Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christian Li Lin Shan Liao ill

writer Liao Yiwu Liao Yiwu (Laowei) for many people, the country is not very familiar with his great reputation in foreign countries, many people say that he is a Chinese writer, Nobel Prize in Literature from the nearest person, I had one after another read some of his works have been impressed. Of course his work in the areas of relatively narrow, this and his experiences. Liao Yiwu is the pioneer in the early 80s crowd, a prominent figure in poetry, has been famous in literary circles, in the was very alternative.
1989   after 6 months because of long poem, thousands of criminals, but also witnessed more than 20 death row were tied to the execution site. I have been with murder and arson, trafficking, rape, theft, escape exile, fortune-telling con artists to make friends, over and over again to listen to their dictation. after release , in order to make ends meet, I have to wander around entertainer, the bar in Stealing from Thieves, punctured dongxiao, singing folk songs break, the lowest level of the people and society as a living. I came to forget I am a poet, is still holding on in prison Writing of the underlying story. Chinese tears and laughter; Chinese people again and again after being raped, how to live with shame to the apathetic; the Chinese people's living tips, shameless, helpless, shameless and persistent. little accumulation of a book. Comparison of the real world, they are so real. This year he has been invited to keynote presentations Frankfurt Book Fair, but did not take place. The official went to the hundreds of people, I think that works in the literature and on, not as the value of Liao. < br> recently read a new work recently Liao, calm and a lot of articles than in the past, but also feel shocked, hereby recommended on my blog.
ill Christian Li Lin Liao Yiwu
prelude to the mountain
the story of the Jedi faith, this spring I had to know his mouth from friends I Kun. when he urged me to go thousands of miles away, the marble rushed interview, otherwise miscellaneous things to the car, has been dragged summer, a chance to travel.
2009 年 8 月 16 at noon, the sun very pungent, and I drilled from under the eaves, low, supporting a lazy waist, a farm courtyard, the first roundabout and on the grass along the endless, close to the vagina clouds in the Mountain. last night, did some heavy rain, I have dreamed of Erhai waves rose up, covered over the city, instantly took to the top of hills. And I like the swing of clown, among the more than 20 Rufeng swinging.
available at the moment, I Guangzhuobangzi, between the ripples in the sun swinging. the left of the two cows, the right side of the dogs, the ring of the beast , the thunder faint, the original ship as big a hit my eyebrows moving clouds.
so enough is enough, covered with yellow underground rapid slope. fain to return to the motherland for the apes, jungle streaking a long way, until Indian tribes generally close to the pristine village of Shek Mun, square re-dressed, changed back to human form of knowledge. to follow, well dressed, cross the road, into the city, and spend all the tourists in the mix Hu shoot.
to go. turbulent flow gradually bifurcation gradually sparse, and finally dried up in the lower people's way. I Kun depressed to flash. come to Romania? so late? he complained Road. I say night, it was half past two. He said that people struggle with death, you still climbing? very relaxed very fashionable thing. I immediately review should not climb. really should not climb.
two in more than two meters wide alleys within the walk through, I looked nutation own shadow. Qiguaibaguai to reach the road near the corner of Guang-wu 81. I did not knock on the door Kun, the first crying, I looked up at the faded red paint lintel, Bai, like brown peasant woman opened the door, she was the wife of the protagonist of this article, 5 years ago, dragging a daughter remarried, and his son after the husband pulled a Daohai harmony, in the end the family believed the Lord. The Lee brothers This is more than pocket-sized in comparison Kun Li Yuan Ba raise the central high-profile. So my interview subjects carrying two kitchen knives, from the corner stand. oh. Liao teacher. Jiuyang heard so much about. can not shake hands ah. It turned out he was chop dumpling filling.
Di Di da da knife in the case of percussion, I took out the recorder. Yu Kun quips, Laoliao You see, Brother Lee left a thin bones, not just as Nazi concentration camps to escape the Jewish blacksmith? I say thin is thin, very capable. Old Lee smiled and said today is a special day, not just the weather was clear and his , fatigue life, stem did not move to do, God how he let the elderly live, to how to live it. Old Lee nodded, so I want to make dumplings to celebrate something. Since the disease, this is the first time I personally chop stuffing children, perhaps the last. some minced as possible, according to the style of home, Duojialuobu. If there is little effort to spare, I personally and face roll skin, personally package. you have left, we eat a bustling Dayton authentic Shanxi dumplings right.
I am too harsh. may have to start talking.
text Laowei: How come you came to this disease?
Li Lin Shan: Oh, good answer. I have always been difficult support. In the womb to cruelly toss.
Laowei: what say?
Li Lin Shan: I was born in 1963, killed tens of millions of 3-year famine had just ended, parents with belly inside me, dying to go home.
Laowei: baby born in 1963, a lot of thing.
Li Lin Shan: and the people, places and different places. It is said that when I see the light, and almost a kitten , wrinkled, and could not shed tears. her parents can not feed, do not want it. Thanks to Grandma hugged me, saying that this baby still air it warms to the boundary. My dad Ahhh two, that our two half-fed meal not eaten for three years, often hungry dizziness, but insists bring voice singing, so this baby inherently less ah.
Laowei: your parents love singing?
Li Lin Shan: They were the Huguan County Lazi Theatre professional actors, some well-known in the local.
Laowei: composer Wang Xilin labor camps for many years in Shanxi, and later ported to the symphony Shangdang clapper, like the Wolf sorrow and the Heartbreakers .
Li Lin Shan: Right, right, as Shaanxi, Shaanxi, not singing, but the roar. because not look through the barren ridge, not roar loud noise. We have four operas in Shanxi, which Shangdang clapper and Shangdang Lazi par, eight miles village, young and old, all will hum a few.
Laowei: Lazi Clapper, there are differences between you?
Li Lin Shan: a time not know, if say, you mainlanders also does not understand a word, Changzhi County Clapper sang the more multi-Lazi songs Huguan County can Well content is Songchao Zhong Jun patriotic Yangs series mostly because the Yang family lies in our ground.
old VENUS WILLIAMS: Right, right, the less a thousand kinds of local operas in China, another barrier, harder than they get to know foreign languages.
Li Lin Shan: my parents a few years in the county theater mix, paste could not export to Town, Nanshan back to shop a peasant village. thought reflects environment Everyday safe, but unexpectedly fell a few life evil mold. pain and suffering is to me of the day. had kidney stones a few years ago, that really hurt, can not sleep night after night, had to get up and sit , Ziyaliezui, others thought I was laughing hh
Laowei: no money to doctors and patients do?
Li Lin Shan: where the poor out of the people can not bear. I carry the dead for 4 years and finally one day down Next, they said died would have been dead, I dig more than 10,000 pieces, remove it from the waist big lump of walnut; if early surgery is estimated that five thousand is enough.
Laowei: Then what?
Li Lin Shan: And then is ill ah. cardia, which is the pipe joints and stomach cancer .2007 found in long, early, but now has spread out.
Laowei: What symptoms?
Li Lin Shan : the first is the sudden and uncomfortable, waves of nausea, to squat in deep breaths, and over half an hour, did not relax; in Shimonoseki city and country hospital endoscopy, inspection and review, diagnosed with cancer. The doctor said must immediately inpatient surgery, or delay will not last long. I asked the cost, suddenly silly! at least 20 to million! surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, so the hospital for observation.
Laowei: I heard that you engage in self mending, clothes make a patch only received a dollar.
Li Lin Shan: Yeah, I sold myself, nor the value of a few coins. The doctor said, finish knife, they can guarantee me to live for 5 years. But we have no money and nowhere to borrow money. Even if the East Rasi compact, pick up life, and to 20 million debt, our family two generations, 10 years may not be able to pay off.
Laowei: Old Lee ah, you in this life off!
Li Lin Shan: useless, right? we are Chinese, but also to the growth of children in poor hh
Laowei: What your home is the old revolutionary base areas? mao wrote, The , than did the liberation still miserable.
Laowei: the Yellow River dried up.
Li Lin Shan: even miserable. because we did not shop Town Creek, not groundwater. village every family has Storing store water by digging. the rainy season, the two multi-Storing store full of deep, with the province can eat two or three months.
Laowei: no root water tastes Zeyang?
Li Lin Shan: the kind of mud soup sub ah, a few days living nematodes, ladle to scoop up, shake the eyes yet. guess you Sichuanese, your nose can not go on irrigation can Shanxi for us, especially a premium, more expensive Viagra: Now what?
Li Lin Shan: Features of the dry season. catch a donkey cart, pulled a large drum installed mouth to sing, climbing on the ridge, at least to fifty-six kilometers to find water outside.
Laowei : There is water up?
Li Lin Hill: No fixed water. Chuang inquire about eight miles, where there is water where we ran, as the soldiers heard the bugle. several people combined with a donkey cart, a few strong labor followed, the first child to run low because of dry hillside, the foot is not dry, water always out; later children run high, because the sheep baby's well-informed, which pits found in the Peak which also did not build some loss of water, we immediately excited, and then hard to have to go far.
Laowei: God.
Li Lin Shan: daily life ah. village Which one or two buckets of water surplus, that is news, Special jealous of everyone. I grew up until the 30-year-old left home before, there is no face washed several times, let alone a bath.
Laowei: always wash it when it rains?
Li Lin Shan: the rainy season just arrived, and everyone all stations wilderness, waiting for the shower pictures. It was also stripped naked, shower station yard. If met half way to slow down and enjoy. year of personal hygiene, are at this time done.
Laowei: woman supposed?
Li Lin Shan: not supposed. not seen a bath in the village woman, including marriage, children, will wipe Mama.
Laowei: What about you?
Li Lin Shan: Also wipe Mama. features. limbs. belly. But the wedding night, a woman was careful to wipe some of the men to slack more. coming to my first daughter was born, but also midwife roll up our sleeves, little by little, to get rid of blood clots in the body of his wife and children. it took less than a basin of water.
Laowei: No fall sick?
Li Lin Hill: diseases between men and women that point not a disease.
Laowei: What is considered a disease?
Li Lin Shan: cancer. mainly stomach and esophageal cancer. Once the qualitative examination, the right to carry back, lying in the house to die slowly. no money Yes, even the flour all fishing all year round within a few tons to eat, how can ill spare cash management Yes. my impression, only a minority of the old high moral teacher by surgery, because the state money. doctors to live 5 years guarantee . This unprecedented jubilation in the village, but the old teacher's home to spend another 600 yuan, up the stage for your troupe, even the roar 3 days Lazi, tens of miles in radius, are along for the ride.
Laowei: average life expectancy of the number of your village ?
Li Lin Shan: under 60 it. A few, like my grandfather, to stretch to more than 80, even he is confused, do not understand why such a long life. my father's body, the best of our family , a plunge into the corn field, like a large bull, Hangchihangchi jamming after dark. His temper has an urgent, once because my old father moving fist, was detained a few days. Well, he suddenly walked more than 50. poisoning.
Laowei: children can not figure out what matter?
Li Lin Shan: pesticides, 1605, and he wiped over when the local one, to go out to serve their crops. Shuiliao sun too fast, he squatted on a wild Khan, pesticides to penetrate skin. began to stomach pain, he endured; could not resist to tumble toward the home run, down on the bed, to issue several more cows is called to confused. breathe for a while before the seizure, the stars out the window just come out.
Laowei: time to call a doctor?
Li Lin Shan: too late.
Laowei: why did he wipe pesticide?
Li Lin Shan: kill lice. the village people to take pesticides to kill lice. naked, hand over the body, and then tightly wrapped underwear. smell of pesticides that can suffocate lice. Most people are accustomed to dichlorvos, the enemy's enemy sings, 666 powder, etc., properties are highly toxic to ease some of .1605, my dad is tick bite was anxious to map the enjoyment.
Laowei: he had used up?
Li Lin Shan: used ah. The family have used ah. can be dried out before we go out. He and other No, directed at the sun went.
Laowei: My grandfather is old landlord, I was a kid in the country experienced the severe lice. can be heard such a no water, throughout the year, every year coming to an end without washing, washing clothes, do not wash the bedding, that lice Yeah, like ants, able to prevent flooding. we move the bed under the bed, closet cabinets pesticide spilled outside, a layer in vain, frost-like. so also not a species. primary to secondary school, we were, apart from studying, the most important thing is to catch lice. boys caught public girls caught hiding in the toilet each other. often over the pages of text, read the words are numb.
Li Lin Shan: Another indigenous methods. winter itch hard, and put the trousers off, held on the live coals on end. Beware of injured hand, ah, must be those of the two legs , and then make a big coal fire toward the water. only to hear Chi Chi twice, the water vapor to fly from fleeing into the crotch straight. and then they crackling, lice off the fire after another, with the fried grasshopper-like. people with the grasshopper-like, twisted trousers straight Bengda, shouting does not itch does not itch! really comfortable really comfortable!
Laowei: your village, your dad as much as you poisoned?
Li Lin Shan : very little. We played a small wipe pesticide to kill lice, a natural habit.
Laowei: on the skin did not hurt?
Li Lin Shan: bursts of fire, leaving the lock of a lock of purple, and then large chunks molt. a little serious, a little puffy, a little top-heavy. a few hours to Huanguo Lai. can drink some pesticide suicide and do not necessarily have to come slowly.
Laowei: Many suicides?
Li Lin Shan: One year has those women commit suicide. drink some pesticide less, multi-hop well storing and pit latrines, more than two deep-na, planted in, do not climb on the sill.
Laowei: environment is too harsh! down evil woman mold married before coming.
Li Lin Shan: Local to find local, who does not hold anything. my family more than men, heavy taste, your home girl and more, taste more important, because the woman did not even open the opportunity to wash bath. I Old Yue Mujia the taste Yeah, station wall, the stranger can punch a somersault.
Laowei: What smell?
Li Lin Shan: beggars taste. not much stronger than the feces smell. our village each taste of home have their own characteristics. such as so and so, on my house, do not see my eyes, I could call out his name, because the smell in advance to turn into a wall. may this condition, the old mother also finds fault. In order to marry a wife, I play on the tens of miles outside the mines a few years working, no nose, no eyes, almost exhausted, only to earn tens of dollars per month.
Laowei: always eat it?
Lee Forest Hill: corn and millet, fill out a small .15 semi-full to a good person, a month to eat a pound of vegetable oil.'d open the supply of salt, not the thin salt, but also thicker than the seed corn rock salt, cooking is not easy of . Zhongyu Ao full sentences, home, and that coal is immersed in the meat stain, stigma generally will not come off.
Laowei: always take a bath, right?
Li Lin Shan: You can not. tube was also particularly strict. In addition to coal mining to be restricted to stay within the camp. Chase covered, wrap a blanket over the coal was still dark, I feel the greatest entertainment, everyone is crowded and simian clutch each other lice. because of shoulder and hair, enough of their own Eventually, let others tease tease, the kind of dumb effort, a piece of the muscle also reduced. Oh, save enough so two or three thousand, two thousand flowers from the new house, spent a bride price of 300. old mother kinda not happy. < br> Laowei: In the 1980s, this is a great money.
Li Lin Shan: I'm 21 years old that year. that part of the marriage lasted 10 years, I have to leave their homes in 1995 to Dali.
Laowei: before this?
Li Lin Shan: Nothing was provincial boundaries. his life journey, in 1988, saw the newspaper advertisement, and went to study tailoring Taiyuan. tens of miles away mountain, to Jin Zhuang train, in the compartment squeeze the night, Long capital.'ve never seen so many people and cars ah. along asking, and finally found the right place. business is booming tailor classes, a move at least five or six ten students. my body with 300 pieces tuition fees to pay dozens, buy new clothes to go out to spend more than 100, spend 27 to buy poor quality iron, but also cut the cloth self-study. the rest of the dozens of blocks, that is my .40-day meals, two daily their own baked bread, not enough to supply drinking water.
graduate returned to the village, I became a naive . can craft my crash course! practice a few years later, it was barely on the table In 1994, the uncle Chuxiong home to visit relatives, my divorce was bumped soon after the days hard to strive to mobilize me out, also I dig 300 tolls. So I spent a 4 days, climbing turn a few times, still packed in the hold in the day and night inside the urine, finally arrived in Yunnan.
Laowei: move trees die, people move to live, finally out of Oliver was.
Li Lin Shan: bath casual. shining white water dripping Yeah, first I kinda Routeng. who had a dream, the home and confused Dali, Erhai narrowing into a tub, which I vigorously bubble, was refused on the sill of the sick. can be so dark around me, folks in the head, from the cinder yard fly, Mamalielie: You ass Day, too corrupt! the lifeblood of our water a few generations, are you wasting out. and then they mouth bite. scared I cockroaches. Masamitsu dodge around the bottom, suddenly was not any water in a bathtub of Erhai Lake, and I stood in Nanshan Village, a Road Loess, those mouth Yeah, a bit of a black Indian children, I restored the blink of an eye in the home of ghosts.
Laowei: What happened then?
Li Lin Shan: Wake up. northerners to run thousands of miles to the south, at the beginning are not comfortable. Guadan rice, thinking about pasta. for the boss, too busy, not any way to get yourself.
Laowei: also do you tailor?
Li Lin Shan: Yes. to the ancient city of Foreigner Street. and later on refined This open their own shop.
Laowei: Legend of mending line.
Li Lin Shan: Now in the shop of the marble can be considered old. But the so-called maintain a food and clothing. I thought ah, marble and fake foreigners are more foreigners, all kinds of fancy dress is also very international, I'm old fashioned that in Shanxi, no ability to compete with others. but make a scar, lock one side, another zipper, Gross earned a few bits of money to a head office. In this way, a .32-year-old firm footing now, I'm here 15 years, live frugally and send home a lot of money.
Laowei: not old marble of the .
Li Lin Shan: it second only to Aborigines. But in the diet, is still consciously or unconsciously, to keep some of the Shanxi characteristics. such as the package the dumplings, the old thinking about children Riga carrot to meat, wait a few two-plus kilograms of meat radish, cut over and over again. in the home, year round bag for a return to dumplings, also saw the taste of meat but not meat.
Laowei: another day on me, we are a big restaurant, the whole big meat.
Li Lin Shan: Now eat Law could not eat. tranches cancer was feeling stuck in here. every meal of luck in his mouth first package saliva, suck a little bit and see dip was smooth ring true; if smooth to ride the momentum, suck a few mouthfuls porridge; finally get through, before they can eat dry things properly.
Laowei: If bad luck?
Li Lin Shan: The first saliva was the top back, only to starve.
Laowei: No wonder you so capable.
Li Lin Shan: skinny, of course, Legend darn close shop. I step on the fixed sewing machine, and got left this little bit of residual life, I have to relax.
Laowei: confused you?
Li Lin Hill: No confusion, God will be arranged.
Laowei: When did you know there is a God?
Li Lin Shan: an early age to know. trance I remember a newspaper or a text? have said that Christianity is the spirit of imperialism, slavery, the opium of the Chinese people, there is no killing the baby, as a sacrifice, it is terror.
Laowei: Do you believe?
Li Lin Shan: I'm on the school during the Cultural Revolution. his first lesson, the teacher called dirty boy opened dozens of textbooks , read the first page chorus: Long live Chairman Mao! the second page: Long live the Chinese Communist Party! third page: Long live the Commune! in the bud when we were brainwashed. I believe red. I believe positive. I believe atheism. our village did not Christians, burn incense and pray the old man some old lady, and I particularly despise, and constantly a Christian, and the ancient church, 100 years of history. There are Catholic, Muslim, Baha'i, and so on. But I instinctively rejected the so-called that is, Rakshasa, there are a number of great ancestors.
Li Lin Shan: all this, I thought that it was , products are also rich in religious and marijuana may it offensive.
Laowei: hey, still upright than the Communist Party cadres.
Li Lin Shan: by victims of atheism, no trust, no joy for a living and make ends meet, do not know where is the head. Crackdown trouble thing to plan how to escape, smoking, drinking, hold a stomach gas, Xiang Maren, did not dare. my daughter into meningitis, high fever, 6-year-old converted epilepsy, and later into a dumb, 9 years old died, my heart is bleeding, do not know how to do.
Laowei: dizzy ah.
Li Lin Shan: get cancer, I was puzzled, because the number of sit there straight fingers, no days enjoyable day, let alone the value of life.
Laowei: If your home has 20 million, if you rule the disease two years ago, Li Lin Shan hh
: 5 years to live , is not the same die. invisible blunt son, stab you, cut you, middle of the night uncomfortable, arousal, and sit up, but only may be able to. can only endure! not mind kept on suicide. you give yourself early, can not give you cancer.
Laowei: God did not abandon you.
Li Lin Shan: the good Lord, forgive me, a sinner now.
Laowei: Do you know the first by whom the Lord? < br> Li Lin Shan: There is a Young Brother, from the border of Yunnan Baoshan over, living in Dali. He often passed by my shop, Lianshu had to come in to chat. Lao Li, ah, recently? how good I can not say , have cancer friends. he was surprised to sit with me, for I worry, oh, this is a bottomless pit of money! I say no money, only to die Luo. but he said, so do not despair, believing it, Lao Li , the Lord will heal you. Then he repeated door. Old Lee ah, see you in this situation, only one way of believing. the hospital can not help you, relatives can not help you, the Government every day shouting because I live in this ghost Baba Yan, slightly snobbish, afraid of contamination of bad luck yet. may the Lord but by Yeung, again and again to her door. So I cried, Lord ah! believe you! < br> Laowei: miracles can happened?
Li Lin Shan: Young brothers on the spot as I had never blog prayer. on the street is still bustling, the sun still shines in this world, roofs many piles, a few birds children chattering in the trees branches. more distance, hills still ring with our Erhai hh
Laowei: you become a writer ah, Lao Li.
Li Lin Shan: I followed the Yang brothers, hold hands, arrived in the chest, continuous line to tears. is not grief, but gratitude. the first time my life, I do not want to own, not people, and to the Lord, He above us, above all things, higher than the hills of Erhai Lake. I am a parent of Health , my life is God given, but I did not know. cancer that I realized that I was Cairu earth heart, fly, feel the kingdom of heaven.
Laowei: I have been infected you .
Li Lin Shan: fits and starts, like an electric shock. wind blowing in his face is very comfortable. But when I only fathom their own, only when the elusive cancer cells, but was controlled by Satan, with no sense of style is very comfortable .
Laowei: The Yang brothers to church do?
Li Lin Hill: He is the family church of the preacher, who think that church is not necessarily followers of Jesus; turn, the Government Bureau of Religious Affairs does not endorse him This way .2008 Easter, I have the north gate in Dali century-old church baptized. Dali believers around and I almost, the church with prayer and family gatherings to cross.
Laowei: Jesus Christ this year Do you think the disease reduced?
Li Lin Shan: the disease may be aggravated. because the more difficult swallowing, weight loss faster. But the spirit of the very relaxed. at the beginning of prayer selfishness is there, the Lord each time medical treatment, such as This committed the sin of spiritual trouble. a few years in addition to suffering, or suffering, even if it is still hard to live for several decades. To truly repent, not so easy. So preacher commanded, to pray. for the family as a friend, for Those away from the Savior of the Lambs, a disaster occurred in the world every day, for around the injustice, greed and murder, confessed to deep incrimination rather than state, nation and individual prayers. ask for forgiveness, Lord, to the their opportunity to turn over. because Jesus bear the cross, was crucified, no one's suffering, more important than the cross. to Jesus on his deathbed said: Lord, ah, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing. This is Prayer ah. a Christian, praying for others, if the heart and soul, the Lord will be the occasion in asleep, cure your disease.
Laowei: terminally ill patients commit suicide will be considered without exception, you do?
Li Lin Shan: considered, but it must be repentance of sin. because all life is God, you have no right to arbitrarily end. I have a cold, had surgery, have many years of water shortages. then that can not stand, but or under. I want to die naturally, never dry and painful surgery, and perhaps lighter than the fever, just like leaves falling earth, and the soul are falling in the arms of an angel.
Laowei: I heard you yesterday night did not sleep well?
Li Lin Shan: Cangshan down Rolling Thunder middle of the night awakened suddenly very helpless, tears unwittingly spinning. quickly silence sing br> Laowei: this alone, your family can understand you?
Li Lin Shan: I try not to disturb them. the room is too small, I went to the shop. is reading brother to pass, with a smile hello. I looked up, he looked to brake step: look so bad? Lee brothers, ah, last night during a thunderstorm, terror Oh well, I woke up it two or three times, I feel God and the devil is in the ear war. I The face is also very poor, right?
Laowei: He Meihuazhaohua.
Li Lin Shan: I understand. But we still rambling hour, until the street were increased, my mind gradually calm down.
Laowei: You Tingyou fate.
Li Lin Shan: Lord of the arrangements. through his introductions, I met you, but also the first time I interviewed. This is the main arrangement. < br> Laowei: We talked so long, it is consumption of vitality.
Li Lin Shan: towards the end of the former, so sort out their own in this life, but also not a good feeling.
Supplement, mottled spots split setting sun, shrouded live in small homes of the iceberg. Old Lee side conversation, side raise the pasta, white card face gradually flushing, sweating forehead is also slightly. riding a good atmosphere, I have repeatedly asked him a few shouted However, for chest mention gas, to a period of the need to rebel hh
Old Lee I'm sorry that this tone, had the second a roar roar roar even three, buzzing, even pressure over Shaanxi Opera, you can own the gas shortage, only an octave lower, the metal texture of the fake voice to turn into a sissy.
and I was heartily cheered, and think that lowering the tone of the Shangdang Lazi, actually mixed with some low table in the courtyard surrounded, surrounded by steaming dumplings Shanxi, bow prayer. Old Lee led the prayer aloud. I thought he would ask the Lord heal his usual pain, but unexpectedly he starts with is ah, you make more than teachers Liu Kun, and brothers came here to listen to my little experience, they are great men of culture, even to come and be my friend, this is your gift ah. ask you to bless their health, joy hh < br> This very long prayer before a meal, some cold dumplings, but I blush, and many times we should follow, After the dumplings to eat relatively smooth. carefully whispered Kun Yu, Lao Li fear swallow, go next door sprayed some medicine.
I always smile. I have seen hungry, die of hunger everywhere, eat like other indecent, can at the moment I was a gentleman general restraint. until the handshake, farewell, turned out quite a long way, I still smile masks. everyone knows, I do not want to laugh. cheeks hurt ordinary needle. I do not want to laugh!
Doutou A muffled thunder. and then a shower. and then went gust of wind. and then Next, the wet rose on children, seem to hang Jisi hills of moss. Lord, ah, this is what you create, the marble. is forever elusive Dali.

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