Monday, February 14, 2011

Confused wait

 Confusion, a beautiful little compassion words
life like a dream, both real and unreal
and I like a vagrant soul, no direction
shop in the air scatter sunlight , lazy but warm
I stand in the crowd quietly into the air close to the
result, pedestrians hurried quietly into the background
I stopped at that
like a lost child, butter, waiting for what
but he is not scared I just stood
not anxious, lazy warmth of the sun dropped into the bottom of my heart
even very calm, waiting for something ...... I Not sure, but always waiting for the arrival of
waiting for you, waiting for your voice
waiting for you even if only the word only language film is a mood

waiting for her inner feelings A world where everyone has the desire

waiting for love waiting, waiting for the joy of success
waiting, waiting for our mutual happiness
just a different mood each time waiting for the time

heart kind of sense of joy and loss

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