
three together to find out Miss!
A said:
for a while, prostitutes come out like crazy hair and roared:

So what makes you crazy wife what?
bar, a few brothers in the chat.
Li asked: husband's guess
night, his wife could not sleep, sitting in bed tamper with hands and feet!
suddenly grabbed her husband's small JJ, while tic!
husband take the hint, Bian Yu off his wife's clothes.
seeing his wife, was furious: / p>
put a gun to someone else husband and wife!
Couple playing mahjong partner, to discuss his wife's beautiful cue!
cards, the wife suddenly split thigh, her husband see the busy out of eighty! The results put a gun to someone else!
understand her husband!
the wrath of his wife shouted: Director of women in the village! A village there was a sudden murder, a nameless man whose body was found, the villagers who do not know.
police decided to take off the deceased's clothes, so the village people recognizable.
a woman came to watch, said:
and over one woman said:
more and more people, then, the village women's director came over and looked, said:
Do not see for yourself! A young man to urinate, could not find the toilet, then after the show like the wire rod to urinate!
is just security guard saw the old lady, old lady snapped loudly: Are swollen still laughing A man went to a doctor, the doctor asked the woman what happened?
man said:
female doctors did not hold back, not just funny!
man angrily: Self a boyfriend! There are two girls in the dormitory to chat.
One girl told her roommate, said: selfish it? How a nurse? Comedy! Contraceptive measures taken by the couple, the day his wife told him,
but accidentally fell in a condom, sir, to find out a chopstick, mired to accidentally fall into the chopsticks!
10 months after the child was born!
delivery room scream, how the President asked the nurse? !
nurse staring eyes, said: A man traveled to Thailand, met in a bar a beauty!
they feel compatibility, so he went to open the house.
some clouds and rain, the woman would hand playing with his little brother!
man asked: Girlfriend on the body profile picture! A beautiful pattern on their belly bulge of the most idol Andy Lau!
her boyfriend very much like to see the effect of grain up!
So beautiful pants off to him!
after watching her boyfriend, flew into a rage.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Life is not difficult

 Life to make two kinds of people : one mentor, two good friends .

trained two skills : first, to do things people touched , two, talk to like .

could ever eat two things : one, to endure hardship , two, suffer.

consciously develop two habits: one, optimistic book, the second , listening to lectures.

always grasp the two principles: first, micro clear conscience , second, the macro compliance .

for two extreme : First, to maximize the potential , Second, the continuation of life to the extreme .

life to do two things: first thing , it is Thanksgiving ; second thing is to form lasting bonds .

threshold of life to step two : love and money.

breath of life to two gas : one is the life of the gas, one is the spirit of gas.

life to be two things: learn to make money , learn to spend money.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wolf Education - the fate of the child to become a master of the strong

 Wolf sex education - let the children become the master of the fate of the strong
(new concept of family education)
in the who is not a pet out, nor is it used to, but something born out of adversity, in life experiences in the mature stand out in the competition. , dominant on the prairie. Wolf's becoming a wolf because it was born with a strong sense of . Sinister in their struggle against the competition grow confident in their eyes is always filled with a despot who but myself. Should be real strong as a wolf in any tough environment with ability to survive independently, and indomitable fighting spirit and ability to withstand the test of frustration and never stop the enterprising spirit; should be like the wolf that adhere to the status quo is not the same as a sheep meet to
But in traditional Chinese culture, the Since the Confucian culture in the smear of the wolf. Wolf is not as we expected, or as some people demonize rendering so fierce terrible. There are many wolves who deserve our good quality human studies and learning. The quality of the basic characteristics of the wolf is in their Jieao Bu training, because Jieao Bu training, they will see the dignity and freedom and life is as important as their desire for freedom, for dignity, defend, and the resulting derived strong sense of responsibility, strict discipline, tight teamwork, tenacious fighting style, not afraid of any tough opponents temperament and together they created their strong style. Herdsmen known as the prairie wolf,
the other hand, our children, they are born to become a They grow up in good times, failing to self-centered, non-food and clothing to worry about difficult things without the experience. Although many people are made to order fathers envy of education, but many people do not expect to be strong parents. The so-called Many graduates have achieved a high level of education onto the job way to successive heavy defeat, confidence gone, they are afraid to face society, fear of competition, not to earn money to feed their own, but stay at home, Aging parents have their children continue to play for the beloved heat. Thus, many parents of the child's education is in serious errors.
so The book made the wolf eighteen aspects of learning:
1, to encourage children to become strong
decide the fate mentality, wolves have become the powerful animal world, because it was born with a strong sense of Our society is in transition, like sheep, like the mentality of those high standards and strict requirements, like the wolf that insist
2, let the children learn independent living
the wolf has just become independent when the wolf will firmly let alone to perform the task, quality. Wolf believes that to become a real wolf, you must have an independent capability to deal with all emergencies, or only a sheep waiting to be trampled upon.
but many of our parents were like doing the Children in such a comfortable home in the long-term growth, how to withstand the test of life and social storm?
3, let the children keep alive curiosity
wolf is the most curious animals. They will never ignore everything around, a bone, an antler, a wild cow, a small pine cones, even those who left the mountain camping backpack, the wolf will play carefully. As long as things of interest to them, will be playing again, to digest, until the figure out Curiosity is an outstanding success and created the most important factor. Development of human society is because countless curiosity: curiosity, to explore numerous and found in exploring the mysteries, so as to continuously progress and development.
in early childhood, like the wolf is full of the same curiosity, want to get hold of things and understand. In the exam-oriented education environment, overriding the child's test scores. Parents, children tend to score other than the suppression of curiosity, this will be very easy to kill the child's interest and creativity, and even buried genius. Famous educator Erikson believes that children can not be the key to success in his earlier can be found, can not be noticed by parents, the attention. The test scores are not representative of the child's abilities, interests, improve the ability of children is the driving force is the cause of success.
4, to encourage children to competition
opportunities always favor those who are ready to compete, but the opportunities are often accompanied by risk. The wolf strong sense of crisis, always maintained a competitive state of affairs, a state of war, ready to meet the crisis. Result, they deal with the crisis, to cope with risks is very strong, often saved the day and defeat opponents. Parents to nurture children's sense of competition, urge them to seize the time, extensive learning, enhance the strength, competitive attitude is always ready to accept challenges, be strong like a wolf.
5, let the children learn to respect
only respect for opponents to fully understand the opponent. Wolf respect for opponents, so never play dubious battle for survival in the fierce competition, always beat a strong opponent. Real strong respect for the opponent, because only the strong opponents to prove the existence value.
parents must learn to respect the child. The former Soviet Union with the famous educator Mark Cohen once said: important method of education. Similarly, children in school should also be respected.
6, children free growth
free world is a strong survival of the soil, the parents put their children in order to develop a strong life, they should give them more free space. Young and restless children in the stage, eager to free their instincts, their parents care much whether their tight, they will find ways to break through these barriers and shackles, like the wolf in a cage, no matter what you give it delicious, they are always in a restless state, do not want to enjoy the
foster the children's discipline
7, the wolf is a very disciplined
in the wolf clan, a wolf in violation of any discipline, are likely to be completely out of the wolf family. Respect for discipline because the wolves can do at any time in unison to form a group of combat capability. Discipline is not just an act, it should be a thinking, with this concept in order to put in any discipline into conscious action. Children have good discipline, not only can create a good learning from the atmosphere, but also can provide their own personal safety protection character.
8, let the children live in good faith
wolves living environment is very complex, they not only face the test of lack of prey in hunting is facing a strong opponent in the desperate resistance, as well as the risk of falling into the trap of mankind. But in this complex and hostile environment, the wolf still continue to instill ethical values ​​to future generations. The man is not always the case. Many parents confidently say, such a complicated modern society, children are too honest, and vulnerable to fraud. Children's safety than anything else, the reason why children do not acquiesce integrity, in order to enhance their self-protection.
fact, hurt their own way to avoid not lie, nor is deliberately avoided, but develop their own ability to protect themselves. The cost of sacrificing the integrity of the community may appear to avoid the
9, fostering children's communication skills
much misunderstood man more than the wolf, but there are a lot of people do not attach importance to communication between each other. Parents may wish to learn the practice of the wolf, often with the child communication, understanding children's ideas, while, let the children know their own ideas, I believe that intergenerational misunderstanding or conflict will soon be eliminated.
10, to encourage children to learn teamwork wolf
wolf in nature itself is not the most powerful animal, alone, tigers, lions, leopards, wild boar, bison than it powerful, but if it is group operations, even if the wolves have shied away from the tiger met. A few scattered wolves, once together, it becomes a very powerful team. This is the power of solidarity. Everyone is a member of society, must learn and live in a certain collective, should contribute their collective responsibility which, so everyone should have the spirit of unity and cooperation. Parents educate their children do not ignore this.
11, the same sense of responsibility among children wolf
wolf to wolf's survival, will try to fulfill their duties. In the wolf family, each own a wolf are aware of the importance of wolves, each member must be responsible for their own ethnic group. Their peers when faced danger, will not hesitate to ground before the rescue. For wolves, it is their duty to fulfill responsibilities.
credit and responsibility is always a pair of twin brothers, and only bear a large responsibility for possible establishment of a large credit. learn to be responsible for their actions. Only responsible for their own, are likely to be responsible to society and family, and make a difference.
12, to encourage children to like wolves attention to detail
The former Soviet Union with the famous educator Mark Cohen said: Parents raise children
attention to detail, it should start from everyday life, let the children pay attention to every detail of life, see the real skill in the subtle. In fact, many successful parents educate their children are the details of daily life from the start of the.
13, like wolves do not educate their children drag
efficiency is the key competitive factors to determine the winner. Lead us not only to stall for time dragging the maker, but also victims. Not only affects the efficiency of drag, but also a hotbed of lies and excuses birth, is a hotbed breeding lazy. Parents raise children, we must think of ways to help children overcome the procrastination habit, never let the children become lazy because of procrastination, become commonplace because of laziness.
14, to cultivate children's patience, like the wolf
in the examination-oriented education environment, from a large extent, the children Competition is patience. Perhaps many of the children not admitted to the university is also very clever, and perhaps many of the children admitted to the University of average intelligence, but because of different tolerance to each other, the ultimate results are vastly different. Achieved the most in love with those who can consistently do something the people, regardless of study, work, life, are like this. Parents educate their children, we must nurture a child a good patience.
15, to train the child's frustration wolf ability
parents in their children to stumble, not only to teach them to learn how to correctly face and muster the courage and confidence to overcome difficulties, and even the children's and adaptability.
16, let the children know how grateful
There is no reason points love the world. The strict sense, the lack of sense of gratitude child, no matter how well his ability, it is difficult to become a true sense of the strong. Parents want to put their child into a strong, must cultivate their sense of gratitude, gratitude parents, Thanksgiving society, nature Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving everyone.
17, let the children learn to cherish the wolf
let the children learn to respect wealth, value of money, education, children learn to spend money to develop children's financial capability.
18, an example is the best education
parents are the first teachers of children, parents should strive to be the best example of a child.
wolf sex education, children's education to become strong, if each parent is really hard to do, consistently do the children into strong life is by no means impossible.
wolf spirit

brave, lonely, unity, and cruel ......< br> This is the wolf of the world ...
in this world, there is no right, not wrong.
only success.
no justice, no crime
only one purpose ....< br> life ......< br>
before in human-dominated planet, the wolf is definitely one of the rulers of the earth ,
gunpoint, but in the human, the wolf - live with their blood to defend the dignity of

cry wolf is a means of transmitting information,
but more It shouts and when the tragic end,
tell of life in the bleak ...

bleeding down. the end of life,
only in this wizard's eyes,
We do not see begging and pity,
only aloof and indifferent .....< br>

wolf's life is a life of fighting,
even if the body and soul will be separated,
The same calm,
students whom music is not dead, whom no fear ......< br>
Wolf also warmth,
wolf pups care and special education methods Most humans can not and
brutal wolf-style training,
the wolf to become strong,
wolf in little coward ...

Wolves are monogamous,
public wolf great sense of responsibility,
wolf caring,
and single-mindedness,
faithful and not metaphor, a common destiny which makes Tiantian Han
betrayal of love people > This makes the wolf in a hostile environment may continue to survive ...

wolf set in a cruel and wisdom,
a wolf, and his struggle to go through countless cruel,
in the wolf world, only that the strong ......< br>
has a strict hierarchical relationship between the wolf and the superior ability of unity and cooperation,
be reflected prey to the courage and team spirit learn to be more and more areas .......< br>

lone wolf, and wolves as dangerous,
the time when the wolf-man operations,
degree of super fierce,
every fatal attack only one purpose ---

Wolf Road,
not only the success or failure of moral,
lose and win, life and death is a wolf the only result of the belief,
wolves rarely breaks against a stupid thing to do,
when the opponent is strong, will be rushed to the attack ....< br>

Cry name,
is also a wolf wolf communication channels to vent their emotions,
Wolf also sad,
sunset every night, lonely time around,
high-pitched howling wolf sound will echoed in the valley .....< br>

wolves are rarely fooled by the beautiful scenes,
calm and rational action,
the wolf as the ghostly killer, br> strange personality so very hard to detect prey,
often still revel in the beauty of the wolf population on to become the Lamb ..

harsh living environment,
determination to hone the character of the wolf,
prey always patiently waiting in the wings,
never blindly attack,
looked in the eyes of the wolf leads people to feel faint murderous and terrorist ...

the face of adversity,
cowardly run away and give up the animals,
wolf - choice is singing ...

alternative tender ....< br>
wolf food to mainly ungulates,
when the prey is sufficient,
wolf little harm livestock,
but when the food shortage,
to poultry and even humans will survive the wolf under the port,
the so-called wolf, wolves should be accurate, it is called ....

and wolves do not remain too close to the distance,
contempt when the prey when the existence of the wolf,
often have fallen into the wolf's hunting life has been far from the body .... .. .

it is ..... .... .. wolf wolf world

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Additives business ---- Borregaard About BLT

 Pesticide formulations blog:
Borregaard Borregaard is Norway's largest listed company-Orkla Group, a wholly owned subsidiary, Orkla Group's main business focus on branded consumer goods, chemicals and financial investment, the current has 32,000 employees and total turnover for 2002 is 430 million Norwegian kroner ($ 6,000,000,000).
Borregaard, founded in 1889 and headquartered in Fort William in southeastern Norway, is a wood based on lignin products as the leading organic chemical multinational, a global leader in office; company develops and supplies specialty chemicals, fine chemicals and other ingredients widely used. Borregaard in 13 countries with 20 factories in Europe, United States, with sales offices in Asia and Africa, Borregaard has 2,700 employees, 2003 sales of up to 70 million Norwegian kroner (equivalent to 900 million U.S. dollars).
Borregaard lignin Technology (BORREGAARD LIGNOTECH)
Since its inception in 1967, Borregaard lignin Technology has developed rapidly, with its abundant supply of raw materials, logistics and product diversification, low cost and other advantages, has become a world leader in lignin products and suppliers, Borregaard lignin Technology in the wood chemical industry to use its unique capabilities and the different components of wood to produce high value products such as lignin dispersants and adhesives, special cellulose, yeast and yeast extract, alcohol, and vanillin, etc., these products from 12 plants on four continents and sold in nearly 80 countries; to meet the growing market demand in recent years, the company increased production capacity of some plant investment, such as South Africa's plant, after the investment to triple its production capacity. < br> applications
Borregaard applications and users according to the different needs of different lignin products produced, and its products are widely used in pesticide formulation processing, concrete, textile dyes, refractories, batteries, ceramic products, worthy of exploration of petroleum, fertilizer and animal feeds some 20 industries; short, Borregaard different fields can provide cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions.

innovation leader in the industry as lignin, Martin Lige lignin Technology has a special responsibility to develop the market to ensure the future of this industry's sustained development in the existing business and technology basis, the company will develop new areas, improve product performance, product help to generate higher benefits, cost savings and environmental protection; company and the world's universities and colleges are embarking on comprehensive cooperation, high R & D personnel and technical experts in the field of a large number of chemicals are new products and new applications in the field of study, we in Norway and the United States Martin Li Ge Mu Su Technology R & D center there are many research activities, due to the long pay close attention to the market and its application of lignin, the company has received numerous product applications, information, which is lignin products used in new areas provide a solid foundation, we will priority technical support to customers, because our products are becoming more certain of this work will become increasingly important; Borregaard lignin goal is to become the Ministry of technological innovation in the industry recognized the promoters.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Professor John Whalley talk about

 Professor John Whalley talk about
me in his office last week from the University of Western Ontario and Professor of well-known economist Professor John Whalley meet again, our conversation involved the cooperation of the two centers, also exchanged on the global imbalances and China's current economic situation, interesting point of view. John Whalley is a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences, the Econometric Society, foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) researchers, the European Economic Advisors CESifo Global Economic Research Director, Canadian Centre for Global Governance Innovation (CIGI), chief researcher. Computable General Equilibrium Model of the main founders, international trade, computable general economic equilibrium, public economics and development economics, a senior research professor, served as The World Economy magazine editor in chief.
More recently, young Chinese Economist has organized a study of the ocean on the Chinese economy written dialogue. activity is the cause of Professor John Whalley numerical simulation of laboratory work in its Chinese scholars one day seminars, when some domestic scholars draft order to see this conversation, the proposed order issued out of the conversation. Whalley, Professor of China for fear of their own incomplete understanding of economics, he suggested, and he invited a number of familiar to one of famous Chinese scholars to participate. The following are remarks made by Professor John Whalley, and I was invited to write a brief comment.
John Whalley: In recent years, I have been more concerned about the Chinese economy, has been to China, and government departments and important research institutions, universities and scholars for academic exchanges. I think the current Chinese economic studies, there is a need to attract attention to the phenomenon, many young scholars trying to follow and emulate Western economic scholars. They seem to think that, in his academic research career The most important thing in North America and Europe published a paper to improve the international ranking, in order to obtain professional promotion. However, these North American and European journal articles used in the theoretical and empirical research does not apply to a lot of the analytical framework for research China's problems, my suggestion is based on the situation in China some adjustments and amendments, such as in a simple classical model based on the optimization of adding some things with Chinese characteristics, such as the collective sense of identity, all the people all of the production units (state-owned enterprises ), and others. Chinese young scholars seem to ignore some of China's national conditions, to imitate blindly mechanical paradigm of international journal papers. just a simple neoclassical model will be applied mechanically to the problem of China's economy may lead to errors. I think the current The most important thing is thinking for the unique characteristics of China's economy economics.
an important feature of China's economy is state-owned enterprises and non state-owned enterprises sector structure, which is very different with the structure of the foreign sector. The other is a characteristic identity identity, collective identity, rather than individual identity. I've read written by some Western scholars on the Chinese labor market supply behavior of paper, they described in the paper the utility function is a function of commodity consumption and leisure, without taking into account family . everyone is in China for domestic work, taking into account the individual interests of the family decision-making, so we need to give when doing research in the utility function of the family. Western civilization emphasizes self-centered values of equality and freedom of individuals, each Man is a separate entity. and Eastern Confucian culture emphasizes the group value, the family is composed of individual units of society, the individual is always in the Confucian view that individuals, families, community networks among.
if only the application of Western models China will come to a very misleading conclusion. on my experiences in China, I and age class of Chinese scholars have had in-depth exchanges, when I was living in decision-making and some senior Chinese economist (eg, more than sixty or six years old) sharing, they are also worried about this phenomenon, some young scholars trying to direct use of Western theories to explain the many problems China's economy, they can really understand these young scholars and explain the problem in China cautious. So, I feel in the country of being a senior economist and policy-making center may exist between young scholars a great awareness and knowledge of the structural differences in the generation gap. young scholars hope that the next few decades, China Economics research can more quickly close to the West. However, this just may become a significant economic problem facing.
part of young scholars currently studying the Chinese model of technology is more important than the understanding of the Chinese economy. As I understand it, may be because in China in the international academic papers published in a professional promotion the most important thing, and international journals often do not concern the characteristics of the Chinese economy. in political science, American politics and Canadian politics are different courses, because States political system is very different. In economics, usually Madagascar and France, the United States by the same research methods to deal with. However, it should be taken into account in the economics of the characteristics of different countries, in my opinion, This is for the Chinese is particularly important for economics.
nearly three decades, with a computable general equilibrium policy analysis technology has been one of my research. In China, some young scholars on a misunderstanding of CGE models that the purpose of the article is to build a complex model. in some eyes, the article evaluation standards of the article is not ideological, but the number of model equations, and the equation of the structure of the level of detail. In addition, numerical simulation the application of conclusions to be careful, these results are informative, not accurate, can not be directly used for policy decisions accurately, but only to provide appropriate directions for.
I mentioned above for , I know that many young Chinese scholars have realized this, but sometimes had to cut because of professional issues such as the trapped errors. there are some young scholars are trying to change this situation. U.S. financial crisis triggered by the Western economic scholars reflection of modern economics, I think, this is Chinese scholars consider China a good opportunity for economic development path, especially for young Chinese scholars.
Jun Zhang: For economists, especially the young Chinese economists, the study of economic structures and institutions are constantly in transition in the Chinese economy is not easy. The difficulty of the comments by Professor John Whalley typically pointed out. Of course, this is not to say that most Chinese economists do not see it that way. In fact, 20 years, I always hear older than me express the view of economists.
However, as young economists, this view is not easy to understand the true and rationality. One possible reason is that more young scholars are always read from their papers to others to find the subject of study, the result often is, the theoretical model, we can modify or change something, or China's experience with the experience of others directly on the material evidence of the methods and techniques. The reason why this practice is widespread, mainly because most of us only want to research papers of the existing theory can explain the observed phenomena in China, and do not pursue .
therefore, mimic the existing paradigm and techniques but not necessarily harm the quality of the paper to meet the basic requirements of the existing economics journal. In China, we often see, the young academic economists Research and Public Policy Research persons or the links between policy advice is very weak, even in many cases does not matter. This reflects the majority of young economists focus on the issues not from the concern of government policy, which may come from other people's papers and the existing literature.
our own, including John Whalley such as overseas economists, economists always hope that China can contribute to the development of economic theory. This idea is naturally assumed China's economic development and transition process of the development of economic theory the value of a unique experience. The assumption within the contemporary economists, of course, is controversial. If we accept this assumption, and I believe that more economists would accept this assumption, then observe and study the way the Chinese economy to continue to deserve our review, we need to find more opportunities for the discovery of the theory. of economics, China's contribution must be made from our (new) ideas and theories rather than from the direct application of existing theory.
course, we must realize is that the academic paradigm of economics in China during the transition, John Whalley, Professor pointed out that the situation is not necessarily very bad not constant. situation is improving. In general, in China, we can always find, at a certain age, the older is always better than the young economist economists better understand China institutional environment, can better observe the reality, there are more insights on policy, but also relatively more concerned about the large and more important issue. This shows that experience, experience and observation time in China are likely to affect the accumulation of China attitude and way of economic research.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Experience Expo

 Saturday morning, armed with special preview tickets
Expo transfer to Metro Line VII arrives Beach station (the first stop after crossing the river)
short split bus ride to the line 8, just eight doors
However, security at the already full with people
legendary entry must be the most concerned about three hours (a long time has been no long queue of rafts)
but the following picture the two of my friends and I saw no need to queue up only to wait at the security checkpoint entrance
many sub-teams and individuals, two of my friends and I found one channel did not even wait for us to bypass the winding
together and work together, to the checkpoint, found that one in time In our previous
nine one before, successfully met through the payment of the face of security
park booking tickets China Pavilion volunteers
so lucky Oh! originally planned to visit the China Pavilion is not about the same time
. received a park guide map
the first to enter the Museum of the African Joint Pavilion

drink some water first to line up outside, the team is short
African dromedary
Africa Out of Africa Pavilion, take the Park Avenue line
free bus Expo Expo shaft station, to complete the morning to visit the China Pavilion
looking back, through time and space
stepped on the map, in front of colorful historical picture , but not the wisdom of the river in the photo gallery
, the gurgling river around the entire picture
up to 128 meters wide and 6.3 m of the Civic life of the Song Dynasty Kaifeng
innocence trip
find the wisdom of the clock, into the future
low carbon future, a well-designed tour
clues, showing the wisdom

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ambilight line Yushu

 Kham Dolma
the U.S. people? Yushu Kham Dolma on the Prairie;
Yushu Kamba beautiful? Have heaven and earth courtesan Jade Pool.
08 running through the summer by car travel thousands of miles east and west China in the Yushu area called Kham feeling of many of the stunning beauty, one of the leading travel photography.
Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwestern Qinghai Province, Qinghai, Tibet and Sichuan provinces at the intersection of as an important distribution center for commercial trade three provinces, where once wrote a famous Tangfangudao important chapter in the territory of the magnificent mountains and rivers, vast grasslands, pasture plump, and the people wild, the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers are originated three is China's largest distribution area of natural wetlands, known as , but also the highest proportion of ethnic minority autonomous prefecture population.
Yushu animal husbandry, agriculture, forests, minerals, water, wildlife, solar energy and other natural resources are very rich, Kham Tibetan culture is in the majestic mountains, Pentium river, the vast grassland, the vast dome and the wave of the sleeves in the implication, accumulation, rising bright, this heavy historical, religious, cultural and natural resources of folk photography, travel provides a valuable material and creative passion, br> There Yushu Yushu, said more Nangqian, miscellaneous and more government and more Qumalai six counties, the reasons for the trip because of the time did not set foot in addition to more complex, the other five counties were able to linger one by one, to make Tour appearance, this has a around the end part of town most of the famous attractions of history, religion, human nature, because of geographical convenience of transportation, Results are Yushu area around the ancient core area.
the photographic camera for the NIKON D200, shot three : AF-S NIKON 14-24MM 1:2.8 G, AF-S NIKON 17-55MM 1:2.8 G, AF-S VR-NIKON 70-200MM 1:2.8 G.
Kano by the fortress of
Kano Kano by the fortress of the Second

Kano by the fortress of the third heap by the famous fortress of Mani, Buddha his later years when the first World Kano town settled in the end a new East Village, and Mani heap in this building, so also known as has 00 points, while the blinding glare of the sun at noon, not to achieve multi-level images and rich contrast. from the junction town to Kano by the fortress only two kilometers, so the Photographer completely go visit other places, In the months to come this time to capture the image.
composition vary faithful have taken preference, I feel that characters can be used to highlight the features and make the picture a dynamic trend, people's eyes, facial expressions skin, indicating that the identity of body decoration and mining activities, etc. can all be key parts of.
As the camera aperture, exposure time and focus of these data, my personal experience, this is a cumulative, master degree course, the use of Photographer a digital camera there is no film and printing costs, so beginners can compare different aperture and focal length, exposure time and more shooting in the same location a few, in the latter part of the selection of computer software can be compared, to do more to draw their own comparative experience.
not shoot fast moving objects such as birds, water and sports screen, I chose to set to aperture priority, Kano by the fortress were 14m24mm three wide-angle photography is both ends of the mirror focal length of 24 and 14 , the extreme wide-angle lens with a focal length made a close-up picture of one scene with people, high-light focus performance in the main object of focus, and other parts of the virtual technology.
many good works from the same objects were selected from multiple comparison , is the best way to practice.
Tangfangudao of heaven and earth
Leba ditch known as the then a small stone in the clear stream and lush grass everywhere, it is blowing all kinds of colored rock engravings, while 1,300 years ago, Princess and the Jincheng Gong Tai Tang Wencheng in Tibet when the Lord left the precious rock exquisite rock paintings to Leba ditch trail in China, one of the three glorious history Tangfangudao period left a heavy sum, the main rock art of nomadic life, relaxation and orderly, full of flavor, their blood and in harmony with nature and intimate nature of the fusion penetration.
in Leba trench and other various grasslands, Kham Tibetan tents everywhere over Lingka , philosophy of life and different people in a busy city.
from near and far, the eye is light green grass dripping hegemonic wantonly throughout the horizon extends, the trickling brook winding slide into the distance , mushroom-type flower umbrella girl under the tents and people whispering, color streamer array moves pretty lofty high-spirited to drift in between the mountains, there is a sturdy jaw yak down and kissed leaves, so that the composition So what? replaced it wants to seize the 70-200 lens, aperture value long-term use of F / 8 is more appropriate than a small aperture.
Yangtze River Bridge, the main peak of the pulse rises in Tanggula bin Laden southeast, is the source and when the song in the Tuotuohe Tuotuohe bridge 60 km downstream of most Palestinian bursa confluence area Long known as the Yibin, Sichuan and Yunnan to the river, known as the Jinsha River.
magnificent Tongtianhe from nearly a thousand kilometers northwest to southeast across the Pentium in the vast abundance of fertile Yushu prairie, grassland moisture Yushu living things. pass Since ancient times, cutting the risk of Tianhe River Bridge into the smooth, This image, taken from the junction town 20 kilometers away from the monument at the Three Rivers Nature Reserve, the Old Bridge bridge.
not far from the bridge for another photographic point drying by Taiwan to under the road base in 214 countries, are said to learn Hui Chao Tang Seng mentoring transition from the Western Region where the sun through.
Yushu Zen Buddhist temple in the temple town would
Air Southwest State Road 214, the village where the ancient hillside Zen . ; Princess Wen Cheng Temple good point distance photography. feel like such a building body mass and the location of the temple to set off even more inclusive vision of the momentum and the overall environmental outlook, photographic images can be expressed by a greater degree of meaning extension.
Temple of Princess Wen Cheng
Princess Wen Cheng Temple faces south, backed by steep cliffs towering, vigorous and forceful for the Batang mountains, into the door, three volumes were not a party to the main temple courtyard around, making the pilgrimage who could not help looking up, design can be described as subtle sophistication. available for Photography Experience: From Leba ditch out suddenly in front, overlooking the giant colorful prayer flags banners covered the entire hill, battle style gorgeous! temple courtyard as a deliberate prolate Princess narrow design, the main temple in the courtyard shooting Large angles the direction of photography, picture, or go out in order to know the geographical scene more appropriate choice.
giant bronze statue of King Gesar, the state capital of Yushu
junction town square shape stands tall bronze statue of King Gesar. < br> found so far in the world, the longest epic in the singing of the Magic, the strong and the weak, for the benefit of the people, has a special character, extraordinary talent and a strong god, in the Tibetan and Mongolian have a very high impact and status of reverence and worship by the people.
This photo is next to the County This bronze statue of the temple to mark the occasion of the monks and nuns, was invited to photograph them, feel with the mind under these Dahongpao satisfaction and joy.
photography experience: Results town square is the Yushu Tibetan areas, many monks flow where is a good place for photographing people. shoot, I use a Nikon camera features most colorful, set the picture format selected JPG + RAW mode, I feel that some images using RAW format for the late effects of relatively good plot.
Traffic : East and West from Qinghai, Sichuan and Tibet provinces have their own knot of four major roads to reach the town, described roads lead to Yushu. basically is a large section of State Road 214, 308 and 217 provincial highway, country road during numerous. road conditions with the exception sections of a serious pressure loss, the basic good. gas station spacing and number of basic vehicle operation can be guaranteed, and the other vehicle also depends on the volume of the tank, usually with 93 # gasoline, almost no 97 #. Experience is always check the oil form, in the middle met again to fill the petrol station, rather than waiting until it is about to run out to find ways.
Accommodation: Results town on the choice of many hotels and hostels, two good hotels for the ; and the network port.
Three Rivers Hotel is a new hosted a popular place to see the new season, Congress almost daily feast, Yao Yan guests. casually chatted a few words, a warm person might have to invite you to Kham ceremony and sit down. rooms are newer, there is a network port.
to Yushu town as the center of radiation to the East and West constituted a larger dream photography, travel, major scenic spots.
to the Northeast: is China Central Television as the , the vast lake in the highlands under the strong sunlight pouring the wines are like Yu Ye, Ling Po vast.
measures at the multi-card Ga Temple Pagoda
Great Mother River, was the United States in the Tibetan language as the The card at the northern foot of some old cases of poor bar basin southwest corner of the column, a number of tributaries together, the Yellow River Source by Star Sea, stretching 20 kilometers east, then enter the largest lake in the upper Yellow River and Eling Zaling. Yellow Source Tau copper monument stands in the two lakes on the middle of the mountain measures at Ga, on the usefulness Tibetan The first dam, the first of the Yellow River Bridge, 15 years Zhenguan Princess Wen Cheng and other viewing points Songtsan beach wedding.
Miles by car this point is the only chartered Hubei and Hunan provinces, because one road is unknown, unfamiliar lakes to climate change, no GPS fixed-point data not want to rush into cycling, and second, by asking the dirt road to the lakes are water-soaked or soaked infiltrating potholes extension, considerable damage to the vehicle, in this place before and after the scarcity of industrial civilization in order to reduce The vehicle may be decided, or chartered to trouble.
Transportation: chartered back and forth from the two lakes Maduo town costs about 500 yuan a day, and now Maduo road leading to two lakes are under construction, estimated at one to two years and then go to Hunan and Hubei From the road, said to facilitate a lot.
Accommodation: Maduo town only two or three more than one hundred meters of the main street, can be places ; in the summer season and in the corridor were open and warm the room Ting, can be dry socks, public toilet, no shower, and the Yellow River is the source of Yellow River Scenic Area, Ngau Tau Monument, tickets are 100 yuan / person, no charge for local drivers.
photography experience: lakes area over 3300 m above sea level, compared with China's largest inland lake over one thousand meters above the lake is true plateau lakes.
this area of photography for fine weather or not the requirements of the natural background was particularly notable, sudden changes in weather, cloud top pressure contiguous into the lake and the sky dark cold of space, people feel gloomy , obscure, but the plateau climate has varied spatial and temporal magic, when the sun god of all things upper ranks, the vast land of life, jumping up and live the moment, two lakes of color from dark green to light blue flashing, glittering, Levels rich and full, then press the shutter the hands of the diligent nature, his legs are the best return on the photographers.
great lakes area, select the slope and the wide-angle lens is to shoot high points, in order to avoid composition monotone, if birds or people, still life, and so do the appropriate embellishment better. Eling to Zaling a hill separated a few hundred meters away, you can select a point of walking beat. camera settings choose , making vision to better depth of field 9 to 16, not absolute, the composition can be cross-sold a large wide-angle view and the momentum of a wider and wider, vertically composition can increase the mountains, water, sky level. shoot close-up and the birds that can be used telephoto, two lakes, many birds on the lake shore, but the fear of disturbance, so the conditional Photographer more data can be used a telephoto lens.
to the northwest: a Yushu ; rule number and the Tongtian Bridge and the spectacular winding Tongtianhe, Qumalai County .
Long Bao Bao Long Beach Lakes
Beach junction town in the state capital of Yushu about eighty miles west place, two mountain standing up there, parallel to the extension of the middle piece of ten kilometers long, wide and three kilometers of the valley area , more than four kilometers above sea level, belongs to alpine meadow type of wetlands, rare birds and animals and some Tibetan Plateau is the origin of precious herbs, with a black-necked crane, bar-headed geese, brown-headed gulls, geese and gulls, red duck, merganser , frozen chickens and other birds more than ten kinds, established in 1992, Long Beach Po Nature Reserve is the largest birds in the core area of Three Rivers Nature Reserve, as the Black-necked Crane Nature Reserve by the state.
Long Bao Beach Valley
trip did not enjoy the seasonal relation to the number of birds, but Kham Tibetan Plateau in summer is never let indulgence, and diffuse goats yak slope nestled in purple, blue, pink display is in color; girl gorgeous costumes and dazzling decorations dangling circulation of the eye; Kham heroic man of the red knot Qiyuxuanang entrenched in the head; streamer array flags fluttering wind publicity unbridled dance; large white flowers in elegant swaying in the enchanting blue sea, blue sky, warm pure UV skin Zizi Qing Xiang hh
photography experience: personal experience, encounter a large area of landscape photography is best to wait for a calm lake, the occasion to make a clear sky highland lake color is more blue, green slopes of a large number of pan-green light to make water, and pure reflection, it enables forming one, increasing the visual range, the composition of the average days on the water to avoid a situation of divided into two focus on the performance of the site can be too much of the screen, the ratio to seek beauty.
the mountains I will focus on the performance of canyon photography geographical lines and block face the United States, snake winding road, winding door in the village, the geometric partitioning of the farmland, varying light and dark mountains, and so can diffuse the light transfer full screen.
Transport: The area consists of a ring connected to 308 provincial highway, by car from the direction can be clockwise to Yushu Yushu Zhidoi mm mm mm Long Bao Qumalai bar more mm mm mm Yushu, said more than a week as photography, travel routes, from the Qinghai Lake, Maduo direction over, can also be curved road fork in the Green River water starts to turn counterclockwise a Zhouzhi Yu trees, the due Maduo 17:00 from more than just starting all the way to Green River late photographer, so the core of Pioneer car into the Yushu area, linger for a few days later to complete the trip in a clockwise direction.
from Yushu to Long Bao, governance and more to the song Highway Marais 308 200 km of asphalt pavement, the road is well preserved over the altitude of 4797 to be Xiushan Pass Miha; from Qumalai river water by the green bar more to the fork in the 195 km road debris curved road, traffic is not good; from the Green River water Yushu Song Road fork to 163 km, 214 National Road, traffic is still good.
Accommodation: in the rule more or Qumalai stay, choose the photo time and more troops governance is based on a street the county for all belongings, food accommodations are in the The Nangqian County, and 200 km away from Yushu town about 200 km further south could be to County, located in the upper reaches of the Lancang River region, Zhaqu, Zi Qu, Pakistani music, hot music, guitar music from the northwest parallel to the five rivers running through the whole territory to the southeast, the county produces the per capita amount of water to 24 times China's per capita water. this trip is not planned into Tibet, so the car early in the morning, after starting from the Nangqian looking for photography to the point of walking Riwoqe direction, turn back the afternoon, half-way over the altitude of 4505 m to be the Eya La Pass, from geographical and cultural features to the class to see the black Nangqian Let the direction of steep terrain, unique scenery.
Nangqian what color M
Nangqian Zhaqu river stone pagoda
photography experience: important points are expensive photography long Zhaqu River Bridge, the cliffs carved, karaoke Cashmere Valley Temple and the Temple of Nuns Canyon all the way to rolling hills.
photography in the plateau region a major advantage of the blessings from the sun, high-resolution photos from space is a good background color, add more later without saturation, palette of bright colors of the most beautiful in the plateau.
shades pulled contrast, the performance of the screen object can be more focused, more Jushen.
Transportation: car driving all the way to the valley in the deep groove from time to time to see a huge rock hanging in the air pick head, do some sections of fence protection, even so, Rolling Stone still makes people feel the presence of danger. This section of the 214 national road surface well, not so.
Accommodation: Hotel on the main street of town some, conditions are general, costs are a hundred to ten dollars each.
to the southeast: 50 km east, exit north to the rest after the blink of an eye Wu came to the town of Yushu the junction of Sichuan: elevation of 4,700 meters Ambala Mountain Pass, 70 km of this to Shiqu, from the current administrative division of the mountain for the Pass over the Ambala is in Sichuan, but here belong to the large Kham Tibetan area south of the Bayan Har plateau pulse, customs and natural landscapes and Yushu Plateau the same strain, fusion penetration. Shiqu, the Tibetan name With a more poetic name of passion mm Sun Tribe, 4200 meters above sea level in this solar County, Bila Sa higher than 600 meters, is the highest in Sichuan Province, the largest pure pastoral counties.
Shiqu tie big river card Prairie streamer
Shiqu photography is something that many, this trip has been the large-scale color Tibetan Buddhist monastery to be Goumba Temple, stretching several kilometers of Bagh Mani wall, Kham region's most wide prairie - rolling prairie river card, the plateau ecological wetland hh
Kham Tibetan Temple is a color to be the only qualified awarded the Mani Wall is located in Yalong Bay, near the first, it stands proudly on the open prairie 300 years, is the longest Tibetan Mani Wall, the wall Mani Lama on the front lawn giving to the few with cheese reservoir dogs, natural changes in the Mani wall of life and death cycle repeated, only this world will never understand the silence of the vicissitudes of life in Long Beach.
color to be the Lama Temple and quilt
photography experience: personal experience of the pictures taken is to find man these are not common or familiar plot, the subject of natural activity in the state to capture the most natural expression of pure place. close, set goals to shoot and sometimes need to communicate about the subject, in each other to understand my intentions and take my time to give another camera shooting the probability of success will be much larger. It is also a photographer's own qualities, character and ability to communicate the decision, so the photographers to improve their own politics matter whether the repair is on increasing the level of photography is also important.
plateau brightness, high color temperature, should be based on changing camera settings for different objects, conditional use of reflectors as fill light.
rolling prairie river card is the original, pure, vast, distant, dark green Eagle flying in the sky, the rise overlooking the hillside into the film into a film was dyed blue flowers, cattle and sheep herders scattered tents and set in this great color such as rich emerald grasslands, wetlands and ponds full of blossoming cotton-like clouds, there is pure beauty and unbridled smile, carefully written interpretation of the plateau where the splendor of summer.

girl doll Kham Kham grassland scenery with a calf

Kang Second
Pakistan grassland scenery photography experience: When the photographer when the object is a child, squatting in little more than they even get on the ground will be close to their recognition and, when the photographer to the child's lower body when the view of the world, faces of the children childlike will appear in the lens.
shot when I from the non-interference in their children's expressions and behavior, it is recommended that they might reach out to embrace the little dirty hands and rub over the nose, then your picture will be the natural and true, a few sweets after the award ceremony photography.
If cattle, horses, sheep and other large herbivores as a photographic subject or embellished when the group dynamics, the position of the screen and proportion, including These animals Angtou, are required to bow or run the idea, composition is completed to be considered the focus of the muscle coat were dark, light and contrast, I use wide angle shot, high transmittance, a scene full. In addition more than walking legs, King of multiple mobile position is the basis for selection.
Transport: From the junction town to the rest still belongs to 214 National Road, Wu, Wu began to Shiqu from the rest is 217 provincial highway, the road conditions were good.
Accommodation: Stone There are several channels available hotels and hotel, hotel to shower, no network.
These are my personal journey in the number of exploration and photography experience, willing to share with you the photo to share with the faithful.
friends last wish Ox progress! arrogant, such as rainbow!